The headache that was the 2016 south Rushford Village road project continues to hamper city efforts to conclude the project. The $643,000 project has been discussed by the council at length, with the final pay application to McHugh Excavating approved earlier this month. At the Tuesday, August 15 Village council meeting, three citizens brought forth information and frustrations regarding the project results.
“I want to illustrate to you what happened on the street; to visualize the problem we’re facing over there,” began resident Doug Fowler, armed with photos of before and after the project. Fowler lives at 30422 Sherwood Street. Neighboring residents Dale Myhre, 30419 S. Whitmore Street, and Ken Rislov, 44736 Goodrich Street, were also in attendance.
Fowler contests Bolton & Menk Engineer Josh Pope’s assertion that the roadway was raised two inches and property/right-of-way slopes adjusted a “negligible amount.” Prior to the project, the slope was just over 15%, according to Fowler. Recent calculations done by the property owner now indicate a slope of nearly double that. Additionally, Fowler addressed project documents stating the roadway was raised four inches. His recent measurements, at the end of his driveway, are equal to or higher than five-and-a-half inches. “The road’s not straight. The workmanship of the companies involved was horrendous,” said Fowler.
“They did a terrible job,” added Myhre. “They did a rush job and didn’t do it right.”
The residents had additional concerns with water drainage, or lack thereof, and backfill material placed on the slopes. The initial material was replaced after complaints and Fowler and Myhre indicate the second fill was equally subpar. “It is inferior to what should have been placed on slopes,” said Fowler, describing the large clumps, debris, and hard dried vegetation. “I was in construction for 30 years. It’s been a long time,” admitted Fowler. “I estimate it would take 15-20 yards of fill to remedy the slope. All we’re after is to get it reasonably maintainable.”
Mayor Gordon Johnson agreed things could be done to mitigate the slope, even though doing so may impact water drainage capacity. “Your comments are taken to heart. We’ll find a way to work together to mitigate the ditch as much as possible,” said Johnson.
Rislov indicated the ditches aren’t draining properly and that his property is now the dumping ground for substantial amounts of the neighborhood water. Additionally, it was noted by several that culverts are in some cases tipped against the desired water flow direction, or are too high.
“We just want someone to do something. None of you have come out to talk with us,” added Rislov. “It’s a common courtesy. It just gets frustrating.”
The council briefly discussed items of old business, including road grading, water utility work, and plan for equipment replacement for Public Works. Also discussed was an item brought forth for consideration by Mayor Johnson detailing the placing of “In God We Trust” within council chambers.
Public Works Director Travis Scheck noted that roads need grading, but that a lack in recent moisture makes doing so now meritless. He indicated that rather than stir up dust and put a bit of loose gravel on top, he’ll be hitting the roads as soon as rain falls.
In regards to water, 11 residences still need location of curb stop water shutoff. Once all stops are located, they will be GPS mapped.
Prioritizing of and planning for equipment replacement is also underway. Scheck has secured some early quotes on items. The base cost for a large dump truck is $118,500. “You might as well double that when you set it up with a plow, box, and equipment,” noted Scheck. The current truck is a 2007 unit and maintenance on equipment after 10 years is a substantial cost in itself. Likewise, the city is considering upgrading the heavily-used road grader, but the cost is roughly $300,000 once set up with needed accessories. Funds for replacement are being set aside and several CDs are available to assist with the costs. Scheck will continue seeking item costs, but it’s unclear at this time which direction the council will go first.
As for the placement of “In God We Trust” in council chambers, Mayor Johnson indicated the topic had come from a letter from the League of Minnesota Cities. “It has nothing to do with the religious world. It’s just a statement,” said Johnson. Preferring to wait for full council attendance, the council made no formal decision on the item.Councilor Chad Rasmussen and City Attorney Tom Manion were absent from the meeting.
The council also briefly discussed the upcoming setting of the preliminary levy and budget for 2018. At this time, City Treasurer Judy Graham and City Clerk Mary Miner are presenting a $425,000 budget for consideration. The matter will be discussed further at the next meeting.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Tuesday, August 29, at 7 p.m., at the Village Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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