Monday, April 16, the Rushford-Peterson School Board followed through with steps to return two of the three parcels of the former Rushford-Peterson Middle School to the City of Peterson. Outlined in the consolidation agreement drafted by the Rushford School Board and the Peterson School Board in 1991, should the R-P School District vacate the premises in Peterson, Parcel One and Two return to Peterson control. The site was vacated by the district last August when it moved into its new early childhood through grade 12 facility in Rushford.
The parcels make up the athletic fields and the field area below the storage shed, not the building, which is Parcel Three. Per the agreement, the City of Peterson filed a quitclaim deed and the school board action merely approves the plan already in place. “Basically, we’re making good on an agreement from the past,” noted Board Director Bonnie Prinsen.
In the 1991 agreement, there was no unified decision on what to do with Parcel Three, should it be vacated, other than it remaining the legal property of the R-P School District. Superintendent Chuck Ehler requested board authorization for the solicitation of proposals for the sale of parcel three. Legal counsel has reviewed the process and the board approved the request.
In other news, the district has approved a two-year contract with Bernard Bus Service. The contract, for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years, was reviewed by the Transportation Committee, including Board Directors Dean Mierau and Jon Pettit and administration, prior to it coming before the school board. The costs to the district for the seven provided bus routes are $311,060 and $320,391 for the respective school years. The amounts represent a 3% increase from previous years. One of the routes is within Winona, which buses in open enrolled students.
The issue of bullying aboard school buses was brought forth by Mierau and added to the agenda. Mierau indicated he’s fielded calls from several parents, and a letter from one driver, regarding student behavior. He stated the unruly actions are sometimes violent and questioned the procedures in place to mitigate the behavior for the safety of other students, as well as the drivers.
Ehler indicated the district met with the bus company and drivers last fall to discuss the Trojan Pride concept, including respect. Drivers are to load the students on the buses with younger students in the front, oldest grades in the back. The district also utilizes a one-two system. Ehler clarified that the one represents a verbal warning, while a two is an automatic write-up or disciplinary referral, of the student by the driver. Three referrals to their record and the student is suspended from riding the buses. “I’m not opposed to it when warranted,” said Ehler.
“It’s difficult to maintain consistent expectations on the bus,” he added. “In the past, it’s not always been communicated the best with drivers.”
At least three R-P drivers attended the meeting. One asked to address the board regarding the issue, but was denied by Board Chairman John Linder, who noted the time for public comment had already passed.
The option of having additional district staff ride the buses or having cameras installed on all buses was also discussed. In the past, some para educators had ridden the bus from the middle school, formerly in Peterson, to the Rushford facilities, but it is not a policy of the district to have extra staff on board.
Addition of cameras on the buses would be the responsibility of the bus service and would need to be made a part of the bussing contracts. Mierau, as well as Prinsen, supported looking into the cost of cameras. Currently, just one bus has a camera.
“I would help us in the long run,” said Mierau. “I think a lot of parents think their kids are beyond some of the things that are happening. Our students deserve better.”
Another item of discussion added to the agenda by Mierau was the status of hires for head boys basketball coach. In 2017, the board discussed the matter after then Assistant Coach Chris Drinkall had interviewed for the position, but then resigned his application after former R-P teacher and long-time basketball coach Tom Vix expressed interest in the position for another year. Vix had tendered his resignation from coaching at the conclusion of the following season and it was noted his interest was expressed in the position after the application and interview process had concluded.
Mierau motioned the district hire Drinkall for the 2018-2019 season. “He’s talented; well-liked. I’d hate to see him look somewhere else for a head coaching position.” It was seconded by Pettit before further discussion.
Ehler cautioned the board that hiring Drinkall would go outside the normal protocol for hiring procedures, but was quick to note he is not opposed to Drinkall as coach. Typically, the positions are posted internally, for school employees, before being opened up to outside applicants. Mierau argued that the board went outside protocol to hire Vix for the previous season as he was no longer working at R-P and that a candidate had already been selected when his hire was brought forth. “The board went outside protocol with Vox and Chris Drinkall had every right to file a grievance.”
Prinsen noted that the hire of Drinkall could jeopardize him in the future if he was hired outside of protocol. “I don’t want to taint the process, Drinkall included.”
“You’re going to open a can of worms,” cautioned Ehler. He noted the board had accepted Vix’s resignation again and that he sought to advertise the position in the normal procedure. “It’s setting a dangerous precedent.” The board approved advertising the position internally first. A recommendation for head coach will be made at the May meeting.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m., in the forum room. A special meeting has been scheduled for Monday, April 30 at the same time and location. The purpose is to discuss athletic field quotes and salaries, although it was not specified which district employees’ salaries. The public is encouraged to attend the meetings.
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