The Monday, July 16 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting had a packed agenda, including a number of items of old business and a lengthy schedule of new items. One particular item, which carried over from last month’s meeting, was discussion regarding the status of trapshooting team.
Trapshooting coach Colby Lind was on hand to address the board regarding a number of discrepancies in loss that were discussed at the previous month’s meeting. According to Lind, some equipment and supplies are purchased in larger, cost-saving quantities and a good deal of inventory remains. The district noted in documents related to the meeting that the team was $5,146 in the red. However, Lind maintains this amount is inaccurate when remaining inventories are taken into consideration.
“I’m a little disappointed about what was said at the last board meeting. I would rather have had a conversation prior to board discussion,” said Lind. “There’s over $4,000 worth of targets and ammunition remaining. The difference is significant.”
Another area of contention is whether or not trapshooting is a Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) sanctioned event. “I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but in the next breath, I don’t know if we’re all on the same page,” said Lind. The Minnesota Clay Target Association heads up teams’ regular seasons, similarly to conference play in other sports. At the conclusion of the regular season, the association hosts a championship event in Alexandria. According to Lind, the top 40 teams from that event and the 100, top-scoring regular season participants go to a MSHSL championship tournament. Lind argued that the sport and events are listed on the MSHSL website, while things such as JO Volleyball and True Team Track are not.
“If it wasn’t sanctioned it wouldn’t be there. It’s not fair to the kids to tell them, ‘We’re gonna cover true team track events, but not trapshooting.’ That’s the part I struggle with,” stressed Lind. “I feel I owe it to the kids to come and talk about it.” Currently, the trapshooting team has club status within the district and is not considered a school-sponsored sport or activity.
“Some of the options we’ve talked about aren’t fair to the kids and don’t follow our motto of, ‘Always Our Best,’” added Lind. “It’s a disservice to the kids who have been pushed out of other athletics because of abilities or previous treatment. It’s not fair to discuss it without talking with the coaches and team.”
A team typically needs one coach per 10 participants, as well as one safety officer, but in teams over 30 participants, teams are required to have four coaches. R-P boasted a team of 33 participants in 2018, four of whom advanced to the top tournament in the nation.
“Trapshooting has evolved. I don’t know if staying with status quo is good enough. Where the line is drawn in the sand, I don’t know. But, all the other activities have a set fee. Other activities don’t make money and I don’t know that it’s what we’re here for,” added Lind. “Investing in these kids is the bottom line. The parents and kids on the team felt attacked. We don’t tell other kids they have to fundraise to cover the costs of participation in events.” Lind went on to suggest that trapshooting, which is an olympic sport, should be considered alongside other sports, such as football, basketball, and baseball.
Superintendent Chuck Ehler cautioned Lind on how he interpreted the discussion. “A concern was expressed to the board and we responded to it.”
Board Director Bonnie Prinsen looked comparatively at other districts, noting many have volunteer coaches and elect to have the participants pay a fee. Lind countered that to be consistent with other MSHSL teams and events, participants aren’t required to pay a user fee, fundraise, and pay their own accommodations and meals during tournament play.
“It’s been volunteer coaches, but after a certain amount of time, they run out of gas. It’s a commitment,” said Lind. “I don’t know what’s fair, but it doesn’t come close to some of the other activities and what they’re paid. I think we’re wrong in looking at it as a club status.”
Athletic Director Dan Bieberdorf stated that the event isn’t MSHSL-sanctioned and that there are no established bylaws for it. “The link on the state site refers back to the Minnesota Clay Target Association. I’ve talked to the head of the association. He doesn’t foresee it becoming a full-fledged activity. Yes it’s affiliated, but it’s not the same as other activities.”
Board Director Dean Mierau made a motion to financially support the teams’ coaches, but the motion died for lack of second. Ehler indicated he would work to put together a working budget for the team.
In other news, the district has an interested party with a proposal to purchase the former elementary school building. The entity, who was not named by the district, came directly to the district with the proposal, but has not been forthcoming with documentation, according to Ehler. They have until mid-August to provide documentation to complete purchase or a Plan B will be proposed for the city to consider. “We’ll know more in a month,” added Ehler.
The new school updates continue, with proposals from Weiser Brothers Construction, Generation X Construction, and R&R Construction presented to the board for new sidewalks to the new school site. The proposals call for base and grading work and/or extension of city sidewalks for six-foot wide concrete walkways, extending 1,100 linear feet from Highway 43 to the school along the south side of Pine Meadows Lane with completion prior to the September 4 school start date.
Mierau questioned when the district advertised for proposals. It was clarified by Ehler that he reached out to area contractors and the project was not published seeking quotes, as the amount for the project fell below the $175,000 level. “It’s probably going to be the best, most efficient way to receive a quote,” noted Mierau.
Board Director Jon Pettit suggested the quotes be on a standardized form so the board can read a bid comparison. Director Bonnie Prinsen also noted it was not easily seen on the proposals whether differences were being offered.
The board tabled the approval of a contractor so the district can publish request for proposals, due July 27. A special school board session will be held July 30, at 5:30 p.m., in the forum room to review proposals and formally select a contractor.
The board did approve a 2018-2020 Custodial Contract with Minnesota School Employees Association. The contract allows for a 2018-2019 pay increase of 2.1% and a 2019-2020 increase of 1.90%. The largest increases over the current base amount, $5,307 and $4,968.99 respectively, are related to salary for custodial staff. Additional increases are found in payments to LTD Insurance, 403(b), District PERA, and District FICA. The district has five full-time and two part-time custodial employees.
The board also approve to appointment of an Interim Board Member to fill the vacancy left after Julie Koop’s resignation. Four interested persons submitted letters of interest and resumes to the board for review. The candidates were Jeff Michel, Steve Highum, Tony Heiden, and Kathy Ingram. Board members were allowed to nominate one individual and no second was needed for the nomination.
Board Director Joyce Iverson nominated Ingram, Mierau nominated Heiden, and Pettit nominated Highum. The board voted 4:2 in favor of appointing Kathy Ingram as interim board member.
The board also approved placing an Operating Referendum on the general election ballot for Tuesday, November 6. The referendum comes a year early, but the district felt it was less costly to avoid a special election.
The referendum, if approved will be property tax levies spread on Referendum Market Value and does not include seasonal recreational property or agricultural land and buildings (only levied on house, garage, and one acre). Barbie Doyle, Financial Specialist for Ehlers, Inc. was on hand to address the options and need for the referendum. According to Doyle, there have been legislative changes for aid, dividing operational revenue from the state for into three tiers. R-P falls within the first two tiers with the state providing 61% of aid revenue in Tier 1 and 34% of aid revenue in Tier 2. The last operating referendum was in 2009 when voters approved $940.19 per student. “The state hasn’t kept up with inflation,” added Doyle.
The board approved a resolution authorizing a $300 referendum authority, which does not impact taxpayers. By August 24, the board must decide whether to what level to seek to increase that authority, which will be funded through property tax. “We’re educating our younger students, the younger population, and we do not receive any state funding for that. We need to address deficit funding for it and one way is to give consideration for a referendum.”
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, August 20, at 5:30 p.m., in the forum room. The public is encouraged to attend.
LastManStanding says
So much for efficiency in that new school, eh Chucky boy.