On December 8, John Paul Laganiere, 28 of Lime Springs, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Laganiere is charged with Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor a Vehicle, a felony with a maximum criminal penalty of three years in prison or a $5,000 fine or both. On or about December 7, the defendant allegedly fled from police officers on a motorcycle. The defendant had active warrants for multiple driving-related offenses.
On December 15, Shari Lynn Markowski, 46 of Spring Valley, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Markowski is charged with three felonies; Drugs – Store Meth Paraphernalia in the Prescence of Child or Vulnerable Adult, Drugs – Cause or Permit Child or Vulnerable Adult to Inject, Inhale, Be Exposed to Meth, and Drugs – 5th Degree – Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 or Paraphernalia Residual – Not Cannabis/Hemp. All three counts each carry maximum criminal penalties of five years in prison, $10,000 fines, or both. On or about December 13, a Fillmore County Sheriff’s investigator received info form Child Protection that a minor was allegedly being exposed to marijuana, vape cartridges, and THC. The reporter also stated small bags of methamphetamine were allegedly seen in the defendant/child’s home over the last couple years. The investigator found enough evidence in a trash pull to get a search warrant for the residence. Among the things the search allegedly revealed was a plastic container with a white crystalline substance, which tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine (3.8 grams total). Methamphetamine paraphernalia was also allegedly found.
On December 22, Jayden Jeremy Andrew, 22 of Kasigluk, Alaska, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Andrew is charged with Assault – 4th Degree – Peace Officer – Demonstratable Bodily Harm, a felony with a maximum criminal penalty of three years in prison and/or a $6,000 fine. On or about December 21, officers were dispatched to a situation in Rushford. Amidst allegedly displaying belligerent and obnoxious behavior, the defendant allegedly headbutted an officer. The injury required four stitches. The defendant blew a .186 preliminary breath test.
On December 29, Dennis A. Hershberger, 48 of Preston, appeared before District Court Judge Debra A. Groehler. Hershberger is charged with Burglary – 2nd Degree – Dwelling, and Burglary – 3rd Degree – Enters Without Consent With Intent to Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misdemeanor. The first offense carries a maximum criminal penalty of 10 years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine. The second offense carries a maximum criminal penalty of five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine. On December 28, a Fillmore County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched in regards to a potential burglary in rural Harmony. The victim alleged that the defendant had entered her house, gone through the mail, and taken things including a vehicle title, a check, and other legal documents. Per a Harassment Restraining Order, the defendant is not allowed in the victim’s home. An officer conducted a traffic stop on the defendant, allegedly finding some of the documents the victim described as missing.
On January 2, Michael Lee Drake, 33 of Lanesboro, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Drake is charged with Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, a felony with a maximum criminal penalty of three years in jail, a $5,000 fine, or both. On or about December 14, two police officers in uniforms and squad cars attempted to conduct an arrest warrant for the defendant. The defendant allegedly showed up in his pickup, but then rapidly reversed course and fled. Officers later found the vehicle, with two Minnesota ID cards belonging to Drake, but the defendant was gone.
Fillmore County District Court

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