I yawned. The average person yawns about 20 times a day. We yawn when we’re tired, bored, hungry or stressed. Theories say yawning wakes the brain, cools the brain or demonstrates empathy. A friend said she yawns every time she sees her dog yawn. Our cat rarely yawns. Of course, it sleeps 22 hours a day. I’d written about sleep several months ago. Then I nodded off. … [Read more...]
Air Conditioning Was Something We Had in the Winter
The AC guy was out to make sure our air was conditioned. It reminded me that I should write something about air conditioning. I do so every couple of years to remind myself of how terrible I had it while growing up and how wonderful I had it while growing up. I didn’t grow up in the Dark Ages, but it was close. I grew up in the Dim Ages. Things weren’t as bright as they are … [Read more...]
Minnesota Man, Iowa Man and Florida Man Walk Into a Column
Did you hear about the Iowa man who moved to Minnesota? Some of his siblings thought he was being downwardly mobile, but my father wasn’t about to be deterred from entering the world of infinite improbabilities that awaited him in the Gopher State. Dad could be as stubborn as a mule’s grandpa. According to a poll by a company that does polls, all 50 states tied for the … [Read more...]
There are Eight Million Stories in the Naked City
Life is changed faster than underwear. My Grandpa Cook and my Grandpa Batt both lived their entire lives without seeing a single amusing cat video online. I knew men who traveled so seldom, they couldn’t find their way out of the county with a map that was paid for. A guy told me his false teeth didn’t fit. Every time he sneezed, his wife ducked. Another said he didn’t know … [Read more...]
Here Be Dragons, Midges, Chipped Windshields and Shitepokes
Someone should write a song about it. Spring is filled with hints and hopes. I recall walking face-first into a fly ribbon meant to catch flies. It had caught flies, and the side of my face joined them in a sticky predicament. For a moment, I felt unequal to the new challenge. Fly ribbon (tape, strip, paper) comes in a small tube from which the twisted ribbon emerges. That … [Read more...]
A Summa Cum Laude Grad Would Have Worn a Baseball Glove
It was an endurance test for bladders. Muhammad Ali said, “If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” A graduation on a lovely May day was a highlight reel of shining moments. The ceremony included a plethora of robed students with more degrees than The Weather Channel. It seemed longer than it was because that’s what those … [Read more...]
Johnny Cash Sang It, So It Must Be True
I knew the day would be special. What I wanted for lunch was breakfast, but the server asked if I’d like to hear today’s special. Why not? She said, “Today is special.” I appreciated that. Cheerfulness is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. The cafe’s radio played softly in the background, occasionally rising above the talk and the clatter of tableware. … [Read more...]
Don’t Ever Forget to Remember Your Raising
It was the end of the trail for me. Until my mother came to my rescue. I had run out of money to put into the coin-operated horse ride outside the store. She found some in the bottom of her purse where coins seemed to reproduce. Hannah Senesh was a three P person. No, she didn’t letter in basketball, tennis and volleyball at Purdue. She was a poet, a playwright and … [Read more...]
Hickory Dickory Doc, Impetigo Ran up the Block (head)
Education is an elastic concept. We were old enough to be in school, but not much older than that. One of us contracted impetigo. It spread like wildfire through our small class. It was a bonding experience, not unlike shared tattoos today. Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go) is a common and highly contagious skin infection that mainly affects infants and young children. We were … [Read more...]
I Love Cashiers and Those Little Checkout Dividers
My right sock was on its last leg. One of my big toes, even with a tamed nail, has a violent streak and insists on boring holes into my poor socks. I thought of that because I hadn’t had my second cup of coffee of the morning. I hadn’t even had my first. I don’t drink coffee. Being distracted by a holey sock might be why I’d charged what, until that moment, had been … [Read more...]
My Horoscope Says I Shouldn’t Read It
I don’t read my horoscope. I read my wife’s horoscope so I know what to be prepared for. Why don’t I read my horoscope? I’m kept pretty busy gazing off into the distance. Besides, I’m waiting for the movie. But for many people, reading the daily horoscope is a habit they hold near and dear. I don’t believe in astrology. I believe I’ll eat a Honeycrisp apple. Why … [Read more...]
Showing Up and Shining in the Show Me State
I didn’t go to St. Joseph, Mo., because Missouri loves company. I drove along the edges of things, and the weather was kind enough that I didn’t pack any puffy clothing. I joined people who live in a constant state of Missouri to watch basketball while increasing both my joy and my stress levels. Watching a granddaughter who is nothing short of outstanding is joyous, but it … [Read more...]
All Together Now, We All Yodel for Ice Cream
It was too windy to pick rocks. We file away things in our heads for little reason other than to give us something to do when we’re not picking rocks. Things melt in our mouths, in our hands and, sadly, in our minds. This little ditty remains firmly planted in my brain, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. It’s a gladdening ode to the sweet delights of … [Read more...]
Good Night. Sleep Tight. Don’t Let the Pillows Bite.
Part of a human being is a human sleeping. Sleep is easy. I can do it with my eyes closed. Follow your dreams and fall asleep. My brother could sleep standing up. I’m not that good, but I’m a competent sleeper. Most nights, I barely notice the sheets are made of razor wire, but there are those nights when I toss and turn, and turn and toss like a little kid on Christmas … [Read more...]
The Lasting Legend of a Larruping Good Lick in Ledyard
I played in a baseball game at the Field of Dreams near Dyersville, Iowa. The movie “Field of Dreams” tells the story of an Iowa farmer who plowed up his corn crop to build a baseball field, and then the ghosts of famous dead players come and play baseball on it. Why did he do that? Kevin Costner’s character, Ray Kinsella, built the ballfield after hearing a voice in his … [Read more...]