By Pastor Jeff Jacobs Unity Lutheran Parish - St. Paul, Saetersdal and St. Matthew’s, Granger A few Sundays ago, April 21, was “Good Shepherd Sunday,” the day in the Easter Season focused on images of Christ as our shepherd. There’s a story about a seminary professor who told his classes that in the Holy Land a shepherd went in front, and the sheep, knowing his … [Read more...]
Peering at the Past – Livestock at Large, Insulting Language and a Curfew
It was unlawful to drive cattle to and from pasture or water through village streets of Houston, Minn., in 1890. Both two-legged and four-legged residents were subjects of ordinances passed by the Village Council. Fines imposed over 130 years ago may sound minimal, but $1 in 1890 had the approximate purchasing of $34 in 2024. In addition to fines, there was also the cost of … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – The Dawn of a New Day: Part 2
The following is taken from “Tales from Heritage Farm” written by Wenda and Randall Grabau. Huffing and sputtering out her troubles, Hildy listed all of the things she expected to encounter that day. “I’ll hunt and get pecked by Annie. I will peck and be nipped by Dolly. After scratching a while, I’ll get chased and jabbed at by Little Red. Once I lay my big brown egg, … [Read more...]
Peering at the Past – Hokah For Years Was the Banner Town
Part two of a series Settlers were attracted to the future site of Hokah by the excellent water power, plenty of good timber, rich soil and the navigable Root River, so convenient to the Mississippi River. Local historian A. J. Langen described Hokah as “bounded on the west by Mount Hope and on the east by Mount Tom. To the south, we see forest-covered hills while on the … [Read more...]
I Can’t Make This Stuff Up: If You Can’t Drink Milk, You Need To Try It Raw!
I’ve lost count of the number of times people have told me they can’t drink milk, but they can drink fresh, raw milk with no trouble at all! Seeing the giddy excitement on someone’s face as they share their newfound milk-freedom never gets old. I imagine this is how Santa Claus must feel – dishing out gifts that take your breath away. Did you ever get a gift that you thought … [Read more...]
Don’t Ever Forget to Remember Your Raising
It was the end of the trail for me. Until my mother came to my rescue. I had run out of money to put into the coin-operated horse ride outside the store. She found some in the bottom of her purse where coins seemed to reproduce. Hannah Senesh was a three P person. No, she didn’t letter in basketball, tennis and volleyball at Purdue. She was a poet, a playwright and … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project Dolley Madison, a Lasting Legacy Impacting Future Generations
By Addison Kessler Dolley (Payne) Madison was born on May 20, 1768 in Guilford County, N. C., Mary and John Payne as their fourth child. They ended up having four more children after the birth of Dolley, which made her the fourth or eight children in her family. Dolley was born into Quaker roots and grew up Quaker. She also never received any formal education but it is known … [Read more...]
Pastor Devotions: Unity Can Prevail
By Pastor Paul Hauschild Chatfield and Root Prairie Lutheran Churches “When God measures a person, He puts the tape around the heart instead of the head,” someone once said. Very true! In Scripture we read something similar. “…they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7b). I believe unity is a desire the Lord puts in our … [Read more...]
Soil Testing for Lawns and Gardens
By Katie Drewitz As you look at your spring to-do list one of the first things should be getting a soil test done, if you have not done one in the past three years. Under-standing your soil is important for a successful lawn or garden. Soil analysis can help to determine the current state of the soil. You will also receive recommendations for best performance. This time … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I purchased an old trailer to haul my riding lawn mower around, are brakes required on it? Answer: Brakes are required on all trailers with a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or more. Trailers manufactured after June 30, 1988, with a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or more require brakes installed on all wheels. Every trailer with a gross weight of more than 3,000 … [Read more...]
Properly Planting Trees
By Katie Drewitz Trees provide many things for our communities; beauty, energy conservation, reduction of soil erosion, filtering air pollutants, raising property values, a home for wildlife and so much more. Trees are an integral part of our home landscapes, neighborhoods and countryside. If you are looking to plant a tree for the upcoming Arbor Day or anytime this year, … [Read more...]
Peering at the Past – Pleased with Water Power, Thompson Founds Hokah
First of a series “My brother Edward and myself were probably the first white men, after the government surveyor, that looked upon the townsite on Hokah,” wrote John Thompson. The pioneer settlement of Hokah in eastern Houston County was also the site of an Indian village, whose chief was Wecheschatope Hokah, translated into English as “garfish.” It is the only town in the … [Read more...]
Pastor Devotions: Walking in the Woods
By Pastor Mark Woodward Maple Leaf Parish Churches: Spring Valley: Faith, Cherry Grove, Fountain, Preston (and Lenora) In the spring before grass and plants begin to grow and before the trees leaf out, I love to walk in the woods. I feel renewed walking in remote areas during that time when winter ends and before spring unfolds. I walk on a carpet of brown leaves and … [Read more...]
Hickory Dickory Doc, Impetigo Ran up the Block (head)
Education is an elastic concept. We were old enough to be in school, but not much older than that. One of us contracted impetigo. It spread like wildfire through our small class. It was a bonding experience, not unlike shared tattoos today. Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go) is a common and highly contagious skin infection that mainly affects infants and young children. We were … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project: Be Still
By Maggie Dempewolf Be still like the calm before the storm. Be still like the world after it rains. Be still like the bird chirping on a warm summer’s day. Be still like fresh fallen snow. Be still and don’t let people get you down. Be still even when others hurt you, When it feels like the whole world is against you. Be still when the weight of the world feels … [Read more...]