What started out as a fun-filled Labor Day weekend ended in tragedy for Spring Valley couple Tom and Kim Mosher. As part of their family tradition, Kim, her sisters and their children spent much of the weekend at Forestville State Park. Tom spent the day enjoying a motorcycle ride and then he and his son-in-law Emery Swartzentruber joined the family around 4 p.m. Just over … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson School’s Great Start
At their regular September meeting September 18, the Rushford-Peterson School Board heard the usual reports from Superintendent Ben Bernard as well as middle school/high school Principal Jake Timm and elementary Principal Angela Shepard. At each meeting, the R-P administration shares activities and events in the school so the board knows what is happening at R-P. Shepard and … [Read more...]
Preston Welcomes New Chamber Director
Lindsey Reding loved the time she spent living and working in Thailand, but she knew it wasn’t going to be permanent. Her place, she felt, was in Southeast Minnesota. “I have always loved this area and knew I would eventually want to come back,” she explained. While living in Preston and working as an Interpretive Naturalist at Forestville State Park, she heard about the open … [Read more...]
Creamery Coffee Co. Arrives
On August 19, Creamery Coffee Co. opened quietly and joined the restaurants offering food and drink in Rushford, Minn. The new establishment offers quality coffees, teas, sandwiches, and muffins for now with more to come in the near future. Last November, Creamery/Nordic Lanes owners Dean and Kim Mireau and Tony and Jesica Heiden decided to increase their food offerings. They … [Read more...]
Stephanie Eggert Heads Rushford Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce
Stephanie Eggert, the new executive director of Rushford Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce, followed the chamber’s motto years ago by “taking root” in the Rushford-Peterson area. She and her husband live near Hart; their boys attended Rushford-Peterson School. Eggert has had 10 years of experience working for non-profit organizations. She worked at MNVA for three and a … [Read more...]
Darlene of Troy
You probably remember Helen of Troy from Ancient Greek mythology, but maybe you haven’t yet heard of our modern day Darlene of Troy. Darlene has been gaining fame for the last 40 years in the little village of Troy, Minn. When Darlene turned 40 in 1980, Bob Wooldridge, a neighbor, had offered to paint Darlene and Harold McGuire’s barn roof. Wooldridge had a job sandblasting … [Read more...]
BAM – Bicycling Around Minnesota
BAM (Bicycling Around Minnesota) was back in the area in full force this past week. On Wednesday night, August 16, around 300 bikers from 20 different states and Canada made their way to Sylvan Park in Lanesboro, Minn. to begin their 2023 BAM experience. After dinner on their own in one of Lanesboro’s restaurants, they gathered to be welcomed by the BAM tour director, Mary … [Read more...]
Missionaries travel to the Balkans
Jonathan Smith, age 21, Eli Clay, age 19, and Megan Clay, age 21, members of Bethany Evangelical Free Church in Houston, Minn., had the opportunity to share their truth and beliefs that Jesus died for our sins with people in Zadar, Croatia; Neum, Bosnia; Mostar, Bosnia; and Tirana, Albania as they traveled to Europe as short-term missionaries this summer. The trio went as part … [Read more...]
The Moving Wall, a Community Project
The Moving Wall allows those unable to trek to Washington, D.C. to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial an opportunity to see and touch it in their own community. On Thursday, July 27, The Moving Wall rolled into Houston, Minn., for the second time in 19 years. The Houston American Legion Post 423 first brought the wall to Houston in 2004. Legion member John Geiwitz estimates … [Read more...]
Rushford Manufacturing’s role in Minnesota State College Southeast National Competition Win
Four CNC machinist students made their way from underdog to winners at the recent Project MFG Advanced Manufacturing Competition. The National Championship was held at the Gene Haas Foundation Center in Greenville, S. C.; the three-day competition was videotaped as season 3 of Clash of Trades. After a grueling 20 hours, the team of Ellery Kiesel of Winona, Austyn Warren of … [Read more...]
Hovda awarded for teaching 40 years of firearm safety
Close to two dozen youth from around the state came to the Grand Meadow Gun Club in Grand Meadow, Minn., Saturday, July 22, 2023, for a Minnesota DNR Youth Firearms Safety Field Day. Many of these events are held in the state over the summer, but this one had a special surprise added for one of the local instructors. Grand Meadow resident Steve Hovda was given an award for … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department participates in active shooter training
By Janette Dragvold The week of July 10, 2023, Kingsland Schools in Spring Valley, Minn., served as the scene for active shooter training for the Fillmore County Sheriff’s department. The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training know as ALERRT, is an FBI sponsored training program out of Texas that is available for law enforcement departments. The program was … [Read more...]
Chatfield honors Joel Young for serving his community well
At the July 10 meeting of the Chatfield city council, Luke Fischer, executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), began with a presentation in honor of retiring city administrator Joel Young. The League represents 838 cities in Minnesota. LMC advocates for cities at the state capital, provides resources, training, policy development and other services. Justin … [Read more...]
What haven’t they done?
The woman who has done everything, Elsie Babler, owns and operates Elsie’s Restaurant with her husband Lee in downtown Caledonia. She spouted off a list of other jobs – pig farmer, turkey farmer, mortgage broker, trucking dispatcher, cook, bartender, and the list goes on and on that she has held throughout her lifetime. Now she is expanding her resume to include running a … [Read more...]
Harmony firemen implement electronic firing system for Fourth of July fireworks
As the oohhs and aahhs come to an end, and the honking fades, lines of cars begin the slow exodus from their viewing spots around the Harmony Golf Course. Excitement and appreciation for a spectacular fireworks display may linger with the spectators for hours or even days as the Fourth of July finale brings the holiday to an end. Few may think about the relief and satisfaction … [Read more...]