Photo by Andrew Darling
The Wykoff City Council met for their regularly scheduled city council meeting on May 5, at 7 p.m. All board members were present and Mayor Ryan Breckenridge led in the Pledge of Allegience. The evening’s consent agenda was unanimously approved with no additions or discussion.
During the public comment portion of the evening, one Wykoff citizen brought up the dust problem that’s been plaguing parts of 1st Street. The homeowner offered to get bids to repave a part of the road. Once bids are received the council may help pay for the paving costs.
Next, Rick Whitney gave his wastewater treatment report. He recently became recertified as a biosolid certified applicator. Whitney also reported that the temperature around a control panel at the wastewater treatment plant has been too high with the recent warm temperature. He suggested he could divert some of the cool air from the office to the control panel. He also reported that since biosolids tested abnormally high last year they are required to send in two samples this year. Whitney sent in the first round of samples and the next batch will be sent for testing in the fall.
The fire department report was given by Wade Baker. The Wykoff fire department formally accepted the resignation of Nick Lanthrup, which now means they have two open positions. Baker added that the battery charger for one of the tankers hasn’t been working properly. He said he will shop around for replacements to be presented at next month’s meeting.
During the meeting’s streets report Barb Fate questioned why they had a recent bill for the city’s street sweeper if it was purchased last year. Rebecca Schmidt clarified that the street sweeper was purchased with a government loan program and they were making payments on it. Moving onto community education, Barb Fate said a recent wood burning class in Spring Valley had an excellent turnout.
Mayor Breckenridge gave his report to the council, stating he recently met with a civic professional to determine if the town’s EDA would be necessary for the sale of a city property. It was determined that the EDA would not be needed for the sale, but the organization would remain, since it was just formed at the April meeting.
Next, the council went over bids to take care of several dead ash trees around town. Bids from Olson, Norby, and Integrity Tree Services were discussed. The council talked it over, and decided to go with Norby Tree Services, since their prices were the most competitive and they would be able to grind the stumps.
Under new business, the council brought up how Ed’s Museum was due for new windows. Due to the building being on the historic register, repairs would not be cheap. It was unclear as to if the city would be responsible for the repairs, or if the historical society would be. The item was tabled. The council discussed how the community center building would be needing new siding. Several quotes were presented. Options were D4 vinyl, D5 vinyl and tin siding. Barb Fate voted to install the D5 vinyl. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Finally, the council approved a resolution to sell the town’s ball park to Mundfrom Builders. The ballpark has not been sold yet, but the resolution will allow for the sale in the future.
The next Wykoff City Council meeting is scheduled for June 12, at 7 p.m.
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