The Monday, September 19 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting wrapped up in just over an hour. Items garnering the majority of discussion covered a new school progress update and a program update for the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative.
Back in June, the board had voted unanimously to approve a new 1:1 Initiative. The program is a cost-saving partnership with Best Buy and looks to put technology in the hands of R-P students. It was determined the company would offer a $100 off coupon to each R-P student, grades 9-12, to be used in the purchase of one of three classroom compatible devices. The devices are owned by the family, who are fully responsible for support, maintenance, warranty options, and accessories. Ranging from economy models to more top of the line models, the devices start at $99 with the coupon. A number of loaner models are available from the district for students not able to purchase the devices. The district hopes to expand the program to include grades 6-8 in the 2017-2018 school year.
According to Technology Director Corey Mattson, informational parent meetings were held July 21 and August 17 and were well attended. The district web store opened August 19. While there were a few roadblocks, as noted by Mattson, it’s been a positive concept. “People are paying attention to what we’re trying to do here,” said Mattson. “Staff is excited; receptive. They’re embracing this head on.”
As of the meeting, 111 devices had been purchased with 44 devices leased, a 68% adoption of the program. “It’s encouraging. There have been some pretty big jumps and decisions in the last few months,” continued Mattson.
High School Principal Jake Timm echoed the positivity, noting students are enjoying the devices and teachers are finding increased efficiencies. “It’s another tool in the tool belt of our staff members,” said Timm.
R-P parent Leah Mensink Jacobson, whose family has opted out of the program, was present at the meeting to voice concerns over the program. “I am here to express concerns regarding equal education for all students in the district. The Rushford-Peterson School District provides a list of Student Rights. These rights include the right to a free and full education and the right to equal educational opportunities for all students,” she read in a prepared statement.
“The 1:1 Initiative is presented as an optional program. We have opted out of the program for many reasons, including: the cost of a device, the disposability of new technology and wastefulness of individual devices, the safety and security of the device and the school not assuming liability, the expectation of personal interaction between teachers and students in the classroom, the preference for hands-on and experiential learning versus online instruction, the importance of learning how to do things without the aid of technology, opposing the idea of always having to be connected or with a device in hand, the recommendation of health professionals to limit screen time, teaching children the difference between needs and wants, and valuing time at home as a family without distractions from technology.”
“If it becomes an issue that our child is not receiving the same educational opportunities in the classroom due to not having a personal device, what will the school district do to maintain our student’s educational rights? I would like to hear from the superintendent and principal how the district will ensure that all students receive a free, full, and equal education when not all students participate in what is presented as an optional program,” she continued.
Mensink Jacobson also had reservations over the option to have the district’s snow days to be online learning days. “I do not believe the administration has fully thought out what will happen with students who do not have home internet access or a home computer, students who go to daycare or a relative’s home during a snow day, or students whose parents or caretakers are unable to assist them with online learning. If I wanted my children to be taught online, I would enroll them in an online school. If the school proceeds with this proposal, you would again be creating unequal education among students. The Minnesota Department of Education state ombudsman has offered assistance in advocating for the equal educational rights of all students in our public school district. I expect that the school board and administration of the Rushford-Peterson School District will thoughtfully consider the concerns I have raised and will ensure that the rights of all students to a free, full, and equal education are upheld.”
Board Director John Linder and Director Jon Pettit asked district staff about the concerns. Timm noted no feedback from staff regarding opt-outs, but said teachers would be expected to have paperwork or extra devices ready for those students. “It’s an ever-evolving process. We’re learning just like the students; just like you are. We will find a way to get a device in their hands.”
“I think we have to accommodate all students, so there’s equal, individualized education,” stated Pettit. “I’m concerned with how we’re going to do that for this or any parent who doesn’t want it to happen and wants their child to learn a different way. I’m supportive of technology. We’ve always made a way to accommodate, but it’s a very delicate system.”
“I think we can come to a common ground and seek equal opportunities,” added Mattson. “With this program, we’ve come off the ground really fast.”
“We’ll find a way to make sure the same core concepts are taught in the end,” concluded Timm.
The board also received an updated progress report from ICS Consulting representative Tim Robertson regarding the new school facility currently in construction. According to Robertson, the project is 45% complete and slightly ahead of schedule. “This is great news for us,” he said. Concrete Masonry Units and foundation work is 76-80% complete and fixed windows are estimated at 25% complete. The roof is figured at 75% complete.
“There have been no hiccups,” said Robertson. “This has been a fairly productive month. Things are going along. Forty-five percent is a pretty good milestone.
Superintendent Ehler gave an update in his monthly report regarding enrollment for the year, as well as historical and projected enrollments. Current enrollment is 661 students, down 18 from the previous year. Ehler attributed the drop to reduced early childhood and kindergarten numbers and loss of families moving from the district.
Director Pettit questioned open enrollment numbers, but Ehler did not have the exact figures on hand. Enrollment is currently projected to drop another 30 for the 2017-2018 year, down seven in 2018-2019, and down nine in 2019-2020. However, these figures are projected estimates and are subject to fluctuation.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, October 17, at 5:30 p.m., in the middle school library. Please note the location change. The public is encouraged to attend.
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