The Hokah, Minn., City Council met on Tuesday, September 6, at the Hokah Fire Station. Mayor Lee Tippery called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led those attending in the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Lindsey Martell and Council members Cory Lorenz, Tom Bernsdorf, Mike Walsh and Jerry Martell were present. The Consent Agenda consisting of the August meeting minutes, … [Read more...]
Creamery Coffee Co. Arrives
On August 19, Creamery Coffee Co. opened quietly and joined the restaurants offering food and drink in Rushford, Minn. The new establishment offers quality coffees, teas, sandwiches, and muffins for now with more to come in the near future. Last November, Creamery/Nordic Lanes owners Dean and Kim Mireau and Tony and Jesica Heiden decided to increase their food offerings. They … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Fair Open Class Results
Farm Products Grand Champion: Jeff Gillespie, Fountain - Rye sheaf; Reserve Champion: Greg Dornink, Preston - Ear Corn; Honorable Mention: Levi Johnson, Fountain - Alfalfa sheaf; Honorable Mention: Greg Dornink, Preston - Tallest corn Vegetable Gardening Grand Champion: Darlene Eickhoff, Wykoff - Fresh herb display; Reserve Champion: Darlene Eickhoff, Wykoff - Red … [Read more...]
MDA Farm to School and Early Care Grants Open for Applications MN School Districts and Early Childhood Education Centers are Eligible for Funding
ST. PAUL, MN – Two grants that aim to increase local purchasing in Minnesota Farm to School and Early Care programs are now open for applications through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). Through this round of Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Farm to School and Early Care Grants, school districts and early childhood education (ECE) centers … [Read more...]
Sprague Woods: an Outdoor Classroom
Mayor Schroeder called the Caledonia City Council regularly scheduled meeting to order at 6 p.m. Schroeder led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The council approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the August 14 council meeting as written. Council members in attendance included Amanda Ninneman, Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder, David … [Read more...]
Rushford Revises Business Program
The Rushford Economic Development Authority (EDA) has recently reworked its Business Subsidy and Revolving Loan Program. The program has previously offered financial assistance to businesses filling empty commercial spaces. Now, funding will be available for eligible existing businesses seeking to renovate their space. The Rushford City Council discussed the program at the … [Read more...]
Farm Family – Kevin Tart and Julie Broadwater
The Tart family has been toiling in the same fields for five generations all in the Root River valley minutes from Spring Valley, Minn. And, all within a mile of the farm where Kevin Tart and Julie Broadwater along with their three children, Lakin, Macen and Nayli live. Kevin’s great-great-grandfather Alkin Tart and his wife Mary Tart were the first generation to farm the … [Read more...]
Toot-Toot, the familiar sound heard every September in Mabel welcomes residents and visitors to the annual Hesper-Mabel Steam Engine Days, September 7-10. The giant steam engines kick off both parades on Saturday and Sunday at noon. The Hesper-Mabel Calliope, a steam-whistle organ, takes its place among the steam engines as it whistles out familiar tunes. Do the iconic “wave” … [Read more...]
Chatfield Approves IT Upgrades
Finance and information systems director Kay Wangen reported that the Personnel/Budget Committee supports replacing/upgrading the city’s server at the August 28 meeting of the Chatfield city council. Replacement of the 2018 server is necessary as it will no longer be supported by HP as of January 6, 2024. The replacement of the server is part of the Capital Improvement Plan … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Girl Scouts take Educational Trip to Savannah
After years of studying Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts, and celebrating Low’s birthday each Halloween, the Lanesboro Girl Scouts traveled to Savannah, Ga., to visit her birthplace as well as many other educational and exciting places. Girl Scout leaders Stena Lieb, Sasha Holst and Desiree Ferrie, along with volunteer Susy Riggott traveled with five Girl … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Set and Ready To Go
The 2023-24 Mabel-Canton student/parent handbook and four other school policies have been approved. At the school’s regularly scheduled school board meeting on Thursday, August 24, Superintendent Gary Kuphal recommended that the handbook and the tobacco-free environment, bullying prohibition, overdose medication, and school meals policies be approved emphasizing that there were … [Read more...]
Kingsland Schools to Begin Year with Full Teaching Staff
By Patrick Andrews The first agenda item on the August 21 Kingsland School Board meeting, following roll call and pledge of allegiance, was an acknowledgement of thanks to Essig Agency, who donated $100 to the Kingsland Backpack Program. This program provides weekend and non-school day meals to families in need. The board briefly discussed the school’s bus driver situation; … [Read more...]
2022 Fillmore County Audit Presented
At the August 22 meeting of the county board, Miranda Wendlandt, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, presented the audit for the year ending on December 31, 2022. The audit was issued on August 3, which is well ahead of the September 30 deadline. An unmodified (“clean”) opinion was issued on the financial statements, which is the highest level of assurance. Wendlandt listed some control … [Read more...]
Fillmore County, an AARP Age-friendly Community
It should come as no surprise that seniors want to live in their homes and in their communities with their friends and family that they have known forever, for as long as possible. The population of the United States is rapidly aging. One in three Americans is age 50 or older. By 2030, one out of every five people in the United States will be age 65 or over. By 2034, the … [Read more...]
Caledonia Public School District Kicks off New School Year
Caledonia School Board members met Monday, August 21 from 6-7:34 p.m. at Crooked Creek Community Center, also known as Freeburg Community Center in Caledonia, Minn. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Mike Peterson, Daniel Small, and Spencer Yohe. In addition, Elementary Principal Sue Link, Middle/High School Principal Nathan … [Read more...]