Mike Bernard of Bernard Bus Service, Chatfield, exclaimed, “I don’t understand how there can be confusion? Stop arms on school buses are great big, red signs with flashing red lights that say ‘STOP!’ STOP means STOP!” Bernard has been in the bus business for 36 years. The family business, in its 76th year, serves the Chatfield, Rushford-Peterson and Mabel-Canton school … [Read more...]
City of Canton honors 20-year employee
Public works director Jon Nordsving was recognized during the March 8 Canton City Council meeting in honor of celebrating his 20th anniversary working for the city. Nordsving presented his report to the council immediately after his recognition, simply saying, “We are geared up and ready to plow snow again.” The meeting opened with a public hearing regarding the zoning map for … [Read more...]
Congregation expands ministry with establishment of new church in Harmony
New and small beginnings can lead to big impacts. That was the message shared at the first Harmony service of the Root River Community Church on Sunday, January 29. The congregation, which had originated in Rushford with a small group in 1995, has now expanded its ministry to Harmony. The church is currently operating from the former Nativity Catholic Church, but purchased … [Read more...]
Journal launches TV network
Over the past year, the team at the Fillmore County Journal has been in launch mode with a new tech-based project. We’ve been quite busy learning new software, proprietary hardware, and installing televisions all throughout the newspaper coverage area, spanning multiple communities in Southeast Minnesota. Out-of-home digital billboard advertising has become very popular … [Read more...]
New stories for a 150-year-old building
Charles Bubbers, the owner of the former Bubbers Jewelry store, walked into the recently renovated space where he spent years selling jewelry — leaning next to the shiny black grand piano with tears planted on his cheeks, he proudly took in the transformation. New owners Jay Howard and Clare and Joshua O’Brien restored “his” stone building at 115 East Main Street in Caledonia … [Read more...]
Same familiar faces with added services at Major and Company
Major and Company Accounting & Tax has been a staple in the area for many years and that will not change with a new owner of the business. Customers will have the same tax consultant they have had in the past and the same friendly faces will be there to greet you. Aikan Major, the new owner of Major and Company Accounting, Tax & Financial Services, is no stranger to … [Read more...]
Fillmore County welcomes new judge
When Jeremy Clinefelter graduated Hamline University School of Law in 2002, he didn’t foresee being appointed as a judge someday. “I don’t think you ever see yourself becoming a judge because the spots themselves are limited,” he said. Twenty years after beginning his career in law, though, he did just that. Clinefelter worked as a volunteer law clerk for several months after … [Read more...]
2022 Business Persons of the Year Kraus couple receives award of excellence from Journal readers
As a newspaper, we have an opportunity to bring people together for a common good. To inspire and foster positive news presented by our readers that lifts people up in the communities we serve. Starting in 2020, the staff at the Fillmore County Journal coordinated the first-ever recognition for the Business Person of the Year. The newspaper publishes a form to fill out and … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Ambulance holds town hall meeting
The Spring Grove Ambulance is recruiting for EMTs and EMRs. Call Angie at (507) 498-3098 to sign up. Spring Grove Ambulance held an informational meeting at the Spring Grove Cinema on Wednesday, January 19, from 7-8 p.m. Residents and other interested parties were invited to attend and hear from the Minnesota EMS Regulatory Board, Spring Grove Ambulance, and Caledonia … [Read more...]
Preston Veterans Home 80% complete
The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) provided a quarterly update on the Preston Veterans Home on January 10. Administrator Dave Dunn has been hired and has a temporary office at 216 Main Street in Preston (the old movie theater). The 54 bed facility may open in mid-June. The building is expected to be substantially completed by the end of March. The home is … [Read more...]
Sounds from The Audio Bakery
Being drawn by the flourishing audiobook market, Tom and Ben Kelley bring their exciting vision of The Audio Bakery to Spring Valley. The transformation of the old Spring Valley Bakery is underway with the introduction of this new audio-bakery business. “Our audiobook production facility offers a real ‘baker’s dozen’ on Broadway Avenue with a lovely glass store-front and all … [Read more...]
Spring Grove unites in aftermath of fire
The Spring Grove fire on December 22, 2022, is about stories with exclamation marks. The fire began in the apartments above the Mulqueen’s True Value store in downtown Spring Grove Thursday afternoon around 2:45 p.m. The hardware store consisted of two buildings connected by a door built after a fire ravaged the former hardware store in 1926 that occupied the same footprint. … [Read more...]
Spring Valley man wins two golds at Pan American Games Nick Kappers sets his sights on World Cup Events
Nick Kappers started archery under the humblest of circumstances. In November of this year, he won two gold medals while representing his country – one for individual and another for the men’s compound team at the Pan American Championship Games in Chile. The gold medals Kappers explained there are three categories that a person can medal in at a world tournament, but many … [Read more...]
Honorable Judge Opat retires with a full courtroom
The Fillmore County District Court had a full house on Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Hundreds of people from near and far funneled in and out of the courtroom to congratulate Judge Matthew Opat for his service to the area. In the State of Minnesota, judges are required to retire at the age of 70, which is why Opat was signing off as a full-time judge. It was apparent that … [Read more...]
Adept new administrator heading up county district
Fillmore County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a long-standing organization striving to promote natural resource stewardship through educational, technical and financial assistance. Led by staff and a board focusing on various aspects of conservation and stewardship, it offers programs and services in soil health, water management, grazing and nutrient … [Read more...]