The Lanesboro school board met for a regular meeting on the evening of July 13 at 7 p.m. Present at the meeting was Steve Storhoff, Chris Troendle, Steve Snyder, Mark Holmen, and Kevin Horihan. Superintendent Shultz was also in attendance.
After leading the room in the Pledge of Allegiance, Chris Troendle opened up the floor for public comment. Tamara DeGarmo was the only speaker to sign up. She thanked the board for updating the website with meeting minutes and notes. She also asked that meeting agendas be posted to the school’s website 24 hours in advance of a school board meeting.
The agenda was approved with one addition: discussion of a new state statute requiring overdose medication be available at the school.
During the facilities report, board member Mark Holmen inquired if the school’s recently installed solar panels are up and running. Shultz answered that the solar panels are working, and are already helping save on electrical costs.
Superintendent Shultz shared that he attended a recent meeting for the Highway 250 construction project. He informed the board that much of the plans are preliminary so far, but the goal is to start the project in 2026.
A locksmith recently visited the school and made repairs. The new drafting room has been emptied. Work on asbestos abatement will begin next week, and then new paint and flooring after that.
Lanesboro Schools’ new website has launched and boasts several exciting new features. The front page has an events calendar that staff members can help keep updated. Shultz also added that Lanesboro’s new app is also available, but the old app still needs to be removed from play stores. Superintendent Shultz has started emailing parents to inform them of the new website.
Daycare Director Lindsey Hanson was present to give her report. She inquired about the possibility of offering a discount for employees who have their own children in the daycare. Hanson also asked about raising daycare rates 10-15 cents, or charging parents a monthly or annual fee. The extra income would help cover the rising costs of supplies. A formal proposal for a rate increase and/or fee schedule will be put together for the board to vote on. The board asked how she was doing with staff coverage. Hanson replied that she recently lost two daycare employees, but said she has some people interested in applying for open positions.
Personnel items
The board approved the hiring of coaches for fall sports. James Semmen will be coaching football, Frankie Kohn will be coaching volleyball, Ellen Cullen will be coaching cross country, and Desiree Ferrie will be the cheerleading coach. Jim Schott was hired as head maintenance custodian, Chad Wangen was hired as transportation director and Emily Goodnow was hired to teach third grade.
New business
After some discussion, the board approved the long-term facilities maintenance plan. They also voted to approve membership with the Minnesota Rural Education Association and Minnesota School Board Association.
The employee/teacher handbook and student handbook were approved. The employee/teacher handbook was updated to reflect the school’s strategic plan.
Chris Troendle recommended the board table the HVED joint powers agreement, as the lawyers are still working with the seller of the Winona facility. The motion to approve the joint powers agreement was tabled.
The board voted to approve $3,600 in gifts, which included donations for the TexMex trip.
Finally, the board discussed a new Minnesota statute that would require schools to have at least two doses of naloxone and a staff member be trained in the handling of the drug. Naloxone can be used to reverse an opioid overdose. Matt Shultz said there’s a free online course where one can learn how to administer the nasal spray. Board member Steve Snyder asked who could be liable if the drug was mishandled. Shultz replied that it would likely fall under Good Samaritan laws, but said he would consult with the school’s lawyer. The board approved the statute.
Lanesboro School Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be August 9 at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
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