Caledonia Warriors
Head Coach: Brad Augedahl
Where We Left Off in 2021: Caledonia won the TRC East, going 13-2 in league-play. They were 1AA East runner-up and progressed all the to 1AA third place game. The Warriors went 4-2 in the playoffs, losing to Lourdes 4-0, finishing 21-5 overall.
Seniors: Brady Augedahl (OF/P), Gabe Morey (C/IF), Thane Meiners (P/SS), Chris Demydowich (OF/IF).
Juniors: Tucker Ginther (OF/C), Ayden Goetzinger (IF/OF), Tristan Augedahl (P/OF), Connor Klug (IF/OF), Kyle Bechtel (OF/IF), Payton Konz (IF/OF), Kaleb Cavanaugh (OF/IF), Simon Seymour (OF/IF).
Prognosis: The Warriors graduated six seniors off last year’s TRC-East champion 21-5 squad. Included were five All-TRC picks: Austin Klug (SS > .434 average, nine 2Bs, five HRs, 31 RBI, 41 runs), Andrew Kunelius (OF > .494 average, seven 2Bs, 23 RBI, 23 runs), Jake Staggemeyer (2B > .392 average, ten 2Bs, two HRs, 26 RBI, 24 runs), Casey Schultz (OF/P > .348, 33 RBI, 18 runs), and Devon Vonderohe (1B/P > 58 IP, 10-1 record, 58 Ks, 32 BBs, 1.21 ERA, .324 average, 16 RBI, 18 runs). Klug was Class AA All-State. The Warriors return two All-TRC picks, Thane Meiners (SS/P > .473 average, seven 2Bs, 16 RBI, 37 runs, 46 IP, 5-3 record, 53 Ks, 28 BBs, 3.34 ERA) and Brady Augedahl (.344 average, 17 RBI, 15 runs, 27 IP, 3-0 record, 26 Ks, 9 BBs, 1.04 ERA). Gaby Morey returns as starting catcher. The Warriors lost a bunch but of assets, but return two experienced pitchers (Meiners, Augedahl) and an eight-man junior class.
Chatfield Gophers
Head Coach: Brian Baum
Where We Left Off in 2021: Chatfield went 10-4 in the TRC. They went 2-2 in the post-season including making it to the 1AA East title game. They fell to Caledonia 5-0 in the 1AA runner-up game, finishing 16-8.
Seniors: Caden Nolte (P/1B), Connor Jax (IF).
Juniors: Drew O’Connor (C/P), Luke Carrier (OF/P), Carter Daniels (OF/P), Drew Schindler (IF/P), Jackson Schild (OF), Ryan Nosbisch (IF), Adam Mullenbach (IF).
Prognosis: Chatfield graduated a seven-man senior class that included All-TRC picks Henry Gathje (C > .400 average, 18 RBI, 12 runs), Seth Goetzinger (P/OF > .431 average, five 2Bs, HR, 14 RBIs, 29 runs, 28 1/3 IP, 2.72 ERA), and Tate Karver (.280 average, 12 RBI, 11 runs). They return two All-TRC picks in Caden Nolte (.277 average, five 2Bs, team-high 29 RBI, 57 IP, 8-2 record, 42 Ks, 13 BBs, 1.47 ERA) and Drew O’Connor (.314 average, HR, 13 RBIs). Nolte was the pitching ace last season. Connor Jax (.350 average, 15 runs) and Luke Carrier (.294 average) are two other key returnees. Chatfield is down a couple juniors who could be in line to play (Sulley Ferguson, Jacob Erickson). Outside of Nolte, Carrier (8 2/3 IP) and Drew Schindler (6 1/3 IP) are the most tenured pitchers.
Fillmore Central/Lanesboro Falcons
Head Coach: Josh Jones
Where We Left Off in 2021: FC/L went 1-13 in the TRC and 3-17 overall. They fell 2-1 by walk-off hit to Spring Grove in the 1A Round of 16.
