Photo by Andrew Darling
The Kingsland School Board met for a regular session on the evening of April 17 at 6 p.m. Present at the meeting were board members Kyle Radar, Gary Broadwater, Carmen Anderson, Cindy Seabright, Steve Tammel, and Pam Freet and Superintendent Scott Klavetter. After the role call was completed, Kyle Radar led in the pledge of allegiance. The evening’s agenda was approved with no additions made.
The board thanked Sue Puffer, Lucy Drinkall and Mason Meyer of the Spring Valley Ambulance Service for donating their time to train the 10th graders to become CPR certified. The VFW Auxiliary Post 4114 donated $339 to the Washington, D.C. trip. VFW Post 4114 also donated $210 to the Washington, D.C. trip. Char O’Connor donated $130 to the school’s lunch program in memory of Steve O’Connor. Polly Lentz graciously donated $1,000 to the school’s elementary library. Eisenman Services donated $700 to the soccer program. Rack’s Bar & Grill donated $50 to HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America – Future Health Professionals). Janelle Mosher-Rowe also donated $75 to HOSA.
Kingsland’s student council gave their update regarding the Whitewater Trip for eighth grade. The board would vote to approve the trip under new business. Transportation updates were given; the new school bus was purchased and will be arriving in a few weeks. The company that sells the buses reportedly sold the same bus to two different schools, so there was a slight delay in receiving the bus. The school’s business manager took time to give her financial report over Zoom. Through March they will have worked through approximately 75% of the budget. Expenditures for extra curricular activities were modestly higher than expected. Those higher expenditures will be used to make next year’s budget more accurate. Overall, the revised budget is showing as accurate. Board member Broadwater asked if people not paying their property taxes could affect the school’s budget. Superintendent Klavetter replied that such a thing hasn’t been a problem, but if it gets to a critical mass of unpaid property taxes it could affect the school’s budget.
Next, the board went over SMEC (Southern Minnesota Education Consortium, the special education consortium to which Kingsland belongs) updates and the possibility of building a new bus shed. The shed would be built at SMEC’s facility near Austin. Two bids have come back, both at over $1 million for the project. The shockingly high number is due to a number of factors – namely the idea of using the shed as a multipurpose space. Architects were consulted in a previous meeting. Other reasons the projected costs are so high is due to required fire suppression systems and pollution control measures. Another meeting to discuss how to cut costs with the project will take place in May. SMEC’s goal is to have a plan in place for a bus shed by early 2024.
For some time, board members have wanted to have a blacktop track installed next to the school. Funding for the project has already been secured, with the school’s booster club offering to cover half of the costs.
“It’ll look nice and professional,” remarked Board member Tammel. Only one bid for the project has been received; at least one more bid will come in the following weeks.
Under new business, the high school course offerings for 2023/24 school year was discussed. Many parents have expressed interest in enrolling their children in a personal finance course. Such a course is available to grades 10, 11 and 12 as an elective. Board member Radar said, “Financial readiness could be the most useful math course a student takes. Balancing a checkbook or writing a budget are useful skills to learn.” The course offerings were accepted as shown.
The last item under new business was to decide whether or not to allow the eighth graders to go on a trip to Whitewater State Park. The dates reserved for the trip are May 22 and 23. Bus driver Jerry Cleveland offered to drive the students, if there’s a bus available to use. Board member Anderson noted that student behavior on this trip may dictate whether future trips will be permitted. The trip was approved unanimously.
The next work session meeting will be May 1 at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room. The next regular board meeting will be held May 15 at 6 p.m., also in the elementary conference room.
Carmen Anderson says
Hi Heather, Kingsland parent, and Nichole,
I apologize for not responding sooner to this post and your concerns. Being a mom of 3, I’m juggling 2 jobs, getting my masters and practicum with clients. Lots of busyness, but I want you to know that I hear you.
I know there are a lot of concerns and changes that our community, including yourselves, want to see within our district. And while change takes time and we want to see the Result we have to understand the importance of the Resolve. This involves working to mend bridges, building a stronger supportive community, and engaging positively for the betterment of our children.
I know there are some questions regarding some of the choices and comments that I have made. I try my best to emulate empathy, love, and compassion, not only on the board but within the community. At times, complete thoughts and words spoken during meetings are not fully printed. In turn this doesn’t always provide the full picture of what was discussed. In all honesty the best source is to listen/watch school board recordings.
Additionally, I am an open book, and I welcome engagement and would love to listen and answer any questions that you have for me. Please call, email, or text me so we can set up a time and connect in person.
Below is my information and a link to Kingsland’s Board minutes/recordings.
Many Blessings,
Carmen Anderson
(Scroll down to the bottom to access 2023 minutes)
Nichole says
Thanks for making the correction Fillmore County Journal. I was sccratching my head about that one too.
