By Riley Buley On behalf of Fillmore Soil and Water, I would like to thank the Fillmore County Journal for again providing a platform for us to update the public on what the District has been up to in 2024. Fillmore SWCD was optimistic to project a bright 2024 during our last newspaper update and appealed to area residents to continue implementing conservation practices on … [Read more...]
What is Soil Health?
By Hunter Slifka Soil health is a growing word and practice in the farming industry, especially in southeast Minnesota. What is soil health? Soil health may mean a lot of different things to each grower, from reduced tillage, to increased organic matter, to planting green, to improved water infiltration. All are right answers, and honestly, there are no wrong answers. Soil … [Read more...]
2024 Fillmore County Outstanding Conservationists Carter and Abigail Lee – South Fork Cattle Company
Fillmore SWCD would like to recognize and congratulate Carter and Abigail Lee and their family of Rushford, Minn. The Lee family has been utilizing Federal dollars through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program. (EQIP) and Root River One Watershed One Plan (RR1W1P) funding to establish pasture management by converting cropland and permanent pasture to a rotational grazing … [Read more...]
Sharpen your Environmental Knowledge with Envirothon
By Aaren Mathison Conservation Technician Fillmore SWCD Every year, the MN Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts organizes a comprehensive, outdoor learning event that is one of the state’s largest environmental education competitions for 6th-12th grade students. This Envirothon, as it is called, focuses on aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife and … [Read more...]
Fillmore County SWCD Tree Sales
We are entering our 28th year of tree sales here in Fillmore County. We sell approximately 10,000 trees a year. We offer deciduous trees in bareroot stock and coniferous trees in both bareroot and potted stock. Bareroot trees are sold in bundles of 25. Over the years we have also included seed mixes such as bee mix, wildflower and pollinator seed, as well as tree mats, … [Read more...]
The Halfway Point of the Root River One Watershed One Plan
By Riley Buley District Administrator Fillmore SWCD The Root River One Watershed One Plan (RR1W1P) is a 10-year planning document developed by 13 Local Governmental Units aimed at implementing conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the watershed to improve land conservation and water quality. The RR1W1P was one of the first pilot programs of its kind to be … [Read more...]
Impacting Conservation in the Role of SWCD Board Member
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors (Board Members) are elected officials who serve a four-year term and are elected in the general election. The office of Supervisor is a nonpartisan office and each Board Member represents their entire district. Board Members meet monthly, discussing the business of the SWCD, setting conservation … [Read more...]
SWCD Awards Scholarships to High School and College Students
High School Scholarship The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District sponsors a $500 scholarship for a graduating Fillmore County high school student pursuing a degree in Natural Resources, Agriculture or related field. 2024 Recipient Congratulations to our 2024 Graduating High School Senior Scholarship recipient, Layne Clemens. We wish him well and are glad we … [Read more...]
BMP Loan Program
By Sara West Nutrient Management Specialist, Fillmore SWCD The Ag BMP Loan Program: Provides loans for projects that help improve water quality Provides loans up to $200,000 with 3% financing for a maximum of a 10-year term Can be used with cost share programs Who Can Get a Loan? Farmers Rural landowners Ag supply businesses What … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Root River SWCDs Administer $2.8 Million to Local Producers Implementing Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices
Fillmore and Root River Soil and Water Conservation Districts have partnered to enroll in a pilot program aimed to increase the adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices. The Alliance to Advance Climate-Smart Agriculture is a USDA program with a mission to enhance the adoption of agriculture practices that both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase soil health. … [Read more...]
Earn $50 By Evaluating Your Cover Crops
By Aaren Mathison We are looking for farmers who have grown a cover crop for the 2024-25 season! A community science effort is bringing together farmers from across the upper Midwest to build a regional database of cover crop performance, which then allows for identifying what cover crops and management practices work best across different farming conditions. Partnering … [Read more...]
FREE Nitrate Screening of Private Well Water
In 2024, Fillmore SWCD screened 247 drinking water samples for nitrate. Of these 247 samples, 27 were screened at 10mg/L and above, with the highest being 21mg/L. Of the 220 samples that were below 10mg/L, 51 were screened at 5.0-9.9mg/L. According to available well data, the samples that were screened at 10mg/L and above were older wells (1978 and older) with very little … [Read more...]
Concerned About Drinking Water Contamination?
By Nikki Wheeler Fillmore SWCD Water Management Coordinator Southeast Minnesota landscape is unique. We have: karst topography, agricultural areas, bluffland area, and geologic layers that dictate the speed and direction of water moving from our surface through the soils and rock beneath. What are the drinking water standards? What can be done to … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Fair 2025
See you at the fair! We look forward to seeing everyone when they visit our booth at the 2025 Fillmore County Fair, July 21-27! In 2024, we enjoyed speaking with landowners about their conservation efforts and goals, educating private well users on testing their water and running daily kids activities Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. … [Read more...]
Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP)
(Article from MAWQCP, August 5, 2024) Over 1,500 producers and 1,100,000 acres have been Water Quality Certified in Minnesota. The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water. Water Quality Certified … [Read more...]