During Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, the American Red Cross urges eligible donors to band together to provide hope and healing to patients fighting cancer by giving blood or platelets. In appreciation, those who come to give October 15 - November 11 will receive a $5 Amazon.com Gift Card* via email, courtesy of Suburban Propane. Donors are asked to make … [Read more...]
Feasibility study for housing development
Preston City Council members approved the use of $6,297 from the EDA fund for an engineering feasibility study for the Park Lane housing development as recommended by the EDA at the council’s October 6 meeting. At the council’s August 3 meeting, the purchase of option agreements for land east of Park Lane for a possible future multi-family and/or single family housing … [Read more...]
Traditions of Preston opens memory care unit
When Traditions of Preston first opened in 2009, it started out as an assisted living center with a memory care unit, but at that time, none of its residents were in need of a memory care facility and there wasn’t much interest in it. Rather than let the rooms sit empty, the space was changed to a regular unlocked assisted living unit instead. Eleven years later, things have … [Read more...]
Sally’s Hair to Dye For still going strong after 20 years
Sally Gibson has known that she wanted to be a hairdresser since she was in eighth grade. After high school, she attended a beauty school in Rochester and then worked in Rochester at a hair salon for the next 20 years. Things changed though when her family moved to Preston into a house that already had a salon built into the basement. She had planned to retire from hair … [Read more...]
Three days and 40 miles on the Root River
When travelers residing in Southeast Minnesota or Northeast Iowa want to go on an adventure, they don’t have to travel far. Within Historic Bluff Country (a.k.a. The Driftless Region), one element of nature brings so many communities together. The Root River. Throughout the summer months, locals and tourists will navigate the waterways with canoes, kayaks, and tubes. The … [Read more...]
Robert A. Wilson
Robert A. Wilson, age 72, of Preston, Minn., died Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at home. A graveside service will be held at Crown Hill Cemetery at 11 a.m., Saturday, October 17, 2020. Hindt-Hudek Funeral Home Preston is assisting the family. Robert Alan Wilson was born on February 18, 1948, son of Kenneth Woodrow and Clara (Hahn) Wilson at the Preston Hospital. He … [Read more...]
Kerry Scrabeck
Kerry M. Scrabeck, 54, died on October 3, 2020, at his group home in Preston, Minn. Kerry was born on September 6, 1966, to Marvin and Marlys (Sorenson) Scrabeck of Preston, Minn. Kerry attended the MN School for the Blind in Faribault, Minn., from August 1976 until January, 1985. He then moved to the former Fillmore Place Group Home in Preston, Minn., where he lived until … [Read more...]
Preston Emergency Service receives American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline EMS Silver Recognition Award
PRESTON, MN September 23, 2020 — Preston Emergency Service has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® EMS Silver Award for implementing quality improvement measures for the treatment of patients who experience severe heart attacks. Every year, more than 250,000 people experience an ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) the deadliest type of heart … [Read more...]
1926 Farmhouse restored
In the fall of 2019, Matt St. Mane (from Lanesboro), was driving on Scenic Byway Hwy 16 between Preston and Wykoff. He was headed to Grand Meadow where his daughter was playing volleyball when he spotted a for sale sign in front of an empty, run down farm house. Relieved of its exterior paint for many years, the 1926 American Four Square style house sparked his imagination. … [Read more...]
Low-maintenance perennials make beautiful landscaping at the Augs
Chuck and Vonnie Aug have lived in their big white house in Preston for 39 years, but it wasn’t until they tore down the old garage to build a new one 26 years ago, that Vonnie got into landscaping. Once the garage came down and she saw the bare dirt, she figured that she needed to either pay someone to take care of it or learn to garden herself. She had never really done any … [Read more...]
Preston certifies 2021 budget/levy
At the September 21 Preston City Council meeting, members unanimously approved a preliminary budget/levy of $1,034,386 for 2021; this represents an increase of $51,347, or 5% over 2020. City Administrator Joe Hoffman explained the majority of the increase is due to funding that is being set aside for bond payments, of which the first one will be due in early 2022 for the 2021 … [Read more...]
ORDINANCE 290 CITY OF PRESTON MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE REGULATING NONESSENTIAL WATER USAGE UPON CRITICAL WATER DEFICIENCY AS AUTHORIZED BY MINN. STAT. §103G.291, SUBD. 1 AND 2. The City Council of the City of Preston hereby ORDAINS: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. This ordinance establishes water conservation restrictions; and the plan will be in effect at any time the governor declares … [Read more...]
Preston approves EMS purchases
The Preston City Council approved more ambulance equipment to be purchased with CARES Act funding at their September 9 meeting. The city’s CARES Act distribution totals $100,127. Ambulance Director Ryan Throckmorton noted that the purchase of a Powerload System for the A-rig was approved at the last meeting at a cost of $22,526.55. He requested approval to make additional … [Read more...]
Carol Bentson
Carol Jane Bentson, born April 28, 1947, in Watertown, S. Dak., to Harold (Babe) and Lorraine (Gapp) Johnston went to her heavenly home on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, surrounded by her family. Carol grew up on Strouston Farm in Summit, S. Dak., and graduated as a Waverly (S. Dak.) Woodchuck in 1965. She went on to attend General Beadle College in Madison, S. Dak., on a … [Read more...]
Historic memories of Fillmore County: A treasured painting resides in Fountain, Minn.
As promised, from last week’s column regarding your having a chance to see at least one of the treasures from Aaron L. Sleyster’s Studio located in Preston, Minn., well over 125 years ago – it actually awaits you just a few miles away, up the road from Preston on Highway 52! Please take a trip soon to the Fillmore County Historical Center in beautiful Fountain, Minnesota and … [Read more...]