At the Monday, May 20 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting, staff introduced the board to a proposal to alter math and science requirements for graduation. Currently, the district requires four math and four science credits. The goal of the proposal is to allow flexibility in curriculum options for all students, including those wanting higher level coursework and those looking to move into trade school or employment following graduation.
Minnesota Department of Education requirements for graduation are three credits for both math and science and with this change, R-P would still be more stringent at 3.5 credits for math and still four for science. Middle School/High School Principal Jake Timm and math department teacher and representative Deena Mathison presented the proposal to the board.
“The teachers came to me at the beginning of this year,” said Timm. “There’s a better way to do this.”
“It’s a way to get further along, and deeper in, with our curriculum,” added Mathison. The new sequencing is proposed to also align better with current scheduling and other curriculum. One of the goals was to get a personal finance component into offerings as a half credit, but it may also provide the numbers needed to provide advanced level classes.
“We have students testing out. We’re hoping that by allowing a change of schedule, we’ll see some more of them wanting them to advance and see upper levels increase as juniors and seniors,” stated Mathison. However, this won’t prevent those students that aren’t destined for a math or field from taking classes that they need.
“The biggest thing that came up was students that hit the wall, forcing them to take a math class they don’t need. We can give them a class that maybe suits them better instead of square peg, round hole their senior year,” noted Timm. “We hope we might be able to offer calculus level classes, but it always ebbs and flows. It doesn’t hinder us. It just more organized than before as we’re trying to meet the needs of our students.”
“I see it as a better option for students wanting to go into trades,” noted Board Director Val Howe. “They can take applied math and then move on to field-related classes.”
Likewise, in science curriculum, the board was presented with a request to add nutrition as a science elective and to use Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to meet graduation requirements. Students can meet the requirement with physical science, biology, and chemistry, physics, or CTE credit that meet underlying chemistry or physics criteria. “We’re trying to meet kids’ needs where they’re at,” explained Timm.
“We’re fostering students so by time they finish their high school career, they can have up to a full year of college credits,” added Superintendent Chuck Ehler. “We’re one of the few schools that offers that number of college credits. We’re trying to make our program a little more applicable to our students.”
The board approved the recommended curriculum changes in both departments.
In other news, the district has opted to relist the former Middle School building, in Peterson, for sale again, as the last bid to buy fell through. It was the second bid by the Maplewood Group. Hiawatha Valley Education District had shown some interest in leasing the site, but has passed on that option.
“There was other interest in that building. We shouldn’t have a problem selling it,” noted Board Director Chris Grindland.
Board Chairman John Linder requested a stipulation that 10% down be presented at time of bid. “It should eliminate some of the issues we’ve had,” said Linder. Bids will be due at noon on June 24 and opened the same day.
The board also approve a new two-year contract with Winona Health Sports Medicine. The district’s initial 2015 contract with the provider scaled back coverage after reviewing options. However, in 2017 the district sought to increase coverage to all varsity home sporting events. Athletic Director Dan Bieberdorf requested an increase for August 1, 2019-July 31, 2021 of coverage at all high school home events, including ninth grade and junior varsity.
The increase will cost the district $1,020. “They provide great service and do a great job of communicating. We’re spelling out more clearly that we want them at all home events.”
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, June 17, at 5:30 p.m., in the Forum Room. The public is encouraged to attend.
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