With the new reduced masking regulations announced by the state, the Rushford-Peterson School Board members conducted their regular monthly board meeting on May 17 sans masks. Superintendent Jon Thompson joked with new board member Ken Sawle that it was the first time he’d seen his face! Thompson assured the board that teachers, staff and students would continue to wear … [Read more...]
Houston School Board looks ahead to next fall
At the regular Houston School Board meeting May 6, Mikayla Simmons was announced as the new Activities/Communications director effective June 7. Simmons will take on some of the duties that had been removed from the superintendent duties before the posting of the superintendent position, as well as the activities director position. With Jill Diana resigning from her position … [Read more...]
Return of the anti-OHV citizens
The regular May 10 meeting of the Houston City Council was held at a new location, the new Community Center, but had many visitors with the same topic on their minds as last month — the proposed OHV trail. Once again, the room was filled with citizens adamantly opposed to the OHV trail. Steve Westby asked the council who was going to repair the trail and care for it; he … [Read more...]
Hobby: Brody Srsen, experienced racer
Middle-schooler Brody Srsen, from rural Harmony, is already an experienced and successful racer in his own right. Brody has been racing since he was five years old. His dad Ryan, mom Sarah, and his uncle got him started on ice racing with a four-wheeler using ice cleats to grab the ice on the track. Currently he races his dirt bike locally at Spring Creek in Millville, Minn.; … [Read more...]
Focus on budget concerns
At the regular April 19 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting, most of the time was spent discussing the school’s financial situation. With a projected $100,000 deficit before factoring in losses due to the pandemic, it’s mandatory that R-P adjust the budget. Superintendent Jon Thompson has offered to reduce his salary by 20% by shortening his contract by 52 days. Both … [Read more...]
New superintendent chosen for Houston Public Schools
Mary Morem, currently principal at Triton High School, was selected by the Houston School Board as Houston’s new superintendent at their regular board meeting and final superintendent interview session April 15, 2021. Morem will replace current superintendent Krin Abraham when she retires in June. In her interview, Morem pointed out that she has been very involved in … [Read more...]
OHV trail project brings in full house
The regular meeting of the Houston City Council on April 12, 2021, brought in a full house of visitors to protest the proposed OHV trail in Houston. Anticipating a crowd, city employees set up as many socially distanced chairs as possible in the community center for the meeting; International Owl Center’s Karla Bloem set up mikes and a sound system to ensure all could hear the … [Read more...]
Houston School Board prom/graduation given yellow lights
At their March 18 meeting, the Houston School Board learned that both prom and graduation will be able to proceed with caution. Prom has “pretty stringent” guidelines; the state has suggested dancing while seated in chairs six feet apart. Prom has been set for May 1, 2021; the After Prom committee has already contracted with a hypnotist for entertainment. Supt. Krin Abraham … [Read more...]
Hobby: Young entrepreneurs
Callie Tiedemann and Monica Brand were looking for something fun to do during the pandemic when they hit on the idea of making dog treats. Both of their families, like so many families, had added a new dog into their families during the pandemic. About a week before Christmas, they made their first dog treats. At first they used a bow tie cookie cutter to cut their … [Read more...]
Time for a new jail?
Sheriff John DeGeorge made a second presentation in his “Jail Tour” of Fillmore County at the Rushford Village meeting March 16. DeGeorge plans to visit as many city meetings in the county as possible to share the research and facts with the public; he has already attended the Canton meeting. Throughout his power point presentation, DeGeroge stressed that he wanted public input … [Read more...]
OHV concerns brings the public in
The Houston City Council was joined by members of the public at their March 8, 2021, meeting. Concerned citizens came to share their opposition to the proposed OHV trail. Sandy Fitting feels the trail will cause erosion and property value loss and asked when the first property had been purchased, claiming that the council had told her they hadn’t started anything yet in 2009. … [Read more...]
Houston Schools’ new position
The Houston School Board officially created a new position at the school at their regular board meeting March 4. In an effort to pare down the superintendent responsibilities, the board will add a new position at the school. According to the job description, this position will take on the following duties: communications, activities director, and scheduling of transportation … [Read more...]
Hidden Jewel in Peterson
Peterson, Minnesota, a small city of 188 residents, is home to a treasure of a museum with much to offer. The Peterson Station Museum is bursting at the seams with artifacts — so much so that the Friends of Peterson are currently raising funds to add on yet another building to the current museum. A plethora of artifacts greet the museum visitors as they enter the museum. … [Read more...]
Houston Schools begin superintendent search
At their regular February 18 meeting, the Houston School Board discussed the work done so far on the superintendent job description. Mimi Carlson and Board chair Tom Stilin met with Superintendent Krin Abraham to pare down the superintendent duties. Abraham had taken on additional duties over the years which could and should be assigned to others. Acting Board chair Mimi … [Read more...]
Horse lover for life
Kari Johnson fell in love with horses when she was about five years old, and still loves them. According to her, it was her dad’s fault; Dad had a buddy whose daughter had a horse, and he insisted that Kari needed one too! When her dad brought home her first pony, Kari fell head over heels for it. Kari was the youngest of five kids; none of the other kids was into horses at … [Read more...]