Rushford Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce Director Jen Hengel was present at Peterson’s December 8 council meeting to highlight the 2022 marketing plan for the valley. The city has contributed lodging tax revenues to the chamber for this purpose for some time. Hengel indicated marketing tactics will remain largely the same, including digital, print, and radio advertisements.
Newer marketing includes geotargeting advertisements, concentrated in the metro areas, which operate off internet search tracking and paid social media advertising on Facebook. The chamber also partnered with Shrpa, a Rochester-based entity which engages visitors to the area through user-based content for itinerary planning.
Hengel noted the ongoing partnership with Leighton Broadcasting for radio marketing has been successful and messages can be tailored monthly and can highlight local events and business promotions. Participation in widely distributed Minnesota travel magazines is occasionally pooled with Root River Trail towns rather than individual towns due to cost.
“We’ve been using a dollar for dollar match for advertising since 2015. It’s a really good deal. The last two years, there was no match requirement,” added Hengel. “All of it is to drive people to our website.”
Councilor Gail Boyum stressed the need to continue efforts for the Peterson Museum, which functions as the city’s official visitor’s center. “It’s been really great working with Jen,” she noted.
A sum of $642 in Lodging Tax dollars, collected in 2020, will be paid to the chamber for ongoing efforts on Peterson’s behalf. “Is there anything else you’d like to see done? There is flexibility for us to do other things,” Hengel added.
“I’m not opposed to the city providing funds of $200-$250, out of our own General Fund, to go towards it,” said Mayor Tim Hallum. “It does help the city.” The suggestion of $250 additional was approved unanimously by the council.
Future plans for the city’s campground and park were also on the agenda. Councilors Tracy Seelbinder and Chris Stenzel are reviewing all aspects of the park in preparation of a multi-year plan for its development. Seelbinder indicated one area of concern was the playground location amid the campground area. “Personally, if we had more campers, I think we need to have the playground relocated,” he noted.
However, Hallum stressed how big of a project it was to construct the community-built playground in its current location. “To try and move that… it was a big project,” he said. “One reason we chose that spot was for campers to use. I know it’s tough where it is, but it’s close to facilities. That’s another reason it’s there. Everything was kind of in that location.” Seelbinder suggested campers on both sides of the current playground area with a green space between, relocating the playground closer to the former football field area.
Other problems are accessibility to the current dump space, on the south end loop of the camper area. A meter pole makes the area even more problematic. It is unknown what the cost would be to put the electrical service underground a short section to a pole further to the south. “It seems like everything is getting bigger. We need to make some more room,” stated Seelbinder.
Hallum suggested several alternatives including a new dump station location, eliminating the one on the loop, or leaving the station where it is and demolishing and relocating the restrooms closer to the concession stand/shelter, since the loop currently circles the restroom building.
Seelbinder presented a rough drawing off their vision for the park which could include 10 diagonal parking spaces between County Road 25/Church Street and the current campground. The area is currently treed in and was discussed last month as desperately needing cleanup. If the area could be converted, they envision table and waste areas running on the north and south end of the new parking area, which would run parallel to and west of the Root River State Trail.
At this time, it’s unclear whether this specific area is owned by Fillmore County or the state through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. The city would like to utilitze Sentenced to Serve workers to clear the area, but if it is state-owned, the state would need to pay for the work. If the county owns it, the work would be free.
The meeting also included a public hearing for the new city tractor, including any economic and environmental impacts, the service area, and alternatives to the project, should the need for discussion arise. The city is intending to utilize United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant funds for a portion of the recent purchase of a tractor and mower. The council approved that purchase in November in the amount of $21,400. If the grant is approved, the city could see potential savings between 30 and 60%, a reimbursement of $6,420-$12,840. The public hearing was held to satisfy USDA requirements for the grant funding. There were no citizen comments.
In new business, the council opted to approve keeping balloting as mail-in only, rather than designating a polling place.
The council also prepped for the holidays by approving bandstand decoration, including a hat, mitten, and scarf donation tree, designating city hall as the site of the mailbox for letters to Santa, and approved continuation of the city’s charity food shelf donation of $5 for every home lighted up for the season.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, January 12, at 6 p.m. It is open to the public.
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