Determination of a Wellhead Protection Plan is underway in Rushford. The process was started prior to 2007, but was suspended after massive flooding that year. Part 1 calls for delineation of a wellhead protection area, determination of a drinking water supply management area, and a well and drinking water supply management area vulnerability assessment. The process is required by the State of Minnesota, Department of Health and the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
Pat Bailey, Planner for the Department of Health, was on hand at the Monday, January 9 Rushford Council meeting to walk the council through what’s happened thus far. According to Bailey, Step 1, delineation of the area, involved ground water modeling, conducted by hydrologist Justin Blum. “It looks at the geology and how water is moving,” said Bailey. The groundwater within the area will reach the well within 10 years and this modeling determines a management area.
Step 2 uses water chemistry data from the area to further determine vulnerability of the area and wells. Bailey noted that a triggering chemical for vulnerability has been tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Rushford’s three wells are deep, so the big area of concern for vulnerability is contamination from other wells. The concern is not from active private wells, but deep, old, unused wells. “Because of the flood, a lot of wells have already been sealed,” said Bailey. “I don’t think we’re going to have to do much inventory.”
Public Works Director Roger Knutson noted more than 300 wells were inspected and sealed after the flood. Further checking was done in 2009, 2011, and 2013.
Minnesota Department of Health has approved Part 1 of the plan. The next steps include looking for those unused wells within the delineation area and any concerns that may arise. A management strategy will be developed and afterwards, a public hearing will be held. Bailey noted that areas surrounding the delineation area, Fillmore County and the City of Rushford Village, have been notified regarding the report and of a public meeting. There is some grant funding available to aid in the implementation of the plan.
Councilor Vern Bunke questioned whether or not there were records of old wells, particularly on North Money Creek Street and Old Dump Road, which are in the area related to Well 2. Bailey responded that databases have been gathered, including information from property sales where all well locations must be disclosed. This data will assist in locating and inspecting unused wells. She anticipates the entire plan will be done by the end of 2018.
In some annual business, the council established the dates and time for the regular 2017 council meetings. Meetings will continue to be held the second and fourth Monday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., with the exception of the first meeting of October, which is bumped to Tuesday, October 10, due to Columbus Day. Councilor Vern Bunke was appointed acting mayor in the absence of Mayor Chris Hallum.
Council appointments to boards and commissions will remain the same as in 2016. Councilor Jim O’Donnell will serve on the Planning Commission and Library Board. Councilor Terri Benson will serve on the Community Education Board and Economic Development Authority (EDA). Councilor Mark Honsey will also serve on the EDA. Councilor Vern Bunke will serve on Trees/Trails/Parks and Labor/Management Committee. Mayor Chris Hallum will also serve on the Labor/Management Committee, along with the Airport Commission, Rushford Municipal Electric Commission, and Safety Committee.
Nominations and appointment of volunteer citizens to boards and commissions was also approved. On the Planning Commission, Sherryl Brunner and Maynard LaFleur will serve until 2018, Dan Wilkemeyer and Judy Darwin until 2019, and Herb Highum and Jack O’Donnell until 2020. Zoning Board of Appeals is comprised of Sonja Cook, Heather Larson, Helen Novlan, and Jack O’Donnell. The Airport Commission is still in need of two additional members to serve alongside Carolyn Dunham and Charla Miertschin. The Library Board includes Traci Tudahl and Anne Spartz until the end of 2017, Heather Larson, Sonja Cook, and Pixie Youndahl-Urista until 2018, and Marie Botcher until 2019. Serving six-year terms on the Economic Development Authority are Tom Driscoll, Janelle Ansell, Brad Hoiness, Don Paulson, and Scott Ledebuhr. One additional member is needed on the Electric Utility Commission to serve alongside Pete LaFleur, Jeff Bunke, and Steve Thorson. Trees/Trails/Parks is comprised of Beth Stanford, Roger Colbenson, and Sarah Siebenaler and is also seeking one additional member.
The council thanked City Clerk/Treasurer Kathy Zacher for working to find volunteers to fill the various boards and commissions, as well as those volunteers serving. “We have some very good citizens,” said Councilor Terri Benson. “Sometimes, they just need a nudge.”
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, January 23, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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