After community input meetings and much discussion, the Lanesboro City Council approved the Auburn/Zenith Road Project at its regularly scheduled meeting on October 3, 2016.
The council approved Resolution 2016-11 (Ordering Improvements and Preparation of Plans and Specifications) moving forward with Phase 1A, Phase 1B and Phase 2. Smith abstained.
Phase 1A is will be Urban Reconstruction of Auburn from Wittier to Zenith and also Circle Drive. Phase 1B will be a partial urban reconstruction from Auburn East 750 feet on Zenith Street. This is similar to 1A, with the exception that curb and gutter will only be placed on the north side of the street. Phase 2 will overlay Zenith from where phase 1B leaves off until Maple Drive, where the pavement currently ends.
Consent Agenda
Approved Consent Agenda items included Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on September 6, 2016, Minutes of the Special Meeting on September 15, 2016, Minutes of the Emergency Special Meeting on September 22, 2016, Accounts Payable, Liquor and Tobacco Licenses 2017, Ordinance 54.06-2016 Public Utilities Fee Schedule, Closure of North side of Coffee Street West on October 8, 2016; Resolution 2016-13 Accepting Donations, 2016 Sidewalk Assessments and Ordinance 30.111 City of Lanesboro Fee Schedule.
Committee reports
Deane Benson with Lanesboro Ambulance reported the ambulance is as busy as ever. The council approved a policy change to start charging $350 for use of an Epi-Pen or glucagon in addition to the basic ambulance call rate.
Inspections are being done on equipment. A few policy changes have been made to the Ambulance policy manual including: 1. If Lanesboro Ambulance pays for an EMT class and then the person decides not to be an EMT, that person will be held accountable for paying for the class. 2. New members will need to do 28 probationary runs on one year probation before they are eligible for benefits.
Deputy Officer Tim Melver gave the police report stating that computer docking stations have been installed in squad cars. The computers are not ready yet, as they are being programmed. Following training the third week of October, the computers will start being used in the squad cars. Two new part-time officers have been hired.
City Administrator Michele Peterson gave the council an update on recent flooding. The city is receiving suggestions on how to fix the Oxcart Trail and estimates for costs. Forms have been sent in to the county, which will then be submitted to the state to determine what level of assistance the city will qualify for whether it will be just state or if the city will qualify for, FEMA assistance. City staff continues cleanup and making necessary repairs caused by flooding.
Congratulations to Darla Taylor, who is celebrating one year of service to the City of Lanesboro on October 12, 2016. Based on Taylor’s job performance, Peterson recommended that Taylor be raised from a step three to a step four on the pay scale. Motion by Dybing, second by Johnson, to approve the increase from 15.40/hr. to 15.70/hr. Motion carried.
Congratulations to Jim Peterson with Lanesboro Public Utilities who will celebrate 30 years of service on October 15, 2016. “He does an amazing job for our public utilities,” stated Peterson.
The League of Minnesota Cities will be hosting a meeting in Chatfield on October 27. The subject is dealing with tough issues and how to talk and listen to people during difficult discussions. Peterson requested Taylor go and wishes to attend also, if possible. The cost is $45 per person. Motion by Johnson, second by Resseman, to approve. Motion carried.
Community interest
Jim Watson addressed the council with ongoing issues with his sewer pipes. The council approved to allow access to go in to the sewer main to investigate any problems at no cost to the city. Motion carried.
Regular business
Motion by Johnson, second by Krom to approve a disability parking space at 611 Kenilworth Avenue South. Motion carried.
A discussion was held as to whether the city should purchase pedestrian crosswalk signs similar to those that many area towns have, which are yellow plastic signs placed in the center of the road to remind drivers to stop for pedestrians. The matter was tabled until further information can be gathered.
Motion by Resseman, second by Johnson, to have City Attorney Thomas Manion draw a resolution prior to the November meeting, calling for a public hearing to vacate the alley behind the Red Hotel.
Motion by Johnson, second by Resseman, to approve the City Driving Policy with revisions. Motion carried.
Bill Swanson with the Lanesboro EDA reported the results of the feasibility study done by Health Planning and Management Resources to look at the possibility of a senior living facility or a multiple site facility in this area. The service areas included in the study were Fillmore County plus parts of Olmsted, Houston and Winona counties. It was determined there would be enough demand for the services in this area.
The city council commissioned the study to benefit the City of Lanesboro to fulfill a housing need for four reasons: 1. To fulfill a housing need for our senior citizens 2. Creating jobs in town 3. Increasing our tax base and 4. Freeing up residential properties
The EDA will continue to communicate with Western Home Communities who have shown an interest in the city. Any interested persons are encouraged to tour a Western Home Facility on October 24 and learn additional information about the company. If interested, contact Michele Peterson at the city office.
Smith, who is on the Concept Plan task force reported the committee met on September 21, 2016. It was decided Steve Harris will be writing up press releases and articles for local newspapers explaining what the task force is about and the 17 priority projects that have been identified. Discussions are ongoing with Semcac about possibly providing a van to Lanesboro residents once a month for a shopping trip to Rochester, Minn. Look for surveys in your next utility bill.
Marti Gray with the Chamber of Commerce reported that although the chamber has been going through some changes in staffing, everything is going well. This year’s membership drive is almost complete. The chamber has 80 business, 17 individual, and nine personal members signed up.
Next meeting will be held on November 7, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.
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