It’s been a year since the R-P School District vacated its former facilities to take up residence in the new, single school facility in Rushford. In doing so, the future of the former elementary and high school facilities, in Rushford, and the former middle school, in Peterson, became looming unknowns, despite both the district and communities having their share of potential ideas.
While plans for sale of the former Rushford facilities is still a work in progress, there is an identified buyer for the Peterson site. At the Monday, August 20 meeting, the school board approved the purchase to Anderson Maplewood Group, pending final documents and process. The sale is expected to be completed September 19.
The sale price is $115,000; $90,000 of the sale is for the building and $25,000 for the contents). “This is a fair price for the building, as well as the contents,” noted Superintendent Chuck Ehler. He introduced Roger Anderson to the group and stated the group’s effort to explore usage of the building as an aviation center, potentially aligning with Rushford Airport.
Anderson further explained that the group intends to run two different programs from the location. An Airframe & Powerplant license certification program is for those interested in aviation mechanics, whether jet or standard engines. One particular part of the group’s program is geared towards military service members, providing funding for training, with no interest. When they secure a job, the training cost is then repaid.
Another program that the group hopes to operate is a pilot program for those looking to gain their pilot’s license, whether private or commercial. Anderson noted the group had yet to speak with the City of Rushford.
“This is a win-win for the school district, the City of Peterson, and the people you’re going to be working with,” said Board Chairman John Linder.
“Think about the kids in this area,” said Anderson. “Boom, there’s a place for them to go, if they wish.”
The Redevelopment Committee met on Wednesday, August 22 to continue working to determine a course of action for the redevelopment of the Rushford property. It is expected that some details of the preliminary work on a Plan B, by the City of Rushford, will be brought forth at a future date.
In other news, the board received an update from Barbie Doyle, Financial Specialist at Ehlers & Associates. Last month, Doyle laid out the details of plans to put a new operating levy referendum to voters, a year ahead of schedule. By going out a year early and tying the vote into the general election, the district will save costs by avoiding a special election. The board previously approved a resolution for a $300 referendum authority, which does not impact taxpayers, according to Doyle. The question to the board now, is whether to seek to increase that authority, funded through property tax.
What’s being proposed for 2020, is to put forth two questions to voters. The first is whether or not the renewal of the referendum revenue authorization should be approved. “The amount is $440.60 per pupil and it would not increase their taxes,” added Doyle. “It would leave you status quo.” The second question, contingent on the first being approved, is whether or not the district should increase the operating levy.
Three options were considered for the increase; $100, $200, or $300.
“Remember this is a 10-year decision. What you decide it going to be in place for some time, cautioned Doyle. It was noted that many districts are increasing their levy, as inflationary costs have not kept pace.
“If we don’t increase, this will affect our budget,” added Linder. “Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the building.”
“It’s just to pay the bills. Everyone is treated the same in an operating referendum. It’s literally just to pay the bills,” added Doyle. Board Director Dean Mierau noted the timing isn’t good, as it may appear to some as the district is coming back for more money.
Ehler added that there are a number of rumors that float into and out of the district. “We hope our voters would approve the status quo and give the option to approve the increase,” he said. The board unanimously approved the seeking of a $100 increase to the operating levy, or $540.60 per pupil.
During last month’s discussion of the issue, the cost of open enrollment to the district was questioned. Doyle presented new information related to how these students impact the district budget, operating revenue, and state aid.
In fiscal year 2018, the equivalent of 64.4 pupil units at the district were open enrollment. Currently, the state pays 68% in debt levy equalization aid, or $76,000 in aid to the district for all students. Without them, the district would receive 64% in aid. “90% of district revenue comes from aid and 10% is levy,” noted Doyle. “The more students you have, the more property poor you are, the more aid you are going to receive.”
“It looks like we’re getting $8 per kid whether they’re open enrolled or not right now. That’s not enough to educate,” noted Board Director Jon Pettit. “There’s a cost for these people. There’s a cost that isn’t reflected here; added educators, transportation. If district staff could provide the expenditures for open enrollment, we’d have a clearer picture. It isn’t all just money in our pocket.”
“We all know costs are not going down. At the same time, there’s some concerns about costs we face as a district. We have not had to add staff, but have been able to expand programs thanks to additional dollars we have to work with,” responded Ehler.
A public forum for the operating levy referendum is scheduled to be held Monday, October 1, at 6:30 p.m., in the Forum Room. Ehlers & Associates representatives will be on hand to answer questions.
The board has also given its blessing for administration to continue reviewing options for the trapshooting team, including leaving things as they are, paying for all coaches and costs, and allowing the team to function outside of the school’s control. After a meeting between Superintendent Ehler, Athletic Director Dan Beiberdorf, and Trapshooting Coach Colby Lind August 18, the current path is to merge the optons. This will allow for the facilitation of fundraising opportunities, which option three didn’t.
“At the end of the year, if funds are left over, with board approval, this provides some sort of compensation,” noted Ehler. “The intent is to get it all spelled out, finalized, and brought back to you for approval.”
“We never heard any evidence of what we’re doing is broken. The level of support the school has been giving this activity seems appropriate,” said Board Director Bonnie Prinsen.
“The goal is just to spell it out so we don’t go through what you as a board have gone through these last few months; to look at what we can do as a school district to support not only students, but coaches. It provides another venue for our students to be involved in another activity or sport, however you look at that,” added Ehler.
As it currently stands, students would continue to pay a participation and registration fee. By keeping it a school-facilitated event, the team is eligible to do fundraising. Where option one sees all costs automatically paid, blending option one and two, positive fund balance could be used for coach or additional cost reimbursement. The school would pay all transportation. A final decision will be made at a future meeting.
The district is also looking at the options for creation of a robotics team. A meeting was held between Ehler, Beiberdorf, High School Principal Jake Timm, and Mike Mulholland, who has approached the district to spearhead or provide leadership for a team.
“This would help facilitate another avenue for our students,” said Ehler. “It’s not a MSHSL-sanctioned event, but a number of schools in the area have competitive robotics teams.” The topic was strictly informational for now, but will be brought back for discussion at a later date.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, September 17, at 5:30 p.m., in the Forum Room. The public is encouraged to attend.
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