The Monday, January 9 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting saw a host of annual housekeeping issues, in addition to the welcoming of new Board Director Bonnie Prinsen.
First up for the board, was election of officers. It was determined that John Linder remain board chairman, Joyce Iverson remain vice-chair, and Valerie Howe remain board treasurer. The board clerk for 2017 is Bonnie Prinsen. Meeting times for the board will continue to be the third Monday of each month, at 5:30 p.m., excepting in January and February, when the meeting dates are bumped back a week due to holidays.
Board member salaries we increased slightly, after some discussion. Board member John Pettit stated he saw no reason to change the current rate of $750 per year, and $800 for the chairman. “If we were to increase it, I could see paying by meeting instead and compensate for the time in addition to regular meetings,” said Pettit.
“There seems to be a wide variation, with no right or wrong answer,” pointed out Linder after reviewing documentation of area board member compensation. R-P School District has the third lowest, of twelve districts with annual fee amounts. The figures range from $480 at the lowest, and $1,550 ($1,850 for the chairman) at the highest. Only one other district pays per meeting. Six of 13 pay an additional amount for half day and full day meetings outside of school district events, such as Minnesota School Board Association trainings.
“It seems that districts as low as we were compensated for additional meetings,” added Baord member Julie Koop. Valerie Howe motioned to set the pay at the same rate, but add $35 per day for half day and $75 per day for full day meetings outside of the school district. The motion passed with Pettit opposed.
The official newspaper, official depositories, and legal counsel for the district remain the same in 2017. The board also unanimously approved the designation of accounting and clerical duties to Business Manager Toni Oian and Accounting Clerk/Administrative Assistant Laura Hahn. Investment of cash reserves and making of electronic transfers by Oian, Hahn, and Superintendent Chuck Ehler was also approved.
The board also proceeded with futher discussion on acquiring Chromebooks for the school board members. The devices would be the sole property of the school district and are aimed at improving efficiencies and communication of the school board. Board member Dean Mierau, who was outspoken about the devices at earlier meetings said he had no interest in having or using one, preferring to use his own personal device if necessary.
Pettit questioned whether the devices would have comparable capabilities as similar devices. High School Principal Jake Timm explained that the devices have no hard drive and will not work with Word documents, utilizing GoogleDocs instead. Timm stated that the devices have the capability to make notes and edit documents in real time and are accessible anywhere there is internet service. “We have the capability to connect automatically,” added Timm.
Timm asked Student Board Representative Hayden Stensgard about his experience with the new student Chromebooks. “At first, I was pretty skeptical. Having it in the classroom is well worth it,” said Stensgard.
“We’re not replacing technology, but it’s a nice tool to have,” added Timm. He further explained that the board can create documents to share or for private notes, as well as pull up schedules and calendars for meetings. “It’s the efficiency piece.”
The cost of the Chromebooks is $1,750.07 for seven devices. It is expected they could be in use by the February meeting. Ehler noted that Technology Director Corey Mattson will be hosting training opportunities for the board members. It was suggested that Mattson be present at the first meeting with the new devices to go through any issues or questions.
Regarding committee assignments by the board members, it was determined the Iverson and Koop would serve on the Community Education Advisory Committee; Iverson, Koop, and Mierau on Facilities; Howe, Koop, Oian, and Ehler on the Budget and Finance; Mierau and Linder on Insurance; Iverson, Prinsen, and Linder on Legislative; Pettit and Linder on Meet & Confer; Prinsen on Minnesota State High School League; Howe, Pettit, Linder (alternate) and Koop (alternate) on Negotiations; Koop on Q-Comp Committee, Iverson and Linder on R-P Foundation; Koop and Iverson on School Policies; Pettit, Linder, and Mierau on Transportation; and Howe on the Hiawatha Valley Education District, Staff Development, Technology, and Safety Committees.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, January 23, at 5:30 p.m., in the high school biology room. Please note the date change. The public is encouraged to attend.
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