See – I have this thing called a comfort zone. She’s my favorite place to be – at least if I’m not thinking beyond today. She knows just what I like and she keeps me far away from what I don’t like. If something sounds like it might fall outside of her, we just avoid that. She and I are pretty tight. This week, I told my comfort zone to take a hike and we launched our silo … [Read more...]
Fresh off the farm – Did you miss it?
My eyes jolted open, only to see what I shouldn’t see through my windshield: tall grass whipping by as I drove somewhere I knew I shouldn’t be. Confused and panicked, my foggy brain picked my foot off the accelerator. What in the world had I done? Where was I? My breath escaped me as I realized what I was doing: I had fallen asleep at the wheel – crossed oncoming traffic, and … [Read more...]
Could two seconds a day change your life? It’s changing mine.
You might want to sit down for this. What if your kids asked to get out of bed early to happily clean and organize the house? I’m fully aware I sound crazy. I never thought my kids would do it. But they are (some days) and it’s rocking my world! “How does this work?!!!” Thanks for asking - I’d love to share. Recently, I was introduced to Paul Akers’ “2 Second Lean” book … [Read more...]
Do I every day?
What if “I do” wasn’t about taking? FamilyLife Today sends a daily marriage tip to my inbox. The subject never fails to give me pause. “I Do Every Day,” it reads, followed by whatever topic is being covered for that day. The first “I Do” I said on my wedding day in response to the long string of intense questioning about having and holding, forsaking all others, in sickness, … [Read more...]
My 2023 marriage needs this. Does yours?
Sneaking down the creaky stairs of my old farmhouse, I popped my earbuds in for a few quiet minutes of the Family Life Today podcast before my kids were roused. I wasn’t expecting what I heard but it was exactly what my marriage needed… maybe yours does too? (I’ll share it below!) My husband and I are actually doing something new in 2023. We’re making a vision board for our … [Read more...]
Gaining some lack this Christmas
I’m experimenting on my kids.Don’t tell them that. Some of you actually know my kids, so I’m serious. What’s the experiment? For several years, I’ve been curating lack in their lives. Before you call Protective Services, don’t worry... my kids are clothed and fed. But here’s what I mean: Convenience in America has turned into quite the little beast. Somewhere along the … [Read more...]
Trying to survive mom-life on empty? This recipe changed everything for me!
Mom-life is no joke; but we often don’t take it seriously. Sure, keeping little people alive is serious, but the person who holds the “mom” title is often an afterthought. For many years, I ignored my mom-nutrition, and my whole family suffered for it. I’ve learned the hard way, that there is a better way. Recovering from my first daughter’s birth nine years ago was … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Lawn
I’m learning the hard way: Why I need a forehead tattoo The words clogged my throat, choked by feelings of inadequacy. You wouldn’t think that five words would be so hard. Honestly, words aren’t hard, but feelings are. Just spit it out! Wrapped in lies of my own creation, I feared the response to my words. For many years, I’ve believed I should be a better homeschool … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm
Three ways to rescue the last drops of summer (start with my Creamsicle recipe!) For the record: I don’t hate school. However, I recently saw something mildly horrific: “Back to School Supplies” My summer just started, and then WalMart had the gall to go back to school on me?! (Don’t they know we’re squeezing out the last few drops of sunshine?!) Then Mr. Guilt attacked … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm
What are you thinking?! Five lessons I learned during my “impossible” marathon One year ago today, I did the craziest thing of my life. Eight months prior to that, I laughed at my friend when she excitedly suggested that we should run a marathon together. You name the limiting belief, I had it. And I believed it - 1,000% Maybe you’re there too. Unfortunately, I feel … [Read more...]
Fresh off the Farm – Will butter kill you?? …What if they were wrong?
She looked at me with raised eyebrows. “So, why aren’t we eating more butter?!” she said. Her wide eyes questioned mine. “You’re saying butter is GOOD for me?” she pressed. She was a mom, just like me.... I didn’t grow up on a dairy farm. I used to know nothing about cows. You know what else I didn’t know? How healthy butter is! Growing up, my mom didn’t villainize butter, … [Read more...]
Fresh Off the Farm-History doesn’t take naps: Why you need a Poofy Pancake today
If today was the only memory your child would have, would you live it differently? Some of us would forget everything else and have a cake fest. Others would schedule things out to the minute. Maybe some wouldn’t leave the couch to allow for every last snuggle. I doubt any of us would carry on as usual. What does this have to do with a Farmhouse Poofy Pancake recipe? … [Read more...]
Fresh Off The Farm – I stopped running around the yard with my tongue out… When did that become weird?
Does anything make you giddy from your toes? Or maybe a better question is - do you get excited over things as an adult? I’m not talking average, ho-hum “excitement.” I’m talking real, live, DELIGHT. As a kid, it’s ok to jump, squeal and holler from the bottom of your toes to the top of your head. Not so as an adult. That’s just weird – if anyone is watching. But should … [Read more...]
Fresh Off the Farm – You want me to drink fermented, what??
Sniff, sniff… GAG …what just happened? The first time I made kefir, I gagged and threw it away. I was given some weird looking cauliflower jellish balls known as “kefir grains” and was told they were AAAAAMAZING. “Just pour milk over them and let it sit for 24 hours.” Easy enough! I proceeded as instructed. Twenty-four hours later, I Martha Stewart-ed my way to the … [Read more...]