At the October 15 meeting, the Village Council again hashed out details of items that will determine the 2025 budget. The council needs to set the final budget and levy by the last meeting in December.
City Engineer Derek Olinger of Bolton & Menk was present at the meeting to discuss a field review of paved roads. He recommends the village seal coat or chip seal on several roads next year. Included in the priority list are Plummer Street from Main Street to Darr Lanem, Plummer Street from Darr Lane to the east, Prospect Street, Darr Lane, Money Creek Road, Laura Lane, Hayes Street, Goodrich Street from Main Street, and approximately 640 feet to the east, Sherwood Street, and Meadow Avenue, from Hayes Street to Highway 16.
The work on these streets will complete the first round of maintenance since repaving projects in 2014-2016. The firm suggests the village budgets no less than $20,000 annually for road maintenance.
Olinger noted some roads have deteriorated past the point where sealing would be effective maintenance. These streets include Oakview Loop and parts of Money Creek Road/Dump Hill Road. Olinger estimates the reclamation of these streets to cost $400,000-450,000. He did note in a letter that the village may defer the work for four to five years.
The council unanimously approved preparing a bid package for the seal coat and chip sealing suggestions.
Work on the Public Works maintenance shed will continue this year, utilizing funds leftover from the 2024 budget. City Clerk Mary Miner felt there were sufficient funds despite the money set aside for the shed renovations already spent this year. However, using current general funds, the $24,000 budgeted for the shed next year can be utilized for other needs.
The goal of finishing the project this year is to seal the shed against the winter elements. The shed needs overhead garage doors and electrical in place before the door installation. The estimated cost for the doors, including installation, openers, and covers against water in the wash bays, is $11,600. Councilor Mike Ebner estimates the electrical work to be $11,600-11,700.
“It’ll be around $25,000 total to do it this year,” said Ebner. “If we’re looking at it, the money’s there. But, we’ll have to act pretty quick.”
The council needs to order the doors immediately. NES can start the electrical upgrades in November.
“It’s getting to be crunch time,” added Councilor Travis Link. “We’re pretty much doing it early.”
“We have to put money aside for things – roads, bridges, parks,” cautioned City Treasurer Judy Graham. “We made a motion to do it, but haven’t done it.”
“Mary says okay, but if you say we need to set funds aside, are we really okay?” asked Councilor Bob Hart.
“It depends on what comes up,” responded Graham.
“We lose a little bit of safety net. That’s how I’m looking at it,” noted Link.
The council voted unanimously to move forward with the work, protecting the investment in updates already completed this year.
Also discussed for the budget was part-time Public Works help. The budget currently includes wages for a part-time employee for 10 hours a week, at $20 per hour, for eight months of the year. Public Works Supervisor Trenten Chiglo noted that while 10 hours a week would be fine, 12 hours a week would be a safer plan. He also suggested the council consider two additional weeks on the timeframe, making it 8.5 months. It would help the city get through the busy months of mowing and trimming, assistance with tree and ditch work, and winter preparations on equipment.
A big question for the village is whether they can secure a part-time worker for just 10 hours a week.
“That’s a good question,” admitted Chiglo when asked. “If you get no applicants, you may have to rearrange the job description. It’s hard to even find a full-time person.”
“It might be easier to find someone that wants flexibility,” added Overland. “I just want to make sure we’re not shorting ourselves.
“I don’t think another $1,000 in that budget would hurt, but I’m not sure,” noted Link.
Staff also suggested the village could contract out the mowing and trimming, which Overland noted could mean using their own equipment and liability insurance.
“That’s why our $20 isn’t $20,” noted Graham. “Every dollar we use is more, whether it be taxes or insurance or whatever.”
The council took no action on the budget or a part-time employee.
As a reminder, there is no council meeting on November 5 due to the general election.
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