The Lanesboro school board met for a regular meeting on the evening of July 13 at 7 p.m. Present at the meeting was Steve Storhoff, Chris Troendle, Steve Snyder, Mark Holmen, and Kevin Horihan. Superintendent Shultz was also in attendance. After leading the room in the Pledge of Allegiance, Chris Troendle opened up the floor for public comment. Tamara DeGarmo was the only … [Read more...]
KPS utilizes collection agency
The Kingsland School Board met for their regular meeting on June 26 at 6 p.m. Kyle Radar, Gary Broadwater, Carmen Anderson, Cindy Seabright, Steve Tammel, Pam Freet and Superintendent Scott Klavetter were all present during roll call. After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting’s agenda was approved unanimously with no additions. The school board acknowledged … [Read more...]
Wykoff purchases new light poles
The Wykoff City Council met on the evening of June 12. All council members except Kaleb Himli were present at the meeting. After the approval of minutes, time was taken to listen to the comments of Wykoff citizens. Todd Northway spoke to the council about his concerns with the state of the emergency sirens in town. The sirens were first installed in the early eighties and … [Read more...]
Kingsland School Board approves track replacement bid
By Andrew Darling The Kingsland School Board met in regular session on the evening of May 15. In attendance were board members Kyle Radar, Gary Broadwater, Carmen Anderson, Cindy Seabright, Steve Tammel, Pam Freet and Superintendent Scott Klavetter. After roll call was completed, Kyle Radar led the room in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting’s agenda was … [Read more...]
Wykoff Council talks bids and repairs
The Wykoff City Council met for their regularly scheduled city council meeting on May 5, at 7 p.m. All board members were present and Mayor Ryan Breckenridge led in the Pledge of Allegience. The evening’s consent agenda was unanimously approved with no additions or discussion. During the public comment portion of the evening, one Wykoff citizen brought up the dust problem … [Read more...]
Kingsland School Board discusses track replacement
The Kingsland School Board met for a regular session on the evening of April 17 at 6 p.m. Present at the meeting were board members Kyle Radar, Gary Broadwater, Carmen Anderson, Cindy Seabright, Steve Tammel, and Pam Freet and Superintendent Scott Klavetter. After the role call was completed, Kyle Radar led in the pledge of allegiance. The evening’s agenda was approved with no … [Read more...]
Dr. Stephanie Jakim, with OMC Preston since the beginning, retires after 29 years
After almost 29 years of providing medical care to residents of Fillmore County, Dr. Jakim, of the Preston Olmsted Medical Center, is ready to retire. Whether it’s a routine immunization, or treating injuries, many have become familiar with Dr. Jakim’s friendly face. Dr. Stephanie Jakim is originally from Lima, a town in Ohio named after the capital of Peru. She grew up in a … [Read more...]
Rahe house fire in Wykoff
It was just another normal day at work for Wykoff local Kelly Rahe when she received an urgent call from her neighbors. They called her around 1:30 on Tuesday, March 13. They told her that smoke was seen coming from her house. At this point, 911 had already been called. The Rahe’s neighbors were kind enough to get the dogs out of the house, and hold them at their house. The … [Read more...]
Wykoff forms an EDA
The Wykoff City Council met on the evening of April 10. The meeting began at 7 p.m. with Mayor Ryan Breckenridge leading in the pledge of allegiance. Also present at the meeting was Lyle Morey, Barb Fate, and Jeff Hare; Kaleb Himli was absent. Two additions were made to the agenda – discussion of forming an EDA and Jeff Hare’s news from a realtor he’d met with. The consent … [Read more...]
SMEC answers Kingsland School Board questions
The Kingsland school board met for a regular meeting on the evening of March 20 at 6 p.m. In attendance was Superintendent Scott Klavetter, board members Carmen Anderson, Gary Broadwater, Pam Freet, Kyle Rader, Cindy Seabright and Steve Tammel. After the pledge of allegiance, the board took time to give thanks for several recent donations. The VFW Auxillary Post #4114 donated … [Read more...]
Wykoff to allow chickens
Wykoff City Council met on March 13 at 7 p.m. Two topics were open for public comment – discussion on chicken ordinances and discussion on utility rate increases. No citizens had comments. Mayor Breckenridge called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegience. The evening’s agenda was approved with no additions or changes. Going over the consent agenda the council … [Read more...]
Kingsland Approves ‘23/’24 Calendar
The Kingsland School Board met in regular session on the evening of February 13. The meeting began with a roll call. Carmen Anderson, Gary Broadwater, Pam Freet, Kyler Rader, Cindy Seabright and Steve Tammel were all present, as well as Superintendent Scott Klavetter. Donations Board members had no additions to the meeting’s agenda. The board started with giving thanks for … [Read more...]
Kingsland School Board considers solar
The Kingsland School Board met for a work session meeting on the evening of February 6. In attendance were Superintendent Scott Klavetter, Principal Deana Dontje, board members Carmen Anderson, Gary Broadwater, Pam Freet, Kyle Rader, Cindy Seabright, and Steve Tammel. With no additions to the agenda, the board took time to recognize and thank recent donations to the school. … [Read more...]