The Fillmore County Planning Commission met on March 23 to consider an application submitted by Andrew Miller Jr. to rezone his property northeast of the city of Spring Valley from A (Agricultural) to I-1 (General Industrial) for the purpose of opening a lumberyard. The property in Spring Valley Township lies within one-half mile of the city limits of Spring Valley, making … [Read more...]
County Assessor highlights Rushford adjustments
Fillmore County Assessor Jason McCaslin presented a review of details involved in finalizing the 2023 market adjustment at the March 27 Rushford Council meeting. McCaslin covered Rushford, as well as other municipalities and the county as a whole. McCaslin noted that things that affect the county tax rate vary and that time adjustments had a tremendous impact on the changes. … [Read more...]
Fillmore County appeals for funding
Sheila Kiscaden, co-chair Southeast Minnesota Together, addressed the Fillmore County Board at their March 14 meeting. She requested their help in an appeal to Rep. Greg Davids and Senator Jeremy Miller to get the legislature to fund the SE MN Together Transit Action Team’s effort. SE MN Together wants to develop a comprehensive assessment and financial plan for a … [Read more...]
Fillmore County moves toward in-house CMH-TCM
Social Services Director Wanda Berg explained at the March 7 county board meeting that Children’s Mental Health-Targeted Case Management is currently provided by Hiawatha Valley Mental Health in Winona. Hiawatha Valley Mental Health is managing a caseload of about 52 for Fillmore County, of which about 11 are “county pay.” At this time there is not a signed contract in effect … [Read more...]
Fillmore County to look at regulating cannabinoid products/hemp-derived THC
The February 28 meeting of the Fillmore County board had two controversial issues on the agenda. The Planning Commission’s recommendation to increase the animal unit cap drew a large crowd and later the public hearing on a possible moratorium on cannabinoid products or hemp-derived THC filled the board room once more. Chairman Larry Hindt announced that the board would be … [Read more...]
Local Option Sales Tax extended
At the February 14 Fillmore County Board meeting, the public was given the opportunity to comment on the extension of the Local Option Sales Tax (LOST). County Engineer Ron Gregg explained the half cent tax was enacted in 2014. The revenue collected was intended to be used to help fund 131 miles of county roads that are strictly funded with local tax levy dollars. The program … [Read more...]
Fillmore County schedules hearing regarding sale of edible cannabinoid products
At the February 7 meeting of the county board, commissioners set a public hearing for February 28, at 10 a.m., for possible action on an interim moratorium regarding the sale of edible cannabinoid products and/or hemp derived THC food and beverages. A proposed interim ordinance and moratorium will be considered at this meeting. The county is considering an interim moratorium … [Read more...]
Fillmore County legislative priorities
Department heads advocated for their 2023 legislative priorities at the board’s January 24 meeting. Rep. Greg Davids and Senator Jeremy Miller attended the meeting virtually. Davids commented that it will be an interesting session with the huge $17.4 billion surplus. The 2023 legislature is dominated by one side. Davids suggested it is not good to have the legislature one … [Read more...]
Sand, Fill Pit permit approval recommended
At the January 19 meeting of the Fillmore County Planning Commission, a public hearing was held on a conditional use permit application for a Sand, Fill Pit submitted by K. Rodney and Holly Beer. As this was the first meeting of the new year; election of officers was first on the agenda. Trinity Johnson was elected board chairman and Gary Ruskell was elected vice chair. … [Read more...]
Fillmore County approves cell phones for Community Services
At the January 10 meeting of the county board, a two-year contract was approved with First Net. The contract includes 20 phones at a cost of $44.99 per month per phone plus $3 per month for each device license. The estimated total monthly charge with fees is $1,094.27. Jessica Erickson, director of nursing, will get 13 phones for her department. She requested a two-year pilot … [Read more...]
Fillmore County conducts new year annual business
At the January 3 meeting of the Fillmore County board, newly elected officials and a new county recorder were sworn in. Judge Jeremy Clinefelter administered the oath of office to the recently appointed county recorder Roxane Kraling and re-elected officials including county attorney Brett Corson and commissioners Randy Dahl and Duane Bakke. Larry Hindt was elected to serve as … [Read more...]
Fillmore County approves 2023 budget and levy
At the December 20 meeting of the Fillmore County Board and the last meeting of 2022, the 2023 budget and levy were approved. The total 2023 levy which includes $119,773 Disparity Aid is $12,399,295. This is an increase of 3.95 % over 2022. The budget includes a 4.5 % cost of living increase for non-union employees, which was approved this day. Total revenues and total … [Read more...]
Fillmore County reviews 2022, presents goals for 2023
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery detailed past operations and county goals and objectives at the Truth in Taxation public hearing on December 13. Hillery focused on the installation of updated or upgraded technology for improved cyber security. The contract with Schneider Geospatial is continued to provide data and access to information without cost to the taxpayer who … [Read more...]
Fillmore County supports new funding formula for corrections
At the county board’s December 13 meeting, commissioners passed a resolution urging the legislature to pass a new funding formula and significant appropriation in the upcoming 2023 legislative session. The Association of Minnesota Counties Community Supervision Work Group has urged all 87 counties to give their support. Community supervision such as probation, supervised … [Read more...]
Explaining 2023 Fillmore County property taxes
Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer Christy Smith recently sent out proposed property taxes for 2023 to property owners. Property taxes are collected to pay for services provided by the county, city, township, and school taxing districts. Each property owner is asked to pay his/her fair share, no more and no less. Jason McCaslin, county assessor, is responsible for estimating the … [Read more...]