The Monday, July 9 Rushford Council meeting saw no official action on general business. However, two topics that affect the city and its residents were discussed at length.
City Administrator Tony Chladek has taken a lead position, along with Krista Ross, of Southeastern Libraries Cooperating (SELCO), and Tara Johnson, Library Director for Lanesboro Public Library. The aim of their efforts is a reform in how Fillmore County provides funds to municipal libraries. Currently, there are seven public libraries within the county: Chatfield, Harmony, Lanesboro, Mabel, Preston, Rushford, and Spring Valley. Working cooperatively, the libraries and SELCO compiled data to support their request for additional county funding. Chladek, Ross, and Johnson met July 3 to discuss the findings.
Circulation share and budget costs levels indicate a significant number of county residents are receiving services from these municipal libraries. The service rate for circulation of library materials and ebooks to county residents was 60,839 items to city residents’ 90,415 items in 2017, more than 40% of total circulation. Despite this, just $223,809, or 26% of funding, was provided by the county, while $635,917 came directly from the cities.
“In short, an argument can clearly be made cities are subsidizing services being provided to county residents to the tune of $121,999,” said Chaldek in an email document. “I am told there are some county commissioners who feel the library serves no value. Explain to them what this cost share burden means to your budget. The numbers speak for themselves. I have heard a number of excuses as to why the county may not participate at higher levels, but what is clear is county residents are using our services and the costs are not being shared equitably.”
“This has been an ongoing issue for decades,” noted Councilor Jim O’Donnell, who also sits on the Libary Board for the City of Rushford.
“It’s showing the sacrifice,” added Mayor Chris Hallum.
“The long and short of it, it’s where we’re at and where we could be going. The numbers shared are just operational,” responded Chladek. “We should be talking about how we can partner.”
The target funding figure is $345,800, but Chaldek acknowledged it wouldn’t happen in one year. “A percent or two a year is not progress,” he stated. “The county is preparing their budget. Now is the time to contact commissioners and get them to make a change. There is value in partnering with us to provide library services to residents in Fillmore County.”
Chladek additionally encouraged city representatives to discuss the issue at their respective council meetings and to contact their county commissioner. “It’s time [sic] city’s got the support from the county for the residents being served.”
In other news, the city received an annual visit and update from Elizabeth Wefel, attorney and lobbyist for Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC). Each year, a representative provides an update on results of recent legislative action, as well as projects and areas of concern for cities.
Wefels noted that the most recent session was less productive than they’d hoped. “Going into it, it did not look great,” she said. A bonding bill, particularly aimed at wastewater issues was successful in achieving a wastewater “Bill of Rights,” the equivalent of an instructional guide in permitting, as well as pushing the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to look at the long-term debt load of cities and to search for creative methods for assistance.
“It’s such a significant area for cities,” stressed Wefels. “Regulatory reform with environment led to drawing attention to struggles our cities are facing, both because of aging infrastructure and changing requirements.” Essentially, the coalition found that amount of funding cities could receive from Public Facilities Authority wasn’t meeting the needs of citizens. “It’s going way beyond the affordability index,” she added. The coalition is pushing for supplemental grant programs.
Other projects on the coalition’s radar were the Business Development Public Infrastructure grant program and further work on recovering Local Government Aid levels previously provided to Minnesota cities. “We’re trying to put it back to the level it was before there was drastic cuts,” said Wefels, laying out a two-pronged approach. “The other is formula change.”
Additionally, the coalition will be pushing for further funding of city streets through Corridors of Commerce. The final bonding bill saw more than $400 million put towards roadways, but more is needed. “We need to put more money to roads,” stressed Wefels.
“It’s an election year; everything is up this year. We will have a new governor. The House could shift majority and there’s a smaller chance the Senate could shift, too,” added Wefels, encouraging the city to continue to advocate for changes. “Quite frankly, it’s becoming a drinking water issue, too.”
Lastly, Mayor Chris Hallum noted his pleasure with how the reception and memorial service for Joseph M. Johnson played out the previous weekend. Johnson, who was killed at Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Oklahoma, was finally laid to rest after his remains were positively identified using DNA matching.
“I’m very proud of the town. It was solemn; respectful. Rushford did a great job,” noted Hallum. “It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.”
“They just have four more boys to bring home (to Minnesota),” added Councillor Terri Benson. “Congratulations to the Legion for the job they did.”
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, July 23, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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