Introducing the two new teachers on the Rushford-Peterson School staff this year – Kendra Vix is teaching middle school and high school, and David Jewison is teaching sixth and eighth grade science, math/reading enrichment, and a variety of exploratory classes, such as: finance, STEM, typing capstone and study skills. Kendra Vix graduated from Rushford-Peterson in 2014. … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson School’s Great Start
At their regular September meeting September 18, the Rushford-Peterson School Board heard the usual reports from Superintendent Ben Bernard as well as middle school/high school Principal Jake Timm and elementary Principal Angela Shepard. At each meeting, the R-P administration shares activities and events in the school so the board knows what is happening at R-P. Shepard and … [Read more...]
Full Teaching Staff at Lanesboro
The Lanesboro, Minn., School Board heard at their regular September 13 meeting that the school was fully staffed for the year, unlike last year when staff openings had existed and resulted in a need for creative staffing to cover classes. At this time, there is only a paraprofessional opening left to be filled. Superintendent Matt Schultz shared that a full-time K-3 reading … [Read more...]
Houston Schools Focus on Students
The administrative team reported to the Houston School Board at their regular meeting, September 7, that the new school year was off to a great start. Each of the principals addressed the board, sharing changes and improvements at their school. Elementary principal Angela McQuinn noted that there had been a lot of positive comments from parents with the online registration … [Read more...]
Chatfield School Board Looks at MCA Results and Enrollment Decline
At the September 13 school board meeting, board members,Jill Harstad, David Sowinski, Mark Johnsrud, Katie Priebe and Tom Keefe were present as well as Superintendent Ed Harris, principals Shane McBroom and Eric Nelson, Rinnea Kreter, administrative assistant and Trista O’Connor, business manager. Also present were Student Senate members Kiera Kobs and Mary Halvorson. Board … [Read more...]
Teens and Depression — a Back-to-School Concern
ALBERT LEA, Minn. – With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows could be more than just temporary feelings. They could be symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most … [Read more...]
Houston High School Class of 1968
The Houston High School Class of 1968 celebrated 55 years with a reunion at the Houston Legion on Friday, August 4, 2023. After a delicious lunch, they toured the newly established Houston Museum with Shelley Jerviss. Pictured left to right: Steve Skree, Jude Sather Ledebuhr, Karen Sherry Nelson, Patsy Skadsen Wiste, Peggy Corey, Kathy Runningen, Susie Strong Carpenter, … [Read more...]
College News
Spring Honors List Luther College: Isabelle Berg, Chatfield; Nicole Schultz, Fountain; Sarina Stortz, Mabel; Jasmine Schueler, Rushford; Noah Woxland, Rushford; Kelsey Bratland, Spring Grove; Wyatt Murphy, Spring Grove; Amelia Solum, Spring Grove South Central College: Payton Benson, Lanesboro Winona State University: Emily Barth, Chatfield; Sabina Boettcher, Chatfield; … [Read more...]
MDA Farm to School and Early Care Grants Open for Applications MN School Districts and Early Childhood Education Centers are Eligible for Funding
ST. PAUL, MN – Two grants that aim to increase local purchasing in Minnesota Farm to School and Early Care programs are now open for applications through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). Through this round of Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Farm to School and Early Care Grants, school districts and early childhood education (ECE) centers … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Set and Ready To Go
The 2023-24 Mabel-Canton student/parent handbook and four other school policies have been approved. At the school’s regularly scheduled school board meeting on Thursday, August 24, Superintendent Gary Kuphal recommended that the handbook and the tobacco-free environment, bullying prohibition, overdose medication, and school meals policies be approved emphasizing that there were … [Read more...]
Kingsland Schools to Begin Year with Full Teaching Staff
By Patrick Andrews The first agenda item on the August 21 Kingsland School Board meeting, following roll call and pledge of allegiance, was an acknowledgement of thanks to Essig Agency, who donated $100 to the Kingsland Backpack Program. This program provides weekend and non-school day meals to families in need. The board briefly discussed the school’s bus driver situation; … [Read more...]
Caledonia Public School District Kicks off New School Year
Caledonia School Board members met Monday, August 21 from 6-7:34 p.m. at Crooked Creek Community Center, also known as Freeburg Community Center in Caledonia, Minn. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Mike Peterson, Daniel Small, and Spencer Yohe. In addition, Elementary Principal Sue Link, Middle/High School Principal Nathan … [Read more...]
Rusford-Peterson Board to Vote Monday on HVED
With a final copy of a joint powers agreement ready to be signed, the Rushford-Peterson School Board once again discussed the proposed HVED (Hiawatha Valley Education District) building purchase at their regular meeting August 21. Before beginning the discussion of the agreement, Superintendent Ben Bernard declared, “I really do believe this (the joint powers agreement … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central Practices Accommodate Extreme Heat
At the August 22 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Superintendent Heath Olstad updated the board on the fall sports season. It is well underway with practices and scrimmages. Games and meets will start soon for football, volleyball, cheerleading and cross country. With the heat this week, coaches have been carefully following a chart that gives strict guidelines to ensure … [Read more...]
HVED Decision Delayed
The Lanesboro School Board saw a change to the agenda at their meeting August 9 in the forum of the Lanesboro, Minn., school. HVED Director Deb Marcotte was slated to give a presentation about the HVED (Hiawatha Valley Education District) joint powers agreement before the board voted on the agreement. Recent developments in price negotiations led to a need to revamp the … [Read more...]