Heather, here is where I am at with the frustrations with the quote new school board. I put my mouth and my actions where my frustration was. I did not want my child to be in a place they are not regarded with good intent. There is a list of bungled things that led to our decision but we open enrolled elsewhere. It became clear that we probably were looking at about 4 years minimum of paying for the voting mistakes of the elderly population in Spring Valley who clearly have no clue what Kingsland WAS and how amazing the programs, classes, kids, teachers, staff, and the OLD school board were. They are more interested in not even knowing what Kingsland is all about and spreading rumors or making assumptions and then talking like they are truth. With most of the school board, they want religion stuffed down our kids throats, they want to tell teachers how to teach when they have no clue what even happens there, they gossip, they lie, they talk so negatively in the community about the school, the employees, even the kids! They literally have no idea what even goes on in the school and that is obvious by the stupid stuff that comes out of their mouths. I really want our school back but that is not going to happen until there are new sensible people on the school board, which will take YEARS. They wouldn’t even get rid of the person who has caused so much problem for staff, families, and the school board members that were good people! You are right, there was big public outcry and the school board didn’t listen. Instead they almost made her a school board chair WTH. Sorry Heather but your only hope is the aging uneducated voters die out so sense can be used about educating the kids unless you take your kids out of the toxic environment this school board has created like we did. Teachers are dropping like flies and so are other staff members, I take that as a huge sign! I’m glad we got out when we did! It was not the teachers or anyone else who had a part in our decision, we feel sorry for them! It was the nastiness Iof this school board and how they treat people, behave (or don’t behave), have zero support for education or any clue what is going on, and on and on. I wish the community could kick them out!
Kingsland parent says
You’re not wrong Heather. Someone who works at the school put this on their FB “Positions (so far) vacated this year at Kingsland:
Art teacher
English teacher
Tech Ed / Shop teacher
Activities Director
But I know that’s not all because read the minutes, the entire lunchroom staff has pretty much left and there has been other people who aren’t teachers too. Kingsland was doing so good and then a few school board members and Mr h left and it fell apart fast. But we have to take some responsibility because the stinkers sitting on the school board were voted in by us and half of them don’t even have any kids in school and one sends them to a different school so I guess it’s the people’s fault to begin with. But hey sports (that we suck at) are the school board focus now and making teachers the enemy sure seems to be the focus to. I don’t think these guys care how many people leave as long as athletes stay. But we have kids in school so our opinion doesn’t matter only seniors without kids in school matter. They can hold what open houses they want but doesn’t mean they care or listen to us.
Heather says
I do not get my questions answered by the school board so I’m hoping someone in our community sees this hear and might know the answers. I don’t understand why we need a new bus garage, we haven’t increased enrollment enough to add buses so why? How will it be paid for? By raising taxes? Is that necessary? I read all minutes, this came out of nowhere. Are we paying engineers to build this? Why does this new board want to constantly spend money? Also, what is wrong with the Whitewater Trip? Why is it being threatened and put on notice from the school board? It’s a long running tradition and there’s no problems with it and if there was why would you threaten to take it away from future classes when they haven’t done anything wrong? What in the world is going on with this school board? There has been a financial education class offered at Kingsland for quite awhile, how come the school board wouldn’t know that? I’m worried about what is happening at kingsland! Does anyone know answers to any of these questions? I sure miss being able to contact the school board and have conversations!
Andrew Darling says
Hello Heather. I had made an error in the article for the 4/17 KPS meeting. The bus shed project is actually SMEC’s. The Kingsland School board was giving an update on SMEC. I apologize for the error and a correction will be published in the next edition of the journal.
-Andrew Darling
Heather says
Thank you for clearing that up for me Andrew, that makes more sense now. I hope someone can offer me help with the other things I asked about too. Another question was where was funding secured for the track, did they only mention the donated part?
We used to have a transparent board so I’m sorry for the questions. This board doesn’t tell much.
Kyle says
Hi Heather, why not send me an email at rader.kyle@kingsland2137.org and I can help you out, point you in right direction, answer any questions etc. I am the chair this year and am in my 5th year on the board. I appreciate your questions and concerns.
Heather says
Because Kyle I have done that before and all I got was pretty much thanks for contacting me. I was not listened to AT ALL and no questions answered or followed up with. I had to learn from a bunch of other ticked off parents that the school board did absolutely nothing with the person that caused a huge problem in our community and was crazy unprofessional but then made her an officer. on the school board You don’t listen to us and none of you guys do. good luck getting anyone to show up at your community open talk no one trusts that lady. We need a new school board! We have how many teachers leaving this year because of you guys? How come open enrollment is huge this year? There are people on the school board who should just resign and do what is right for the kids. We can’t even keep staff now because of o0ur school board. So no, no way I am emailing you and getting frustrated again. Thanks no thanks.