At the June 7 meeting, the Rushford Village Council discussed a possible extension of the garbage collection contract. Jeff Holmquist, sales manager for Harter’s Quick Clean-Up, was on hand to discuss what the village is looking for and any concerns over the current contract. “I’m here today to gather what you’re looking for and take that back to my powers that be and work … [Read more...]
Rushford Village road tour update
May 3, the Rushford Village Council conducted their annual tour of the city’s roadways. At the May 17 meeting, minutes from that tour were approved. According to those minutes, eight particular roads were visited and noted upon. They include Hillview Drive and Nordic Court in the Cedar Hill Park residential area, County Line Road, Ridgeview Road, Airport Drive, Vogan Drive, and … [Read more...]
Rushford Village details public works changes
At the May 3 meeting, the Rushford Village Council revisited details from the April 19 closed meeting where the council had discussed labor negotiations following the submission of a letter of resignation from Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Trenten Chiglo. According to the minutes, the council noted satisfaction with Chiglo’s work and emphasized the flexibility of the … [Read more...]
City of Rushford Village values PWD Trenten Chiglo
At their April 19, 2022 meeting, the City of Rushford Village council members found it necessary to close their meeting to discuss pay and benefits for Public Works Director Trenten Chiglo. Chiglo had been offered a job elsewhere and had submitted his letter of resignation. Upon learning Chiglo was open to counteroffers, the council decided to do their best to retain a valued … [Read more...]
Rushford Village approves insurance option
In January, Rushford Village received a report following the League of Minnesota Cities’ appraisal of all city property. Upon review, there were wide discrepancies in valuations between the league’s and the city’s estimations. The city’s insurance agent, Butch Johnson Insurance, began checking into whether or not errors were made on the figures. At the March council meeting, … [Read more...]
Rushford Village lifts COVID restrictions
After nearly two years prohibiting the public usage of the community center, the Rushford Village Council has voted unanimously to lift rental restrictions. Initially, the council prohibited rentals due to the COVID-19 pandemic and an inability to clean to safe standards after every usage. “We have a service that’s doing the cleaning now. They already started and they’re doing … [Read more...]
Rushford Village still baffled by new insurance valuations
In January, Rushford Village received an initial report from the League of Minnesota Cities’ appraisal of all city property. There were wide discrepancies and the city’s insurance agent, Butch Johnson Insurance, offered to check into whether or not errors were made on the figures as the appraised amount will greatly affect the insurance premiums for the year. At the March 1 … [Read more...]
Rushford Village tackles personnel goals
At the annual organizational meeting, the Rushford Village council approved the addition of several city and public works goals. Two of these were to write a Personnel Manual and to complete steps for A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) Program, a part of Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration (MNOSHA) compliance. Adopted to existing safety … [Read more...]
City of Rushford Village tax levy set
At the regular City of Rushford Village Council meeting December 21, the council set the tax levy for 2022 at $485,000, a modest 2% increase over last year. With the purchase of a new Freightliner truck and payroll raises for the new year, the proposed levy had been $495,000, a 3% raise. The council felt the compromise of a 2% raise would be appreciated by city residents. … [Read more...]
Rushford Village renews contract with CEDA
At their regular council meeting December 7, the Rushford Village Council approved the 2022 proposed CEDA (Community Economic Development Associates) contract for $13,790 – up $400 from the previous year. At eight hours every other week, this comes to a rate of approximately $66 per hour. Council member Bob Hart asked exactly what the city gets for that amount. Mayor Dennis … [Read more...]
CRV pump inspection earns good rating
The City of Rushford Village council received the well pump inspection report at their October 19 meeting. Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Trenton Chiglo informed the council that the inspection of the well pumps by McCarthy Well Company came back with all “good” ratings with the exception of one spot on well #2 which received a “fair.” Council member Mike Ebner suggested … [Read more...]
Virginia Arnold turns 104!
On October 1, Virginia Arnold turned 104 years old; as a baby, Virginia was either born or left at the Henke (Grandview) Hospital in La Crosse, Wis. Virginia never knew her mother. By the time she was nine months old, she’d been taken to the Lutheran Hospital; she was adopted from there by Archie and Tillie Dent who lived about 10 miles west of Rushford on a farm. Virginia … [Read more...]
Rushford Village to partner for payment assistance program
The City of Rushford Village was recently approached by Semcac (South East Minnesota Citizens Action Council) regarding a Water and Sewer Assistance Program. The program is optional for cities and works to address emergency needs. “It would help any resident in the water/sewer district that are behind in their payments,” noted City Clerk Mary Miner at the October 5 meeting. … [Read more...]
Rushford Village ponders trail study, reopens parks
The City of Rushford Village is working with Community and Economic Development Associates’ (CEDA) representative Rebecca Charles to determine if a proposed trail study would benefit the Village. The study is the work of University of La Crosse students under the tutelage of Dr. Daniel Plunkett, Assistant Professor of Recreation Management & Therapeutic Recreation. The … [Read more...]
Time for a new jail?
Sheriff John DeGeorge made a second presentation in his “Jail Tour” of Fillmore County at the Rushford Village meeting March 16. DeGeorge plans to visit as many city meetings in the county as possible to share the research and facts with the public; he has already attended the Canton meeting. Throughout his power point presentation, DeGeroge stressed that he wanted public input … [Read more...]