At the February 5 meeting, new Fountain Mayor Ron Reisner, councilors Jordan Kearns, Cory Spratte and Dave Stockton, along with Councilor Tammy Danielson, who joined by phone, discussed the possibility of a housing development at the north end of West Side Lane. The current residential area sits west of Highway 52 and was developed many years prior by Linus Hammel, according … [Read more...]
Village Receives SEMLM Updates
At the February 4 meeting, the Rushford Village Council received a summary of the recent Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities meeting held on January 30. City Clerk Mary Miner, who attended the meeting with councilors Mike Ebner and Rick Ruberg, noted a lot of good information, including updates on Emergency Medical Service funding. “That was interesting,” noted … [Read more...]
Rushford Village Set for 2025
At the January 21 meeting, the Rushford Village Council poured through a lengthy list of annual items including goals, designations, and appointments for 2025. Updates and adjustments to goals included continuing work on village roads, culverts, signage, and the village hall playground. Equipment needs are laid out, as are several other ongoing needs. Public Works Supervisor … [Read more...]
Rushford Kicks Off New Year
At the January 13 meeting, the Rushford Council reviewed other annual designations, appointments, fees, and other annual business. Much of it remains unchanged from 2024. City Administrator Tony Chladek took the opportunity to reference the discussion regarding his position and work at the last council meeting. “I want to take a step back and reflect on our progress … [Read more...]
Peterson Denies Zoning Request
The City of Peterson held a Planning Commission meeting on January 7 to discuss Brian Olson’s request for the ability to construct grain bins and dryers on his 16.29 acres. The property, which sits north of homes along Mill Street/County Road 25, abuts the Root River levee on the east and north. It is zoned Agricultural 1, which prohibits bins and dryers. The purpose of the … [Read more...]
Rushford Expresses Administrator Concerns
The Rushford Council tackled several agenda items at the December 23 meeting, including one added item relating to City Administrator Tony Chladek. Mayor Terri Benson provided the council with a recap of the recently conducted annual performance evaluation for the administrator. The Personnel Committee of Benson and Councilor Jim O’Donnell evaluated Chladek. There are areas … [Read more...]
Village Budgets for Future
At the December 17 meeting, the Rushford Village Council unanimously approved setting the final 2025 budget and levy. The preliminary was set at a 9% increase in September and the council discussion considered everything from 5% to 9%. The council ultimately reduced the final to just a 7%, or $572,450, increase over the levy of $535,000 in 2024. Reviewing the differences … [Read more...]
Rushford Sets Final Levy
After months of budgetary discussion, the Rushford Council voted unanimously on December 9 to approve the final levy at $1,180,232. The levy represents $41,601 over 2024, just over a 3.6% increase. The city works to spread bonds and projects out over time to keep the levy from increasing dramatically. The overall tax rate, determined by dividing the levy by the tax capacity, … [Read more...]
Rushford Village Debates CEDA Contract
The December 3 Rushford Village City Council meeting started with a discussion with Community Economic Development Authority (CEDA) Community and Business Development Specialist Rebecca Charles. She stated she and city engineer Derek Olinger of Bolton & Menk met regarding the potential Safe Routes to School Project and grant. At the last meeting, Olinger expressed … [Read more...]
Fountain Looking for Smoke Solution
At the December 4 meeting, the Fountain City Council heard from citizen Kaye Unnasch during the time for public comments. Unnasch resides at 603 Birch Street. In recent discussion regarding external wood stoves/boilers within the city, it was noted that Unnasch’s wood boiler is not up to code. Having received a letter from the city regarding the non-compliance, Unnasch stressed … [Read more...]
Rushford Opens New Grant for Businesses
The Rushford Economic Development Authority (EDA) has worked double time in recent years to promote new and existing businesses through a number of grant opportunities. At the November 25 Rushford Council meeting, City Administrator Tony Chladek detailed the premise while Councilors and EDA members Sally Ryman and Leigh Volkman further clarified details. Dubbed the Rushford … [Read more...]
Peterson Resignation Turns Into Changed Role
A special meeting of the Peterson Council was held November 25 to discuss the resignation of Public Works Director Tim Hallum and formal hiring timeline for the position. Hallum had tendered his resignation with City Clerk Chris Grindland effective December 15, agreeing to stay on part time and train a new employee. However, the council had not yet approved any resignation … [Read more...]
Rushford Village Undecided on Grant
At the November 19 meeting, the Rushford Village Council welcomed Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Senior Engineer Mitchell Kiecker. Attending virtually, he provided a final Safe Routes to School report. Community Economic Development Associates (CEDA) Community and Business Development Specialist Rebecca Charles applied for the grant on behalf of the … [Read more...]
Peterson Addresses Water Line Issues
As part of the Minnesota Lead and Copper Rule, the city of Peterson diligently completed its required mapping ahead of the October 16 deadline. The federal regulation passed in 2021 in effort to support actions to reduce lead in drinking water. Now, the city is looking ahead to the next deadline. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, “All public water systems with … [Read more...]
Rushford Gets Emergency Services Funds
A swift November 12 Rushford Council meeting saw just two general business agenda items and both will bolster the city’s emergency services. The first item is a $15,000 donation from the Rushford Fire Relief Association to the Rushford Fire Department. The department will utilize the funds to purchase equipment. Specifically, this includes two portable radios with … [Read more...]