The City of Rushford has spent the last decade working to develop and proceed with a plan for maintenance and upgrading of streets and underground utility. Spurred by needs following the 2007 flood, the city has undertaken several sizable projects and another is potentially just around the corner. The city’s engineer, Bolton & Menk, presented an updated plan at the Monday, July 23 meeting.
The current plan is based off a 2015 Pavement Management Plan in which engineers gave conditional ratings to every street within the city, looking to maximize pavement lifespan while aiming to minimize maintenance, overlay, and reconstruction costs. All of the city streets were prioritized based on pavement condition and utility needs, including watermains, sanitary and storm sewers. Cost estimates provided in 2016 were reevaluated for high level 2018 costs.
A number of streets need minimal maintenance and either have acceptable or no utility needs. However, nine streets, or portions of them, were identified as poor condition due to the state of underground utility, with an additional 15 street sections identified as potential reconstruction due to both street condition and utility needs. Several utilities remain serviced by undersized cast iron watermains or clay pipe sanitary sewer.
“The needs are pretty widespread,” noted Derek Olinger, of Bolton & Menk. One long section, West Stevens Avenue and West Jessie Street, part of state Highway 30, are already on the Minnesota Department of Transportation work schedule for 2022. Olinger noted remaining streets were identified on three priority levels, which further reduced target streets for the 2019 to just five: Walnut St., East Grove St. (east of Rush Creek), a portion of North Burr Oak St., Circle Drive, and Lamplighter Lane. All of the areas are within the “Brooklyn” neighborhood of the city.
The city’s Capital Improvement Plan was analyzed in 2017. At the time, $1.98 million was allocated to the 2019 reconstruction project and an additional $1.82 million allocated to the 2022 state highway project. These amounts, in addition to existing debt, fall under the city’s self-set maximum per capita debt level.
A number of added benefits come with the project. Utility service areas see issues such as property services running under adjacent property, bends in sanitary sewer lines with no manhole access points, lack of storm sewer, and a valley gutter which stretches across a main neighborhood thoroughfare. The project could also see planning for future abandonment of line problem areas and removing utilities from the Army Corps of Engineers levee. “Anytime you can get utility out of a levee it’s a good thing,” added Olinger.
The estimated cost breakdown of the project includes $1.14 million for Grove St., $335,000 for Walnut St., $305,000 for North Burr Oak St., and $245,000 for Circle Drive. These portions would be paid for with property assessments and general obligation bond. The $85,000 Lamplighter Lane pavement reclamation would be funded via assessment and existing Capital Projects funds.
The council appeared to be in consensus regarding the need for some sort of discussion regarding sidewalks, including development of a sidewalk master plan. Some of the identified streets have sidewalks, even if leading nowhere, while others have none. Councilor Sally Ryman questioned whether or not residents want them and she, along with Councilor Terri Benson, suggested a look at addressing walking/biking in the street. The street widths vary and estimates are based on street widths close to current figures. The preliminary plan and estimates do not include sidewalk work or street widening, but Olinger noted a feasibility review could be done.
The council unanimously approved the preparation of a preliminary engineering report, which includes survey and topographical study of the project area, as well as sanitary sewer televising. The tentative project schedule calls for an improvement hearing October 25, with approval of plans and specs and opening of bids as early as February/March of next year. Following bid opening, an assessment hearing would be held in April, prior to estimated May 1 construction start. This would help identify project appeals earlier.
The first of four neighborhood meetings for affected streets is tentatively slated for August 7. “There’s limited details available, but it’s their first notice that something is coming,” noted Olinger. “We’re trying to set realistic expectations before construction.”
In other news, the council has approved the written communication with elected officials, particularly Senator Amy Klobuchar, in regards to pending legislation which could override 2017
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