Business is just starting to get back to normal for the City of Peterson. As temperatures have warmed, members of the council have completed a walkabout of city properties to access for any ordinance violations. It’s an effort the city has been keen on the last several years. Letters were sent to 19 property owners and detailed the city’s desire for a positive community environment as well as listing specific areas of concern.
Mayor Tim Hallum is one of two council members who volunteered to review properties. At the June 10 meeting, he stated that the reason for the walkabout and subsequent letters was to identify non-compliant properties and to discuss plans for addressing them, hoping that property owners maintain open communication with the council. “We’re trying to get this cleaned up. We’re not here to point fingers. Our goal is for you to come to us and say, ‘This is our plan,’” he added. “As long as you’re open with us, we can work it out. If not, red flags fly.”
Councilor Dave Colbenson, who also volunteered to review properties, made it clear that no one is being singled out and that even the council is not immune to these types of letters, having received some himself previously. “Be in compliance. If you got a letter of an issue on property, that’s what the city wants from all of us, to manage the issues.”
Councilor Loren Rue suggested if property owners have questions, they can request to meet with City Clerk Chris Grindland and himself, a Zoning Board member, to go through the ordinances. “We’re not out after anybody.”
“We want you to come to us,” added Hallum. “We know it’s a tough time right now and we’re not trying to cause a hardship.” Of those receiving a letter, four attended the meeting seeking why they were notified, to ask what is required of them, or to let the council know the issues are either being addressed or have been fixed.
Just what happens next will be an issue to be discussed at a future date. The city is giving those notified time to come forward and discuss a solution. Rue questioned whether or not there would be an opportunity to review what Hallum and Colbenson are planning for the individuals. “We can go through for anything missed,” he noted. “I’m thinking the two of you are two votes of the council. I would be uncomfortable on carte blanche and would like the council to review the final decisions on these properties. There’s five votes.”
Hallum reiterated that at this point, no decisions have been made and that properties have been simply been identified and notified. Any decisions on action will be taken up as a collective council. “What we did here is send letters and get people to open up and come to us about it. If nothing happens after a month, yeah, that’ll be a council decision.”
Rue’s comments sparked some unrest with Colbenson, who questioned why it wasn’t enough for himself and the mayor to identify properties. “Why didn’t you volunteer then?” he asked, as reference was by made to what he felt was an unfounded comment by Rue at the last meeting
“You know why,” countered Rue. “A lot of people think I’m the one on the council saying who should be getting letters. There were a lot of balls we dropped last time. This council for years has tried to address this problem and nothing concrete has been finished.”
“You’re just trying to coerce us to have a majority. You want more than two votes; so why don’t you volunteer for the committee or let Tim, Chris, and I meet with them?” His sentiments were echoed by Councilor Lisa Price who stated Rue should have volunteered for the committee.
“We’ve been trying to work with the citizens,” said Colbenson. “Fining everybody to death isn’t gonna work either. Either put in good faith that Tim and I are gonna do the right thing or volunteer.”
“You don’t think the entire council should have a vote? It’s nothing personal,” responded Rue.
“It seems a little ridiculous to me that you want to go ahead and fine everybody. I’m willing to help out the most that I can,” stated Colbenson.
“Look, the intent behind this is we thought the three of us would meet and get some follow-up. That’s what we were doing. We aren’t here to throw fines out, we’re just pointing out what’s against the ordinance,” said Hallum, reining things in. “We will have to look at it again. Then, it’s a council decision. We weren’t going to pick and choose who it was. We wanted to identify and talk to them, then wait to see if we hear more, if not…” The issue will be on the agenda for the July meeting.
In other news, the council has approved Friends of Peterson requests for several summer events to be held on city property for the purpose of raising funds for construction of an addition at the museum. While Music in the Bandstand was canceled due to COVID-19, the group will go ahead with Bingo at the Bandstand. Four bingo evenings will be held, likely in conjunction with Thursday “burger nights” at Burdey’s Cafe. Friends of Peterson will adhere to all sanitation of the space and state guidelines for phased reopening.
A second community event, Movies in the Park, is also being developed by the group. These are to be held in the former Rushford-Peterson football field. Details are to come.
It’s been a busy few weeks for Public Works. Director Rick Lee stated several culverts have been cleaned or addressed and were done just prior to heavy rains. Unfortunately, other culverts, namely those under driveways, are backing up. These are property owner’s responsibility by ordinance, however, according to Lee. A review of culverts and issues with them will be gathered.
With the recent rains, the lift station pump had a scary moment when the pump kicked out the breaker, shutting it down. “I can’t stress enough that in a heavy rain, please look at the [warning] lights to make sure they don’t come on,” said Lee. “Heavy nights scare the life out of me.” The city is working to get a sensor on the pump that would notify the city if it goes out.
The council reviewed a request for additional flowers for the city park and unanimously approved a $200 budget for the flowers and hangers.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Wednesday, July 8, at 6 p.m., at City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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