By Pastor Jeff Jacobs
Unity Lutheran Parish –
St. Paul, Saetersdal and
St. Matthew’s, Granger
A few Sundays ago, April 21, was “Good Shepherd Sunday,” the day in the Easter Season focused on images of Christ as our shepherd.
There’s a story about a seminary professor who told his classes that in the Holy Land a shepherd went in front, and the sheep, knowing his particular voice, dutifully followed.
One year he led a study tour in Israel and, while stopped in one village, his students began to laugh and point out sheep herded by a man behind them. The surprised professor approached the man, saying he had always been told shepherds in the Holy Land went ahead of their flocks, so was he misinformed? The man replied, “Oh, I’m not their shepherd. I’m the local butcher.”
There are many voices, many would-be leaders in our world calling followers. Some are wise and well-intentioned, but others are wolves in sheep’s clothing, magnifying themselves at the expense of their supporters, not caring whether their adherents are driven to ruin as long as the leader gains fame and fortune.
Jesus models a different leadership. In John’s Gospel he states, “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me… And I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10:14-15) His first concern is the care of his flock, his people, and his sacrifice on the cross is the supreme illustration of the extent Christ goes to save us from evil, sin and death.
As we reflect on those voices inviting us to follow various paths for our life – socially, politically, economically, spiritually – let we discern whether they call us in the same selfless love Christ demonstrates. And as we consider those who look to us as leaders – children, students, clients, constituents – may we also convey the same gracious compassion our Savior shows us.
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