Houston County Chairman Eric Johnson presented Resolution No. 24-06 in “opposition to the recently redesigned Minnesota state flag and seal” at the January 9, 2024, commission meeting. The board unanimously adopted the resolution. Chairman Johnson shared a memo from Houston County Sheriff Brian Swedberg illustrating the financial impact on the county if the state moves … [Read more...]
Houston County Commissioners Elect New Chairman
The first order of business at the January 2, 2024, Houston County Commission meeting was the election of the 2024 board chairman and vice chair. Commissioner Eric Johnson will take the lead as chairman and Commissioner Bob Schuldt will step into the role as vice-chairman. Board Clerk Allison Wagner promptly called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led the board and the … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Caledonia Police Department Craig Phillip Runyan, 37, Waukesha, Wis.; 12/17/2023, Speeding (55/45), Fine $40, Total Fees $115. 12/17/2023, Speeding (55/45), Fine $40. Jacob Randall Swindell, 28, Caledonia, Minn.; 10/12/2023, Uninsured Vehicle - Owner Violation, Fine $200, Total Fees $275. Abrielle Nadine VonArx, 20, Caledonia, Minn.; 9/12/2023, … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Land Rent Survey Results
By Katie Drewitz University of Minnesota Extension Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s land rent survey. Survey results indicate relatively flat rates in Fillmore County. Houston County saw a small increase in rates from the 2022-2023 survey. Historic rates and land rent resources are available at both the Fillmore and Houston County Extension … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Caledonia Police Department Taylor Skye Augedahl, 28, Caledonia, Minn.; 3/11/2023, Miscellaneous Nuisances, Fine $75, Total Fees $150. Emily Lynn Babcock, 26, Houston, Minn.; 2/23/2023, Miscellaneous Nuisances, Fine $75, Total Fees $150. 2/23/2023, Miscellaneous Nuisances, Fine $75, Total Fees $150. Jack William Brewer, 24, Caledonia, Minn.; 3/12/2023, Miscellaneous … [Read more...]
Houston County Employees Recognized for Service
Twelve Houston County employees were recognized for their years of service to the county at the county’s December 26 commission meeting. Thirty-five-year awards to David J. Bauer and Mary A. Zaffke; 30-year award to Julie A. Renk; 25-year award to Holly S. Felten; 20-year awards to Christopher C. Tuveson and Julie K. Von Arx-Abnet; 15-year awards to Anthony T. Dockter, William … [Read more...]
Houston County Conducts End-of-Year Business
As the year winds down, the Houston County Commission was faced with a lengthy agenda including 11 action items and one presentation at its last meeting of the month, November 28. All five Houston County commissioners were in attendance: Chairman Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt and Greg Myhre. Chairman Severson promptly called the meeting to … [Read more...]
Houston County Jail to Remain Open
With a roll call vote of three to two, the Houston County Commissioners approved Sheriff Brian Swedberg’s request to “approve budgeting the Houston County Jail for 2024 at the November 7, 2023, regularly scheduled commission meeting. The request includes reviewing the jail’s budget and operations at the July 2024 commission meeting. Both Sheriff Brian Swedberg and Jail … [Read more...]
Employee Recognized for 35 Years of Service to Houston County
Houston County Commissioner Eric Johnson recognized and thanked David Bauer, highway maintenance specialist senior, for his 35 years of service to the county at the October 24 regularly scheduled meeting of the Houston County Commission. Also thanked for their service to the county were Nicole Konkel and Erin Woods. Chairman Dewey Severson call the meeting to order at 9 a.m. … [Read more...]
Houston County Adopts 7% Levy
The Houston, Minn., County Board of Commissioners thoroughly discussed the proposed tax levy for the county at their September 26 meeting. Originally a proposed levy of 8.7% was suggested once the proposed budget for the year had been presented. Bob Burns, District 3 Commissioner, presented a list of possible changes to the board which would have resulted in a net levy of … [Read more...]
Houston County Fair Open Class Results
Department 1 - Game Horses Dept 1- Class A Keri Eglinton, Champion; Christine Novak, Reserve Dept 1- Class B Keri Eglinton; Reserve Champion Dept 1- Class C Rosalie Plzak, Champion; Keri Eglinton, Reserve Champion Dept 1- Class D Elliot Plzak, Champion; Keri Eglinton, Reserve Dept 1- Class E Elliot Plzak, Champion; Keri Eglinton, Reserve Champion Dept 1- Class … [Read more...]
Houston County Fair 4-H Results
4-H Club Legend BHSS - Black Hammer Swift Scooters; BW - Brownsville Wildcats; CR - Caledonia Rockets; HNH - Hearts and Hooves; HC - Hokah Chiefs; HCSS - Houston County Sharpshooters; IND - Independent; LCTL - La Crescent Tiger Lilies; LCAB - La Crescent Apple Blossoms; LL - Lazy Lopers; MBRS - Mayville Blue Ribbon Strivers; MCL - Money Creek Livewires; NN - Newhouse … [Read more...]
Houston County to Hold Monthly Children’s Dental Clinics
Chairperson Dewey Severson called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Houston County Commission to order at 9 a.m. Severson led his fellow commissioners and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda with one addition to the consent agenda, as well as the September 5 commission meeting minutes. All five commissioners were in … [Read more...]
Houston County Begins 2024 Budget Process
Chairperson Dewey Severson called the Houston County Commission’s regularly scheduled September 5 meeting to order at 9 a.m. Severson led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board unani-mously approved the meeting agenda noting one change to the consent agenda, and the minutes from the August 22 commission meeting. Commissioner Robert (Bob) Burns … [Read more...]
A Heart of Green
Houston County resident and life-long 4-Her, Elden Pohlman, is the epitome of the 4-H pledge that has been recited by thousands of kids at 4-H club meetings and camps throughout the country since it was adopted in 1927. I pledge: My head to clearer thinking My heart to greater loyalty My hands to larger service And my health to better living for my club, my community, my … [Read more...]