Photo by Kirsten Zoellner
The Fountain Council unanimously approved prorating utility bills at the October 2 meeting. This applies to bills for property sales only. The change will calculate bills based on the percentage of services used, charging property owners only for the time they actually utilize the utility rather than a full cycle.
Mayor Tammy Danielson stated she and City Clerk Mary Tjepkes discussed the issue and surveyed area cities to see what the benchmark for handling the situation is. According to Danielson, 50% said they absolutely prorated the utility bills.
“There’s a lot of things we’re finding out,” said Danielson.
“The first and last interaction with the city of Fountain could be a very bad one,” said resident Chris Ruskell, who was in attendance regarding the matter. “I don’t think you guys want that.”
“No, we don’t,” echoed Danielson. “I think it takes people like you, and we’ve had others, that have made comments and we just need to make a change.”
Resident Tom Tienter was also present, but hadn’t been added to the agenda according to Tjepkes. “You’re not double dipping,” he said. “We had to pay the full amount. The people that bought the house had to pay the full amount. You’ve already been paid half too much. I will not pay that bill.”
Ruskell also noted that companies are withholding utility bills until closing now. The change should make for a smoother closing process.
Meters are read when a property is closed out, and the new and old owner will still be charged the base fee for water and sewer. The new change will be effective by November 15, hopefully. Tjepkes will work with their contracted billing software companies to make the changes. The actual date of the change will be published on the city social media pages.
The council also unanimously approved raising the rate for the utility disconnection and reconnection services effective November 15. Currently, the cost is $25. The new cost is $75 for each service. The city does provide a late fee for a shutoff notice. This brings the rates in alignment with other cities in the area
“Every month, I have people that are 90 days behind,” acknowledged Tjepkes.
The new rates will be added to the city fee schedule listed on the city website.
Referencing one property owner that is gone a portion of the year and chooses to disconnect and reconnect utilities, Danielson asked if there is a proper process for this option. Tjepkes noted it is the property owner’s responsibility to let the city know when they leave and return so they aren’t inadvertently billed for services. Councilor Jordan Kearns suggested the city let residents know that going forward, they will have a simple form.
Another increase approved by the council included an increase in the township monthly rent. It’s been $300 per month for some time and it will be raised to $500.
“Everything keeps going up,” said Councilor David Gudmundson.
The council also unanimously approved raising the cigarette license fee from $50 to $75. The fee hasn’t been raised in many years according to Tjepkes, who already informed the only person affected in the city that it was under consideration.
Cori and Keith Larson were present at the meeting to discuss the October 26 pub crawl. They sought permission to use the city park as a starting point for attendees to fill out their registration forms. There are six stops planned this year and Cori Larson expected less than 100 attendees. The city stated the park is first come, first serve, but that the parking lot is Department of Natural Resources owned.
Regarding Public Works, the council approved changing Public Works Director John Hanson’s hours to 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. since employee Jordan Amunrud is working 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be some flexibility needed during the winter months for snow removal.
New tires for the city truck were approved in the amount of $1,207. The six new tires received state bid pricing and will come through Chatfield Body Shop, but will be billed directly through the manufacturer. The price includes mounting, balancing, new valve stems, and disposal of the old tires. Danielson also noted that Hanson and Amunrud will now be compiling a monthly maintenance report for the council.
In zoning, board chair Ron Reisner noted they recently reviewed a proposal for a shed from Donovan and Julie Blumer. The council approved the Zoning Board’s recommendation to allow the shed with the stipulation that the property must be surveyed, including sewer lines, and that the zoning board needs to ensure this was completed and the setback is allowed.
Lastly, Gudmundson noted complaints regarding the railing at the post office. The city will send a letter to the property owner.
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