Rushford Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce Director Jen Hengel was present at Peterson’s December 8 council meeting to highlight the 2022 marketing plan for the valley. The city has contributed lodging tax revenues to the chamber for this purpose for some time. Hengel indicated marketing tactics will remain largely the same, including digital, print, and radio … [Read more...]
Fountain will keep ordinance banning chickens
The Fountain City Council voted 2:1 on December 1, with Mayor Jim Schott not voting and Councilor Colleen Fohrenbacher unable to vote, under Schott’s direction, to uphold its current ordinances banning chickens within city limits. “We need to have a vote on whether or not to discuss chickens,” said Schott. “Colleen, you can’t vote because you brought it up.” Fohrenbacher … [Read more...]
Rushford hires additional officers
Rushford Police Department has an additional two part-time officers following approval from the city council on November 22. Upon the recommendation of Chief Adam Eide and Sergeant Nate Klinski, the council reviewed a request to hire officers Tanner Weinfurtner and Brady Meyer to round out policing needs. “As we have mentioned previously, it is important for the Rushford … [Read more...]
Rushford considers additional phases of drainage project
The first phase of drainage mitigation in South Rushford is now complete, according to City Engineer Derek Olinger, of Bolton & Menk, who informed the Rushford Village council at their November 16 meeting. The project included addressing outfall grading in two areas. Property easements were required for the work north of the intersection of Sherwood Street and Highway 43 … [Read more...]
Rushford council reelected
The first order of business at the November 8 Rushford City Council meeting was canvassing of election results. Mayor Terri Benson will remain at the helm for another two-year term, as will councilors Andrew Linder and Sally Ryman for their four-year terms. All ran unopposed. The council also took action in renewing governmental accounting standards, initially adopted in 2011. … [Read more...]
Peterson talks long-term plans
As the year begins to wrap up, the Peterson City Council is not only taking care of year-end details, but is also looking to the future of city needs and ways to improve the community. Several ideas were discussed, including city signage, cleanup, and park/campground plans. Following installation of a new, attractive city sign on the Root River State Trail, which goes through … [Read more...]
Fountain revisits idea of chicken ordinance
The keeping of chickens, particularly laying hens only, within the city of Fountain is back at the forefront again after Councilor Colleen Fohrenbacher respectfully asked her fellow council members to consider it at the November 3 meeting. “I am not asking for a vote. I would just like to talk about it,” she noted. The suggestion first came up in May 2018 when resident Emily … [Read more...]
Rushford approves new mill rate for fire protection
Rushford Fire Chief Chad Rasmussen presented the proposed contract and mill rate for 2022-2023 to the city council at its October 25 meeting. The volunteer department is the only known to conduct a bi-annual mill rate meeting for the 10 townships it provides fire protection to. Those townships include Arendahl, Norway, Preble, and the cities of Peterson and Rushford Village in … [Read more...]
Peterson reviews budget
As the end of the year draws near, Peterson is working to finalize its 2022 budget and tax levy. “I pretty much have it complete. I’m just working on the details,” noted City Clerk Chris Grindland at the October 13 council meeting. The city is currently looking at a 6% increase. The city’s tax levy bringing in just over $100,000. With the addition of Local Government Aid to … [Read more...]
Rushford approves refinance
Revisiting a bond refinance talked about in September, the Rushford Council unanimously approved the measure garnering significant savings for the city at the October 12 meeting. The original 2014 bond has a rapidly approaching call date and is within a 90-day prior window to begin refinancing. Initially, Financial Consultant Mike Bubany, of David Drown & Associates, … [Read more...]
Rushford Village to partner for payment assistance program
The City of Rushford Village was recently approached by Semcac (South East Minnesota Citizens Action Council) regarding a Water and Sewer Assistance Program. The program is optional for cities and works to address emergency needs. “It would help any resident in the water/sewer district that are behind in their payments,” noted City Clerk Mary Miner at the October 5 meeting. … [Read more...]
Fountain to join up with Sourcewell
In a brisk meeting, on October 6, the Fountain Council reviewed a cooperative purchasing contract with Sourcewell. The company, located in Staples, Minn., assists municipalities and other non-profit organizations with obtaining insurance, equipment, and technology at competitive rates. Boasting more than 50,000 members, Sourcewell functions as a cooperative for contract … [Read more...]
Rushford approves new policy
At the September 27 council meeting, financial consultant Mike Bubany, of David Drown & Associates, brought forth details of a request by Winona Health to utilize conduit revenue bonds for Health Care Facilities Revenue Refunding Notes. At the time, he explained how cities have the opportunity to assist private-sector entities if the project is deemed to be in the public … [Read more...]
Rushford looking to grab debt savings
The City of Rushford is once again looking at a refinancing opportunity for cost savings on an existing bond. Financial Consultant Michael Bubany, of David Drown & Associates, presented the option to the council at the September 13 meeting. He also provided details of a financial request that would net the city some unexpected revenue. The bond up for discussion … [Read more...]
Rushford Village looks at budget planning
The September 7 Rushford Village Council meeting was largely discussions related to the upcoming budget/levy and Public Works and/or road topics. Treasurer Judy Graham sat in for City Clerk Mary Miner as meeting clerk. The Village staff is working to determine the 2022 budget and the final budget is expected at the September 21 meeting. At that time, the council will use the … [Read more...]