Photo by Kirsten Zoellner
At the August 9 meeting, the Peterson, Minn., city council announced it would begin home water connection inspections. Driven by a revision to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule two years ago, all Minnesota cities must develop lead service line inventories of every water connection in its municipality. Cities must submit this documentation by October of next year.
The rule aims to increase public health protection by reducing lead in drinking water. According to Public Works Director Tim Hallum, the city must determine if the connection is plastic, galvanized steel, or lead. The galvanized steel pipes and lead service lines and galvanized lines that are, or previously were, connected to a lead pipe contain unsafe lead levels. Most homes after 1986 should be fine, but the city must access and inventory every connection.
According to the Minnesota Department of Health’s website statement, “All public water systems with one or more lead service lines or galvanized service lines in need of replacement are required to have a lead service replacement plan. Systems are only required to implement the replacement plans if there is an exceedance of either the ten ppb [parts per billion] trigger level or the 15 ppb action level.”
Hallum also noted that a Minnesota Rural Water representative showed the city the unsafe connections. “We need to be ahead of that part to get in line with the state,” noted Hallum, referencing the $240 million set by the legislature for the replacement. “It’ll be a long time before it trickles down to a small community.”
The city plans to begin the inventory the last week of August. Hallum and City Clerk Chris Grindland will request to enter homes to inspect the water line connection, photograph and document it. The intent is to go through the city street by street, so residents should be aware of the incoming request to enter properties.
Mayor Chris Stenzel discussed recent progress with four property owners recently notified that their properties are non-compliant with city ordinances. He’s met with all four personally and noted the meetings were respectful and productive. He created a plan with each property owner and will meet with each again in 3-4 weeks to see the progress.
“It’s a positive thing for the council that we’re moving forward with things the citizens,” he added.
Additions to the agenda included a discussion of public intoxication and building safety. Councilor Gail Boyum detailed recent incidents and sought clarification on how the city can address the concerns and whether public areas, such as sidewalks in front of residences, constitute a private or public space.
As for buildings, she questioned whether or not the city should call the fire department or public health if there is a perceived risk of safety in spaces open to the public by private citizens. Boyum indicated that recent visitors to Peterson brought both issues to her attention during city-sponsored events.
The city does not have a public intoxication ordinance currently. The council believed Fillmore County might and would cover the city as well. Stenzel will email Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department to discuss the matter further. In the meantime, he suggested that if instances of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct arise again, the complainant contacts the sheriff’s department at the time of the incident. Clerk Grindland will contact the city attorney regarding the building concern.
The council set the preliminary tax levy for 2024 at $111,271. It represents an 8% increase over last year. As a reminder, this is the maximum levy. The council may reduce it following the annual budget review but cannot increase it over the amount set. The council will approve the final tax levy at the November meeting.
The city is also reminding residents that polling is underway regarding whether it should utilize mail-in balloting or in-person voting for general elections. Residents are encouraged to email the city clerk at petersoncity@gmail.com or write their preference on their utility bill payment stub. Residents have until November 1 to submit their responses to the poll. Thus far, the city received only 25 responses.
A fall clean-up was scheduled at city hall on Saturday, September 9, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Appliance, electronic, and trash collection will be available for a nominal fee.
The monthly open forum with the mayor was adjusted slightly for August due to a schedule conflict. The forum is Wednesday, August 16, at 6 p.m. Citizens with concerns are encouraged to attend.
The next regularly scheduled council meeting is at city hall on Wednesday, September 13, at 6 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend.
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