The Caledonia City Council approved hiring Joshua Vaubel as a part-time police officer at its October 23 regularly scheduled meeting. The council unanimously approved the consent agenda, including the payments and disbursements; payments six and seven, a total of $27,562.45 for the auditorium HVAC project; a new liquor license for Sol Agave Taste Mexico who is planning on … [Read more...]
Upcoming Special Elections
If there are any voters who feel like it’s an off year for elections, don’t worry. Next year will make up for it. While it may seem a little quieter year for an election, voters in certain communities will be called to action to make some pretty important decisions this November. In many cases, with these special elections, voters will be voting with their tax … [Read more...]
Search Warrants Issued Relating To Amish Buggy Fatal Accident
At approximately 8:26 a.m. on the morning of September 25, 2023, a horse drawn Amish buggy carting four children on County Road 1 in the Sumner Center area was struck by a vehicle. Seven-year-old Wilma Miller and 11-year-old Irma Miller were both fatally injured in the crash. Nine-year-old Alan Miller and 13-year-old Rose Miller were both transported to St. Marys Hospital with … [Read more...]
St. Mary’s School in Caledonia Welcomes Two New Teachers
Caledonia, Minn., offers two parochial schools which include St. John’s Lutheran School and St. Mary’s School. For the 2023-2024 school year, St. John’s hired no new teachers while St. Mary’s hired two new teachers. St. Mary’s warmly welcomed both Ryan Pitts and Theresa Ellenz to the Catholic school family. This will be Pitts’ first year teaching, where he will be … [Read more...]
Rushford Village Completes Water Inspections
At the October 17 meeting, the Rushford Village Council received an update on water system inspections. The inspections were part of the Lead and Copper Rule regulation. Originally published by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1991, the agency revised the rule, and the state put it into effect in 2021 to support actions to reduce lead in drinking water. The Minnesota … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Gears Up for Winter
Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, October 17 at 168 West Main Street in Room 100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Mayor Solum, Chad Rohland, Trent Turner, Heather Edgington and Karen Folstad. In addition, City/Clerk Administrator Jana Elton attended. Councilors … [Read more...]
Kingsland FFA Headed to State
Two representatives for student groups visited the Monday, October 16 Kingsland School Board meeting to give updates on their respective clubs. Ashley Lang, historian for Kingsland’s FFA chapter, shared the following updates. The group recently participated two CDE (career development event) contests, placing first in Meats and seventh in General Livestock. Both will be … [Read more...]
Preston Plans for POP Demolition
At the October 16 meeting of the Preston City Council, the clean-up of the Preston Oil (POP) site was again addressed. Over several years, steps have been taken to improve the site. In 2018 the property went into tax forfeiture. In 2019 the city had the underground tanks removed. The following year the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) began monitoring the site. A … [Read more...]
M-C Requests Meeting with Decorah School District
The Mabel-Canton School Board discussed the Decorah tuition agreement in length at the board’s October 17 regularly scheduled meeting. The agreement ends at the end of this year unless it is extended. Superintendent Gary Kuphal first shared with the board that prior to the school board meeting Iowa families met to discuss the agreement and possible options. Kuphal has met with … [Read more...]
Caledonia Public Schools Wraps Up First Quarter
Caledonia Area Public School District’s board members met Monday, October 16 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, then took roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Peterson, Daniel Small and Spencer Yohe. In … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Schools Special Election, November 7
Chairman Aaron Solum called the October 16 regularly scheduled meeting of the Spring Grove School Board to order at 7 p.m. Board members present included Aric Elton, Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Aaron Solum, Angie Solie and Student Representative Taylor Reinhardt. Absent was Rhan Flatin. The Spring Grove School Board unanimously approved the agenda and the September 18 … [Read more...]
Fire Destroys Miken Sports Production Building
Miken Sports, in Caledonia, Minn., a division of Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, Inc. experienced a fire in one of their older buildings on October 14. The company is assessing the damage in cooperation with the local fire department and the state fire marshal’s office. Miken will continue to operate the warehousing and distribution operation, as well as the MLB® helmet … [Read more...]
Why is There a Shortage of Law Enforcement Applicants?
Over the past few years, local law enforcement agencies have noticed a decline in applications for law enforcement positions. Where many organizations were accustomed to seeing hundreds of applicants, they are experiencing drought-like conditions. In August 2023, Goodhue Police Chief Josh Smith submitted his resignation at a city council meeting in Goodhue, Minn. Smith, … [Read more...]
Brownsville Says Goodbye to Councilor Danielson
Brownsville, Minn., City Council members met Wednesday, October 4 at the Brownsville Community Center. Council member Jacob Danielson bade everyone a final farewell as October 4 was his last day serving as part of the city council. Danielson’s term ends December 2024, and his vacant place on the council will need to be filled; once filled his successor will carry out the … [Read more...]
Lanesboro’s Strategic Plan in Action
In keeping with his promise nearly a year ago, Lanesboro Superintendent Matt Schultz continues to reference the school’s strategic plan as he reports to the school board at their monthly meetings. At the October 11 meeting, Schultz shared many details of how the school is working to follow the plan. Schultz informed the board that the school is using MTSS (multi-tiered system … [Read more...]