Spring Grove School Principal Luke Kjelland shared the results from the school’s Redefining Ready scorecard that illustrates college and career readiness as defined by AASA (The School Superintendents Association) with the Spring Grove school board at its July 17 meeting.
Vice-chair Stephanie Jaster called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Attendees were Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Rhan Flatin and Aric Elton. Aaron Solum and Angie Solie were absent.
The school has been tracking the data since 2020, which includes the pandemic years. Kjelland explained, “Obviously, you are looking for growth and high percentages in each one.”
According to the report, to be college ready, students must meet all four ACT benchmarks or two of the following requirements: 1. Earn a 2.8 GPA; 2. Earn a grade of A, B, or C in Algebra 2; 3. Participate in an AP class and earn an A, B, or C; or 4. Earn college credits.
The report defines a career-ready student as one who has met all four ACT benchmarks or meets two requirements: 1. Meet the attendance requirement during their freshman year; 2. Participate in two extracurricular activities; 3. Participate in a work-based learning experience; 4. Complete 25 community service hours by graduation; 5. Earned industry certification; or 6. Complete dual-credit classes.
Beaming, Kjelland announced that the report shows that Spring Grove seniors recovered from the pandemic. Happily, 83.33% of the 2023 seniors were college ready, and 91.67% were career ready.
The board unanimously approved the consent agenda in its entirety, including the meeting agenda, the June 19 regular board meeting minutes, treasurer’s report/bills, established bonding for 2023-24 and out-of-state tuition rates as well as participation fees, athletic admission prices, bank and investment depositories for 2023-2024, annual review of the following policies: 214: Out of State Travel by Board Members, 410: Family and Medical Leave Policy, 524: Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy; renewed the 2023-24 membership contracts for the Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA), Southeast Service Cooperative (SSC), Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED), Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA), and Region V Finance (Region V); review of the agreement for athletics with Caledonia area schools, and hire of Ty Cleven as the Junior High Football Assistant Coach.
The board held the first reading of MSBA/MASA model policies reflecting the action taken during the 2023 Minnesota Legislative Session.
The board approved a special election to determine the necessity of issuing general obligation bonds for building updates.
In other business, the board:
•Approved keeping the board salaries the same for 2023-24.
•Designated Fillmore County Journal as the official school newspaper for 2023-24.
•Accepted the Pan-O-Gold bid for fresh bread and bread products.
•Tabled a decision regarding the bids for milk and milk products until the August board meeting.
•Approved the technology device insurance option for 2023-24.
•Approved placing the renewal of the school operating referendum on the August 21 board meeting agenda allowing the public to share their opinion.
•Tabled the HVED joint powers agreement until the August 21 board meeting. The school did not receive the agreement before the board meeting.
•Adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Spring Grove Public School Board is on Monday, August 21, at 7 p.m. in the school’s Learning Resource Center. In addition, the school continues to offer board meetings on Google Meet for anyone who would like to attend virtually. For assistance monitoring the meeting, contact the district office at (507) 498-3221 or email rachel.udstuen@springgrove.k12.mn.us.
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