March 1, 2022, around 80 citizens of Harmony had the opportunity to share their views on a proposed retail variety store ordinance with the city council at a special hearing. The hearing began with Greg Schieber, city lawyer and EDA member briefly recounting the recent history of the proposed ordinance. Harmony EDA first discussed last fall whether a variety store such as … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson prepares to interview superintendent applicants
The R-P School Board has begun the process of finding a new superintendent after learning last month that Jon Thompson plans to retire at the end of the current school year. Two sets of interview questions, an initial and a second round, have been created and were accepted by the board after slight wording changes. A staff input form has also been prepared for staff attending … [Read more...]
Exit Bremer Bank, enter Rushford State Bank in Houston
When Bremer Bank sent letters to their Houston customers in early January about their pending April 15 closure of their brick and mortar bank, it came as a complete surprise to many. Bremer Bank’s vice president of communications, Clarise Tushie, explained the move, “Like many others in the banking industry, we are seeing digital adoption accelerate throughout our footprint … [Read more...]
Johnson’s Rolling Acres named Producer of the Year
Minnesota Milk chose Johnson’s Rolling Acres of Peterson, Minn., as Producer of the Year at their annual meeting in December. In order to be chosen, someone in the industry nominates a farm; the farm then fills out an application. Rolling Acres has been nominated for the last five years; this year they were chosen. Peers in the community of milk producers choose the award … [Read more...]
Houston Council makes staffing decisions
At their regular monthly council meeting on February 14, the Houston City Council chose to keep the assistant librarian salary as had been decided in November. Any adjustment to the wages will need to be made in advance of the next budget cycle. Two individuals had been interviewed in the search for a Houston Nature Center assistant; one however withdrew from consideration and … [Read more...]
Bernard Bus — family-owned business for 75 Years
Locally owned in Chatfield, Bernard Bus Service is celebrating 75 years of family-owned business. Mike Bernard’s grandparents, Art and Evelyn, opened the business in 1947. Mike’s uncle was in charge when they retired with Mike’s parents, Chip and Lana, taking over the business in 1985. At that time, they had 9-10 routes in Chatfield with all the buses running on LP; they worked … [Read more...]
Canton’s new branding
At their regular meeting on February 9, the Canton City Council approved the new branding of Canton. Touting Canton as the first incorporated stop on highway 52 in Southeast Minnesota, the branding features a curved highway bordered by grass and trees with the Highway 52 sign prominently featured in a green/blue color scheme. The logo is intended for use on city stationery, … [Read more...]
Houston Schools purchase two buildings
At their February 3 regular meeting, the Houston School Board officially approved two buildings’ purchase prices. St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 202 Sheridan Street will be purchased for $200,000. Funding for this purchase will come from the school’s general funds. The school has been granted lease levy authority for the sale of bonds to fund the purchase of the ABLE, Inc. … [Read more...]
R-P offers early retirement incentive
The Rushford-Peterson School Board approved an early retirement incentive for teachers at its regular meeting on January 24 in a six to one vote. Chris Grindland opposed the incentive asking the question, “Is it an incentive if we do it every year or does it become just another retirement benefit?” Superintendent Jon Thompson responded, “There’s no guarantee that it’ll be … [Read more...]
Houston Library celebrates 20 years
February will be a month of celebration at the Houston Public Library, as the library celebrates its 20th birthday. The library began its life in a little house near city hall in February 2002. Four women, Lynn Carr, Barb Swenson, Kim Scheevel Ross, and Jean Collette were instrumental in collecting books and furniture for the fledgling library. The library moved to a new … [Read more...]
Houston High School to get new gym projector
At the regular Houston School Board meeting on January 8, the board decided to proceed with the purchase of a new projector for the high school gym. Superintendent Mary Morem informed the board that it was not feasible to repair the current ancient projector. The new projector is an upgrade and has future capabilities; it will have a laser lens and no bulbs to replace. The … [Read more...]
Houston rezones lots to accommodate Apple Auto
At their regular January 10 meeting, the Houston City Council passed a resolution to rezone lots 6-9 in the Westgate Industrial Park from Industrial 1 to Commercial C-2. Kort Kistler, sales manager at Apple Auto explained that his company was working on purchasing the parcels, but wanted to make sure the zoning would allow for his business. He informed the council that the … [Read more...]
Yenters to donate bench to Peterson
Carole and Gene Yenter visited the Peterson City Council meeting January 12, 2022, to discuss donating a bench to the city in memory of their son Larry. The Yenters had done their research and brought a picture of their choice of benches. Council member Gail Boyum told the couple that they had chosen the exact style from the same company as the city had gotten previously. She … [Read more...]
Recycle your Christmas trees twice!
Johnny and Liz Micheel, who live on a farm between Rushford and Money Creek, are interested in those dried up Christmas trees that everyone will soon be taking down. The Micheels raise goats and have found that the goats love Christmas trees! If you’d like to help give the goats a treat, you can bring your trees to the Rushford City compost site and leave them near the sign for … [Read more...]
After the fire at Mill Street Mall
Thanksgiving Day brought the Rushford Fire Department to the Mill Street Mall on a fire call. When they got there the fire had already gone out, but not before causing extensive smoke and soot damage throughout the mall. The State Fire Marshall inspected the mall the next day; the insurance adjuster hired an investigator as well. While the cause of the fire is not certain, it … [Read more...]