New R-P Superintendent Jon Thompson, at the helm just a few months, is making some changes with the way school board meetings are conducted and detailed them at the Monday, September 16 meeting. In the past, the board agenda has included statements from Principals Angela Shepard and Jake Timm, Community Education Director Lisa Lawston, and former Athletic Director Dan Bieberdorf (new director John Loney) reiterating details from their monthly reports. Not only has Thompson nixed the redundancy, he’s scheduled a special board meeting with district staff once every trimester.
The first special board meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 9, at 5 p.m. At the meeting, several teachers will be presenting information to the board. “I’m looking forward to the special meetings. They don’t get enough opportunity to share what they do professionally. What you do in the classroom is the most important thing you do,” stated Thompson. State assessment results will be one topic discussed.
“I’ve been working a lot on setting goals,” he added. “I haven’t had a chance to sit down with the staff yet, like I want to, hopefully, this month. I want to report out to the board what I’ve heard in these conversations.” Thompson also noted one particular goal is to better understand school finances.
“I still have a ways to go with my sit-down conversations with our teachers, but my hope is that our second special meeting will feature a sharing out of how these conversations have shaped my personal goals as superintendent and will most likely impact our district goals,” said Thomson in his report. The second special meeting will be held in December/January.
Thompson also stressed an appreciation for Truth in Taxation information. Recently attending a Minnesota Association of Superintendents and Administration training conference and noted the information is important in telling the district’s financial story to the public. “I think people want me to say it’s harder; it’s not really. Sure, there are nuances,” he added. “I’m really excited about that meeting (Truth in Taxation). One of my goals is to try and do everything in the most simplistic way possible, incorporating new ideas.”
At the meeting, the board approved several items, including increases to the pay rates for van drivers on particular routes. The route discussed is a 40-minute drive for special education students. “The proposal is to give $.50 more per hour to those driving students with behavior issues, so we can keep them,” noted Thompson. The district has purchased a GoPro surveillance camera but is considering adding a para educator on the route. “Hopefully we won’t get to that point.” It was made clear that the increase will not be given for specific individuals, but rather for whichever driver covers the routes.
There was concern raised for the driver having to focus on the road and the students. However, Thompson made it clear safety is a priority. “This driver does an awfully good job at remaining calm and concentrating on the road, and will pull off if needed.”
Thompson also updated the board on an ongoing gymnasium roof leak. Last week, during a rain event, the roof leaked while a volleyball game was being held, prompting both the game and fans to be relocated. “It hasn’t been ignored, but we’re having some trouble figuring it out. The plan is to get everyone on the roof [contractor, architect, engineer, and school officials] to try and solve the issue. It was embarrassing. There were comments made. They were not rude, but being honest. Everyone deserves a shoutout for being patient with us and cheers to fans from both schools,” said Thompson. “I have experience with roofs that leak on new buildings. Water has this way of working its way down and it’s difficult to locate. We don’t like it any more than the public does. We’re going to fix it as quickly as possible and the right way.”
An update on Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED) facilities were also provided. R-P is one of 13 school districts that are a member of the larger cooperative, which serves special education needs for the districts. Facilities continue to be a significant issue for HVED and the advisory board, comprised of district superintendents, has narrowed options to three alternatives; having two sites, north and south, serve the needs of the district area; construction of a single facility at a cost of $50-60 million, or to maintain the current arrangement.
Currently, HVED rents a number of facilities including one in Wabasha, two in Winona, and one in Caledonia. Duplication of services does occur, but the proximity of the sites to districts utilizing services is an issue. While a new site is the highest ticket price, there is an advantage of cost-sharing within the collaborative and duplication of services would not occur.
Maintaining the current arrangement is the least feasible. R-P Board Director and representative to HVED Val Howe clarified the situation, citing the four levels of special education. “Usually with levels one and two, the school can handle it. With level three it gets trickier for school districts, so they send them in for programs in special education. HVED is working to see if districts could keep these kids. Level four is sending to HVED, removing from school. We are running out of space for these kids. It’s to a place where we will have to say we can’t help them.”
“It’s difficult to serve kids in the districts and it becomes a collaboration to share those costs,” added Thompson. “The need is there and it’s the best for our kids.” Once HVED’s advisory board determines the best possible solution, all 13 districts will vote. All districts must agree unanimously on the decision.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, October 21, at 5:30 p.m., in the forum room. The public is encouraged to attend.
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