In lieu of Governor Tim Walz’s Shelter in Place extension to May 4, the City of Peterson made arrangements for annual city events, as well as the use of city sites at the April 8 meeting.
While City Hall remains open, the April 8 council meeting was notably different. City Clerk Chris Grindland and Mayor Tim Hallum were present at city hall, while Councilor Loren Rue joined via phone and Councilors Gail Boyum and Lisa Price joined via Zoom video conferencing.
Other city sites, including Peterson Museum, the city playground, campground, pavilion, and restrooms will be closed until June 1. Discussion was held on whether to allow access the city campground only. Boyum noted Rushford’s Creekside Park is completely sectioned off, but camping is being allowed, with campers only, at the municipal campground. Lanesboro, on the other hand, has closed its campgrounds through June, according to Hallum.
“We should know more as May comes along, but think we should close it off for the time being, said Hallum. “I know we’re going to lose revenue, but we need to keep people safe, too.” The city will place a chain across park entrance.
With the campground restrooms locked, Boyum suggested the city contract with a company to obtain a portable restroom for Root River Trail users. Her motivation was keeping city staff safe, as the units are cleaned professionally and regularly by the company, and providing facilities for trail users. “It’s a way to keep people from using the woods inappropriately,” she added. “We know people will be using the trail.”
The cost of the unit is $100 per month and funds are available to cover the cost in the Campground Fund through May and June, if needed. A sign will be placed on the Peterson Museum door indicating the portable restroom location by the Department of Natural Resources building.
Several upcoming city events have been canceled. The city-wide spring clean-up will likely be held in September. Root River Trail Towns 60-mile Garage Sale, typically held Father’s Day weekend, is also likely to be canceled, noted Boyum, a representative in the Trail Towns group. A formal decision is expected next week.
The city’s big event, Gammel Dag, also held in June, is also taking a hit. “The height of virus is expected to hit in May, through June and into July,” noted Boyum. “Gammel Dag is cancelled, but we’re looking at creative ideas online to make it festive.”
The popular Music in the Park, which features live music in the city’s historic bandstand, is slated to begin in July. Organizers have applied for grant funding and say they will know parameters of any needed modifications if their application is accepted. “We have some creative ideas for that, too,” added Boyum.
With the museum closed for now, bicycles the city received through a grant to loan out to the public don’t have a designated pick-up/return location. According to Boyum, there is a possibility that area libraries may do curbside check-out. If that happens, Rushford Public Library would like the ability to use Peterson’s bikes through June, if demand is there. The council approved the usage, but opted to wait and see if they are needed before bringing them to Rushford.
In other news, the council’s scheduled spring walkabout is also changing. With social distancing guidelines, council members will walk the town individually or in pairs, rather than as a whole as part of the next council meeting. Hallum suggested council members review properties for any non-compliance and bring items of concerns to Grindland’s attention for discussion at the May council meeting.
“What you see standing out in the ordinance, that’s what we’re looking at,” stressed Hallum. Notes are to be to Grindland by May 1.
Construction of an addition on the museum is still gaining momentum, however Boyum noted she was hesitant to move forward on it. $20,000 of the $60,000 goal has been raised. Plans will be discussed with architect Larry Malmin and an update be provided at the May meeting.
Walkabout tourism signs, detailing the stories of historical locations and sites within the city, have been put on temporary hold. Boyum noted as the company making the signs is not designated as “essential business,” the construction of them has been temporarily halted. She will contact the company for further information.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, at 6 p.m. It’s unclear at this point if the meeting will be held at city hall or virtually once again. “We might still try to do it this way. We should know more by May,” said Hallum. “If we have to keep the same social distancing going, we will.”
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