The Houston City Council approved ordinance 236 regarding the non-profit use of the community center and other city properties after a lengthy discussion at their meeting on June 13. The council wrestled with finding a balance between supporting non-profits and receiving rental fees for the facilities. Michelle Quinn pointed out that the taxpayers were already being levied to … [Read more...]
DLC Houston Guild making good happen
In February 2022, a Facebook post asked for someone to help to continue the fireworks for Houston Hoedown. Apparently, no one else wanted to take on the project originally started by Greg Lemke years ago. Three local businessmen, Dusty Franzwa, Luke Meyer, and Chris Schroeder, decided to step up and help. They knew the Hoedown fireworks were always a big draw to town on Friday … [Read more...]
Houston School Board dreams
At their regular June 2, 2022, board meeting, the Houston School Board spent some time dreaming about changes they might make to the elementary and high school buildings. Representatives from SiteLogiQ, Matt Helgerson, Ryan Gram, and Cullen Bahn, took turns presenting a “refresh of ideas and opportunities” for the buildings. At the elementary, they proposed an addition in … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School budgets approved
At their regular meeting on June 8, 2022, the Lanesboro School Board examined the actual 2021-2022 budget and approved the proposed 2022-2023 budget. Superintendent Matt Schultz informed the board that $25,000 remains to be spent on the recent construction project. The 2022-2023 budget general fund shows projected revenues of $5,458,183 and expenditures of $5,391,502 with a … [Read more...]
Monthly early-out requested by R-P teachers
QComp committee members, Shari Michel, Brenda Bergan, Becky Lind, presented a PowerPoint to the R-P School Board at their regular May 16 meeting. In the presentation, the trio noted that the primary focus of the PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) has been on student connections. They asked for one half-day early out each month. The PLCs would be restructured with a … [Read more...]
Rushford State Bank opens in Houston
A short three weeks after taking over their new building in Houston, Rushford State Bank officially opened its doors in Houston, Minn., on May 16. The front door now bears the bank logo, signs around the bank detail the Rushford State Bank’s services, and a special “Banker’s Blend” of Carlson Roasting Company Coffee can be found on display at the teller stations along with the … [Read more...]
Dean of Students position added at Mabel-Canton
The Mabel-Canton School Board moved forward on creating a .2 FTE Dean of Students position (two hours a day) for next year at their regular meeting on May 17. The board opted for a “middle of the road” stipend for the position; according to Superintendent Gary Kuphal there is no standard stipend for such a position. For next year, the dean of students will work an extended … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School asked for a CUP for waterbike business
Mike and Pauline Wangen appeared before the regular Lanesboro School Board meeting May 11 to ask for a conditional use permit of a 16’x48’ section of school property along the river above the dam. The Wangens are interested in starting a small business renting out waterbikes, which need to be in six inches or more of water for the propellers. According to Pauline Wangen, the … [Read more...]
Will Houston have Christmas decorations next year?
Last Christmas, Houston City Council decided not to have their long-used, well-worn wreaths hung on the city light posts. Many citizens commented on the lack of decorations; as a result, the Hometown Pride group took a look at the tired wreaths to see if they could be restored. Marlene Schultz attended the city council meeting on May 9 and shared the possibility of replacing … [Read more...]
New phones for Houston schools
At their May 5, regular meeting, the Houston School Board approved a new phone system update for the school with a monthly cost of $2,400. This is a bit over $100 in additional cost. Internet-based phones will be installed throughout the school’s buildings. Josh Norlien expressed concern about phone service during power outages, but the school has battery backups for some … [Read more...]
Valley High Golf Club under new ownership
The only 18-hole golf course in Houston County opened April 1, 2022, under new ownership. Jim Wieser, Bill Schmitz, Scott Iverson, and Dave Bubbers were able to play a round of golf on their new course that day; the next day it snowed, forcing them to cancel a college golf tournament scheduled on the course. April’s weather hasn’t been very cooperative for the new owners … [Read more...]
Food truck hearing at Lanesboro City Council
The Lanesboro City Council began their regular monthly meeting with a hearing on permitting food trucks in the city. Many local restaurant owners filled the room and spoke of their concerns to the council. Hal Cropp of the Commonweal Theatre expressed his concern that the requirements of a 50-foot distance from a brick and mortar restaurant and the limitation of only two … [Read more...]
R-P Community Education revamped
At their regular monthly meeting April 20, the Rushford-Peterson School Board heard the plan for a new direction for Community Education. With a deficit of $78.047 for Community Education, which needed to be repaid to the general fund, it was time to make a change. Superintendent Jon Thompson presented the plan to the board. Community Education will be integrated with the … [Read more...]
No fooling—The Creamery and Nordic Lanes are under new ownership!
On April 1 Dean and Kim Mierau and Tony and Jessica Heiden officially opened the doors of The Creamery and Nordic Lanes in Rushford, as the new owners. Jessica quipped that April Fool’s Day was a good day to take over — if it didn’t work out, they could just say it was all a joke. The couples are not going to be claiming it was a joke; they are off to a great start in their … [Read more...]
City of Rushford Village values PWD Trenten Chiglo
At their April 19, 2022 meeting, the City of Rushford Village council members found it necessary to close their meeting to discuss pay and benefits for Public Works Director Trenten Chiglo. Chiglo had been offered a job elsewhere and had submitted his letter of resignation. Upon learning Chiglo was open to counteroffers, the council decided to do their best to retain a valued … [Read more...]