At the regular Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting on March 17, Kelly Smith, R-P school social worker, and Lindsey Olson, elementary counselor, shared the curriculum they are using with the elementary students this year. Random Acts of Kindness is MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support) program. Tier one includes all of the students schoolwide. Tier two is more targeted; … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Superintendent Rachel Udsteun Steps Down
After 15 years as Spring Grove School’s superintendent, Rachel Udstuen submitted her resignation at the March 17 Spring Grove School Board Meeting. With many thanks for her service to the school district, the board accepted her resignation effective June 30, 2025. In her letter of resignation, Udstuen reflected on her tenure, stating, “During my 15 years tenure as … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Board Grants Seniors 2.5 Days Off at End of the Year
The Mabel-Canton School Board granted the senior class’ request for 2 ½ days off at the end of the year in place of a class prank or a senior skip day at its meeting on March 18 Vice-chair Dustin Tollefsrud called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The board meeting followed the 6 p.m. community meeting regarding the upcoming bond referendum. Board members present included … [Read more...]
Maintenance Continues to Top the Agenda for Kingsland School Board
Superintendent Scott Klavetter gave the Kingsland School Board a facility maintenance update during their March 17 meeting. The plan for solar installations is moving forward with bids due on Monday, March 24. “Those will come in and whoever is the winning bid will start working in the month of April on the grant application on the school district’s behalf. They will … [Read more...]
Caledonia School Board Fills Vacant Board Position
Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, March 17 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present included Peterson, Julie Augedahl, Melissa Marschall and Spencer Yohe. Board members absent were Derek Adamson and Leigh King. District … [Read more...]
Village Seeks Additional Help
After months of on and off discussion, Rushford Village unanimously approved moving forward with seeking additional seasonal help for its Public Works Department at the March 18 meeting. Working with Public Works Supervisor Trenten Chiglo, the village will seek to fill the position from approximately May through October. By keeping the time frame at less than six months, … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Council Says Goodbye to Edgington
Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, March 18 at 168 West Main Street in room #100. Mayor Bryan Wilhelmson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. after brief technical difficulties, then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Mayor Wilhelmson, Trent Turner, Mike Hagen, Heather Edgington and Morgan Buckland. City employees present … [Read more...]
Houston County Approves Mosquito Control Contract, Discusses Infrastructure and Public Health Initiatives
On Tuesday, March 18, the Houston County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a contract for 2024 with Driftless Region Vector Control LLC, based in La Crosse, Wis. This contract entails canvassing designated communities within Houston County (Eitzen, Golfview Drive area west of Hokah, Hokah, Houston, Money Creek and Outer La Crescent) to assess potential … [Read more...]
Preston Hears 2024 Audit Report
Kali Lentz, Smith Schafer & Associates, Ltd., reviewed a summary of the city’s 2024 financial audit during the council’s March 17 meeting. The city was issued an unmodified “clean” opinion of its financial statements. The management’s discussion and analysis was prepared by city staff. There were no exceptions to Minnesota legal compliance. The tax levy was 44% of … [Read more...]
Whalan Adopts Ordinance on Sale of Hemp and Cannabis
During the March 10 Whalan City Council meeting, the council approved a resolution on the sale of hemp and cannabis, following suit with other local communities. Present at the regularly scheduled monthly council meeting were Mayor David Hallum, and council members Thore E. Johnson, Sheila Higbe and Kim Berekvam. City Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Grossell was also in attendance. … [Read more...]
Caledonia Renews Soft Drink Licenses
The Caledonia City Council convened on the evening of March 10, 2025, to discuss and deliberate on various issues concerning the city. The meeting, held at city hall, attracted two Caledonia residents who were eager to participate in the civic process and to stay informed about the city’s progress and challenges. The meeting commenced at 6 p.m. with Mayor Jeremy Leis calling … [Read more...]
Houston Receives a “Clean” Audit
Andrew Forliti of CPA firm Smith Schafer appeared before the Houston City Council at their March 10 regular meeting to present an audit recap of the financials for Houston for 2024. Smith Schafer issued a “clean” opinion on the December 31, 2024, financial statements which means the financials are free from “material misstatement.” Forliti met previously with city employees … [Read more...]
Chatfield Hears 2024 Audit Presentation
Kali Lentz, CPA/senior manager at Smith, Schafer & Associates, Ltd., reviewed the 2024 audit for the city of Chatfield at the council’s March 10 meeting. Councilor Mike Urban was absent. Lentz noted the financial statements are in draft form as the final PERA reports for the Statewide Volunteer Fire plan have not yet been received. The city was given an unmodified “clean” … [Read more...]
Brownsville City Council Approves 3% COLA
On March 11, the Brownsville City Council unanimously approved a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all city employees. Prior to the vote, Mayor Meyer urged the council to keep in mind whether the increase aligns with similar-sized cities, noting that raises in comparable areas were from 3-5%. City Clerk Steve Schuldt reminded the board that the city’s budget had been … [Read more...]
R-P Valley Chamber of Commerce Meeting Full of Updates
President Jerad Brown called the annual meeting of the Rushford-Peterson Chamber of Commerce to order on March 6 at the American Legion. After reviewing the minutes of the previous annual meeting, Brown updated the members on the financial status of the Chamber. Distributing a detailed spreadsheet, Brown declared the chamber “very healthy” with “solid balances.” An anonymous … [Read more...]