The Monday, December 12 Rushford council meeting focused heavily on a recap of 2016 city projects as the city preps for setting the property tax levy for 2017. Nearly a full hour of the relatively short agenda hit at the projects, as well as proposed projects for the next year.
Public Works Director Roger Knutson presented the information and noted that improvements, upgrades, and staff training has increased several areas of efficiency. The department works to maintain roads, utilities, and other city infrastructure and property, such as the airport, parks, and aquatic center. Since taking the helm a year ago, Knutson has been praised for his communication with city council and staff. He indicated he’d be presenting additional material, including detailed photos, at further opportunities. City Administrator Tony Chladek noted doing so adds value. “It gives a visual perspective for the council and the public of what Public Works does.”
The department saw a host of projects in 2016. Some, such as the Highway 43 project, new school construction, and the Veterans Memorial Park have required cooperative measures from the department. Locating and assisting with utility placement or upgrades have meant additional time required by Public Works employees. “We’re happy to do it,” noted Knutson. “It just takes a lot of our time.”
Additional work is mandated. This includes the Highway 43 project and work on the levee system, which both Knutson and City Clerk Kathy Zacher noted will never go away. “We will always have work,” added Knutson. Work in 2016 included bank improvements and stone work north of the Root River Trail railroad bridge and tree removal, among other things.
Signage reflectivity is another area in which the city was required to put in time. Minnesota Department of Transportation requires a specific amount of reflectivity on all city signs and the city has been in the process of installing new street signs. “All signage in town is on that course,” said Knutson.
Looking ahead, Knutson detailed a number of potential project areas. First mentioned was repair to the Rushford sign on Magelssen’s Bluff, which spells out the city name in large letters on the bluff face. The sign was essentially painted stones before it was concreted years ago. The sign is in need of repair, however, the terrain is exceptionally steep. Knutston estimates that to have the sign redone would be in excess of $4,000-5,000, not including labor and site prep. He suggested the city consider using Quick-crete over the existing sign letters could cost under $1,000.
The option to add lighting to spruce up the well-known site has also been discussed. According to City Clerk/Treasurer Kathy Zacher, the city received $5,000 from the Arlen Falk Foundation and $5,000 from the Rushford Municipal Electric Commission that could be utilized for the project.
Another potential bluff project is to extend the turnaround drive at the east end to include up to four parking spots. The extension could allow visitors who are not able to walk down to the lookout to see the panoramic view from their cars. It would require the removal of some trees, but the area could apparently use the work anyway. “It’s a mess down there, isn’t it?” quipped Councilor Jim O’Donnell.
On the opposite bluff, dubbed Rushford Bluff, the department is looking at working with landowners and Mike Ebner to replace a support pole of the Christmas star. While working on it, they hope to possibly include LED lighting and better access for the site. Although the site is on state land, it is accessed by private land.
In working to improve the Rushford Municipal Airport, it was inspected and the department was made aware that farm land cannot be closer than 125 feet from the center of the runway. Over the decades, that setback has gotten smaller and farm fields closer. The city has a year left of rental contract on the adjacent farm land, but is looking at reducing the amount rented out by some six acres. Before any decisions are made or work done, the city will speak with the current renter.
Work to city buildings also looks to continue. In 2016, the department reshingled three well houses, and one lift station and moved one park pavilion. Next year, they hope to reshingle the Magelssen Bluff pavilions, removing one entirely, as well as making improvements to the bluff’s restrooms. The aquatic center is also earmarked to have improvements made, namely pavilion construction over half of the current sitting area at the south east corner of the center.
Emerald ash borer continues to plague the city and will likely consume a chunk of the department’s time as they deal with the devastating insect destruction. Knutson noted that the majority of ash trees in town are large and quite old and are thereby not good candidates for preventative treatments. The affected trees are located substantially along Maple Street and the effects are spreading towards the “Brooklyn” area of the city.
The department continues to also work at cleaning up their work areas, including the wastewater treatment plant site. The crews have already made sizeable improvements, but hope to remove an unused digester that remains at the plant after the new digester was put in. The recommendation to remove the old digester comes from the city’s engineer, Bolton & Menk. Knutson also alluded to the upgrade to a new UV light system and potentially some automation for the plant waste system that would allow for further efficiencies. He estimates it could ring in with a $300,000 price tag, but that it would be helpful to the department.
Following Knutson’s presentation, the council reviewed the proposed $867,000 levy. This represents a 9.75% increase from the previous year. It would be utilized in covering debt service and operating expenses. It will also continue to rebuild fund balances, which was recommended at the last several years of audit reports. The city was quick to note, the increase does not necessarily translate to an increase in individual property taxes. A determination on the levy will be made at the next meeting, as Councilor Vern Bunke was absent from the meeting.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, December 27, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. Please note the day change to accommodate the official observance of the Christmas holiday. The public is encouraged to attend.
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