The Tuesday, October 2 Rushford Village Council meeting was business as usual with a short agenda and brisk meeting. Other than approvals for minutes and financials, the council reviewed just one agenda item.
The council unanimously approved a maintenance agreement with Minnesota Pump Works, of Dundas, Minn., for annual maintenance of the lift station. The contract included a three-year term, locking in the rate, with no listed contingencies for rate adjustment. The cost was quoted as $468.75 per inspection with one inspection done per year. The only additional fees that may be charged include $175 if confined space entry is needed and emergency calls and repairs.
“I thought it was good to lock it in at this price with the way everything else is changing down there,” noted Public Works Supervisor Travis Scheck.
“The price was considerably better than we’d had in the past,” added Mayor Gordon Johnson. “With something like this, it’s not like you have a lot of options either.” Scheck noted he’d attempted to secure quotes from another other company, but received little to no response.
Each annual inspection will include a detailed checklist for the city, something that was not provided by previous companies. Scheck added that Minnesota Pump Works had provided good communication and may be able to assist with interim replacement should pumps go down.
“The scope is pretty well covered,” added Johnson.
A number of new planning/zoning items were briefly detailed by Zoning Administrator Jon Pettit. These included minor home repair, driveway improvement, installation of outdoor wood-burning furnace, and a new garage. Bigger projects included the replacement of a home on a property and a new home in the newly developed Eide subdivision in the eastern portion of the city. The only council comments revolved around whether or not the wood burner was correctly tagged and clarifying that the Village does not have specific guidelines for city versus rural properties.
There was brief discussion of the Benson Lane project with Scheck noting it was scheduled to be underway by the third week in October.
The Rushford Village Council was invited to attend a groundbreaking for Acentek’s internet expansion project. The groundbreaking was held October 3, at 10 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, October 16, at 7 p.m., at the Village Hall. The subsequent meeting will be held Tuesday, November 13, also at 7 p.m. It was moved to the second Tuesday of that month due to elections the first Tuesday. The public is encouraged to attend all city meetings.
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