Science has proven that emotions are created by thoughts. Pause there. Did you actually digest that? Here it comes again: science has proven that emotions are created by the thoughts that we think. This means the feelings we will experience today come from the thoughts we are thinking. So, how are you feeling today? Maybe you’re anxious? Discouraged? Disappointed? Feeling … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm – Surprising Key to Learning
What does your student need? It’s not what you think. New plan… Next summer, I’ll just tape my eyelids open so I can’t blink and maybe summer will last a little longer. I’ve heard many moms say their kids need to get “back into a routine” this fall, but I’d like to suggest (and research supports) that we need to intentionally keep a little summer in our fall in order for our … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm – Your Last, First Breath
Eleven days ago, I held my dad’s hand while he took his last breath. After a 15-month battle with brain cancer, he stepped from earth into eternity with Jesus. In the last hours of his life, we hung on every breath as apnea caused long pauses between each one. Each pause brought the loudest silent words I’ve ever heard as we collectively wondered “was that his last one?” … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm – Burning the Jerks to the Ground
Matches and lighter fluid in hand, I charged toward my bedroom like a bluefaced Mel Gibson in “Braveheart” yelling “They can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!!!” At least,that’s how I wanted to feel. If you’re just joining us - we’re in the middle of a closet purging battle. Dawn from the Minimal Mom on YouTube told me that I would have more peace if I … [Read more...]
Fresh Off the Farm – Do You Have Closet Jerks?
“I guess I’ll have to start a nudist colony,” I told my husband. He didn’t seem to take my declaration seriously, so I figured I’d better amp it up. “I’ve been learning from Dawn at The Minimal Mom on YouTube and she said that if something isn’t an eight or higher out of 10, it isn’t worth owning.” Dawn explains how everything we own is talking (and sometimes screaming) at … [Read more...]
I Can’t Make This Stuff Up: If You Can’t Drink Milk, You Need To Try It Raw!
I’ve lost count of the number of times people have told me they can’t drink milk, but they can drink fresh, raw milk with no trouble at all! Seeing the giddy excitement on someone’s face as they share their newfound milk-freedom never gets old. I imagine this is how Santa Claus must feel – dishing out gifts that take your breath away. Did you ever get a gift that you thought … [Read more...]
I Hear You!
I see you, friend. I hear that you’re curious if raw milk is all it’s cracked up to be. Does it really work or is it too good to be true? How do I know? Because I know you’re reading! Many of you had additional questions about my last article and wanted to hear more. Every week, I hear the most amazing raw milk stories. I could write a book with the hundreds of ways I’ve … [Read more...]
Farm Wife Meal Magic!
Guess what?! I’ve been working on something for the last year and it changes everything in my kitchen. I wrote about it in 2022 and I’m here to ask: Have you tried it yet? If not, you need to! If you’re like me, you love learning from someone else’s experience, especially if they learned it the hard way! So here I am, telling you that this hack works. Back to our hack: … [Read more...]
Fresh Off the Farm
Are You Tracking with Me? I’m embarrassed to say that I made a 2023 image board for my 2023 goals and I am STILL planning to print it... as in, I lived 12 months meaning to take action on my goals and there it sits on my computer - unprinted and unused. It’s not like I didn’t do anything last year. I did a lot, but did it align with what I wanted for my year? It could have … [Read more...]
Why I’m Wrecked This Christmas (It’s not what you think)
Have you ever been so busy, you miss something that was right in front of your face? (Like in the summer, when I look around the whole house for the sunglasses that are top of my head.) Please tell me I’m not the only one! Sometimes we forget the things that are most important because we’re too busy running around to see them. The same can be true of Christmas. The “most … [Read more...]
Fresh off the farm: Why I’m Not Thankful
Nothing has gone as planned today. You know the day. I set my alarm early to get some kid-free work done and then they woke up before my alarm. (How do they know?!) I didn’t eat the nutritious breakfast I was planning because I was feeding a crabby baby and I felt munchy. (#oops) I didn’t stretch, exercise, or gather my thoughts this morning because #littlepeople. Now they’re … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm: Looking For a Fall Treat That’s Good For You? Here It Is!
My kids got bit by the hot cocoa bug this week. Somehow, when the weather changes, it takes our diet with it. Does it change yours? My menu shifts completely from summer cookouts to soups and roasts. It doesn’t matter the season, I know giving my kids a cup with 1,000 grams of refined sugar in it isn’t the best idea. So, I cringe a little when they ask for hot … [Read more...]
Fresh Off The Farm – Every Mom Knows….
I couldn’t believe my ears. Relief flooded over her face as she told me her story with a beaming grateful smile. As she talked, I wondered silently: Could raw milk really change someone’s life? It’s funny I could wonder, because people tell me every week how raw milk is changing their lives. People constantly tell me stories of raw milk healing eczema, clearing up breakouts, … [Read more...]
Fresh off the farm – The most important thing about your trip around the sun
The most important thing about your trip around the sun Yesterday, I completed another 584 million-mile trip around the sun. If you’re like me, my brain can’t comprehend that many miles. In order to travel that many miles in a year, Google tells me that’s 67,000 mph or 18.5 miles per second, which is like running a marathon in 1.4 seconds. Traveling that fast would be like … [Read more...]
Fresh Off The Farm – Shut down the Sherry!!
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s actually a fight that my Flying Farmer husband and I have been having. It happens every day and we have a really hard time NOT having this fight. It’s almost like it’s part of who we are. No - I’m not talking about a fight we have with each other… I’m talking about the fight we have with the voices in our heads. Know what I … [Read more...]