The City of Rushford is looking into options regarding law enforcement it provides to the cities of Peterson and Rushford Village. At the Monday, February 13 Rushford Council meeting, City Administrator Tony Chladek stated that the current state is more of an arrangement than contractual agreement and the city considering three options for how to proceed. The first was a renegotiated agreement, the second termination of the current arrangement and no renegotiated agreements, and lastly, maintaining the current arrangement.
“The current arrangement is response only, not preventative,” said City Clerk/Treasurer Kathy Zacher. “I’m not sure its an option you should consider.”
“What we’re looking to do is serve notice to both and entertain entering into a more formal agreement,” said Chladek. Neither the Peterson nor Rushford Village have a police force of their own and reimburse Rushford for office time and a cost for equipment. Rushford Police Department does not patrol either community, but responds if there is a call. According to Chladek, the city needs to provide 30 days notice if it intends to terminate the arrangement, so the city has provided notice it intends to end the current arrangement as of December 31, 2017.
“That should give everyone plenty of time to work out whatever arrangements they see fit,” added Chladek. A meeting between all three municipalities was held January 25 and the details of what could be offered if a formal agreement was put in place was discussed.
The Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department has expressed interest in working to provide contracted services to Peterson and Rushford Village, but with the cities on the far northeast end of the county, this presents some issues. According to Chladek, Kaase did point out at the January 25 joint meeting that his preference may be to have the City of Rushford provide service due to the location of available deputy officers.
The city is considering negotiating a contemporary law enforcement agreement with both or either municipality, should they choose to. Such an agreement could spell out a more regular police presence in Peterson and the Village with patrolling and building relationships with community members.
“The City of Rushford takes great pride in making available quality law enforcement services to its residents and businesses. Providing those services includes hiring and managing great staff, quality training, continual policy and procedural updates, proper equipment, facilities, prosecutorial knowledge, crime prevention planning, and a host of other time-tested law enforcement techniques. These are investments that help keep out city safe. There is an appreciation for our officers when they are seen and have an opportunity to build relationships with our residents and business that runs counter to the current ‘as needed’ arrangement,” states a letter to the municipalities.
“This allows them to make the best decision for them,” noted Chladek. “Everything we discussed is covered in this letter. There are no surprises.” In the meantime, Rushford will continue with its responses to the cities when needed. Sheriff Kaase offered to come and meet with the cities further to discuss options for contracting with the county department for police protection.
“We’re giving them plenty of time; plenty. Well above what other people have done,” said Mayor Hallum. “I think we’re doing this is a very professional manner.”
In other news, the city is moving forward with plans to address emerald ash borer in the city’s park and boulevard trees. An inventory was done by the Trees, Trails, and Parks board, followed by an in-depth inventory from the Public Works Department. One hundred forty-three Ash trees were inventoried and a letter to affected homeowners has been sent.
Public Works Director Roger Knutson and worker Dave Lombard addressed the council on corrective actions. According to Knutson, the state highway department will remove needed trees on the Highway 30 corridor. The city will be responsible for the rest. It’s anticipated that 30-40 trees will be removed this year, with them down prior to mid-May, when the bugs leave their dormant state and would be more likely spread to other nearby trees.
Fillmore County is in quarantine, so the wood cannot leave the county. Those wishing to take the wood from the trees removed by the city will need to contact the city and sign off on it for liability. They are encouraged to keep the wood within the city. Large portions of wood that is usable may be sold by the city to Root River Hardwoods.
City-owned trees in the boulevard are determined by right-of-way, measured from the street center line out towards properties based on the specific right-of-way width for that street. “We tried to identify every tree,” said Knutson. “If it was in question, we went and measured.” Which trees come down first will be prioritized by the age, size, and condition of the tree.
The council also approved a recommendation from Public Works for the upgrade of the excavator and flatbed trailer. The department has the opportunity to purchase a larger excavator, with a boom that is five feet longer and thereby more effective, with minimal cash outlay. The plan is to sell the current excavator and trailer and purchase both the larger excavator and flatbed trailer. The cost estimate to the city, if all goes as planned, could be $2,000-3,000.
“We’re always looking to do things quicker, safer, and more efficiently,” said Knutson. “This is a way for us to step up.”
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, February 27, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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