Seniors: Adam Ruen (3B), Jordan Peterson (CF).
Juniors: Cooper Ferrie (P/1B), Stephan Schultz (P/IF), Peyton Olson (OF), Dillon O’Connor (3B), Gunner Benson (C), Ty Sexton (2B), Bryce Corson (SS), Garrett Gossman (OF/P).
Prognosis: FC/L had just two seniors last year, but one was the Falcons’ only All-TRC pick Wilson Storhoff (.347 average, 6 RBI, 19 runs). The rest of the Falcons are back. Gunner Benson (.303, 9 RBI, 5 runs) is the only other Falcon to hit over .300 last year. Fellow returnees Dillon O’Connor (.235 average, 8 RBI), Stephan Schultz (.234 average, 7 RBI), and Cooper Ferrie (6 RBI) drove in 5-plus runs. Bryce Corson (15 runs) and Ty Sexton (12 runs) scored doubt-digit runs. Gossman (29 2/3 IP), Ferrie (26 2/3 IP, 4.05 ERA), Schultz (14 1/3 IP), and O’Connor (12 IP, 3.75 ERA) are returning pitchers who tossed 10-plus innings.
Grand Meadow/LeRoy-Ostrander/Kingsland Bulldogs
Head Coach: Dakotah Rostad
Where We Left Off in 2021: The Bulldogs went 6-9 in the SEC, 8-11 overall. They fell to Pine Island 4-2 in a 1AA West quarterfinal.
Seniors: Dustin Copley (P/SS), Nick Fetterly (P/IF), Hunter Mundfrom (OF), Gavin Sweeney (1B), Bret Musel (1B), Cole Start (2B), Andrew Ramaker (1B).
Juniors: Cole Kruegel (OF), Connor Munson (P/C/IF), Zac Shorter (P/C/1B).
Other Key Returnees: Connor Tangen (So.).
Prognosis: GMLOK graduated four starters. They return one of the top players in the SEC, Dustin Copley. A two-time All-SEC pick, Copley led the Bulldogs at both the plate (.393 average, five 2Bs, three 3Bs, four HRs, 21 RBI, 24 runs) and on the mound (31 IP, 2-3 record, 4.06 ERA, 56 Ks, 28 BBs). Connor Munson (.296 average, 12 RBI, 11 runs), Cole Kruegel (.257 average, 14 runs), and Nick Fetterly (19 runs) return after having 40 plate appearances. Gavin Sweeney (.280 average) and Bret Musel are back after having 30 plate appearances. Connor Tangen (.417 average, 6 runs, in 13 plate appearances) is another key returnee. Fetterly (31 IP, 2-4 record, 6.01 ERA) joins Copley as having pitched 31 innings last season. Munson (12 1/3 IP) also has mound experience.
Houston Hurricanes
Head Coach: Jason Carrier
Where We Left Off in 2021: The Hurricanes went 0-16 in the SEC, 0-21 overall. They lost to L/P 23-0 in a 1A Round of 16 game.
Seniors: Kenny Grupe (C/OF).
Juniors: Lawrence Traun (IF/P), Connor Porter (IF/P), Ethan Kinstler (OF), Mac Sheck (IF).
Other Key Returnees: Arik Melbo (So.), Kameron Morgan (So.), Jordan Beemon (So.), Alex Walters.
Prognosis: Houston graduated its only All-SEC pick, Caiden Olson. He was the team’s best hitter by far (.404 average, HR, 9 RBI, 19 runs, 30 2/3 IP). No other ‘Cane player hit above .250. Kenny Grupe (11 runs), Arik Melbo (9 runs), Kameron Morgan (8 RBI), Connor Porter (8 RBI), Alex Walters, and Jordon Beeman return after having 40 or more plate appearances last season. Porter (28 2/3 IP, 5.86 ERA) is the most experienced returning pitcher. Walters and Melbo also pitched 10-plus innings last season.
Mabel-Canton Cougars
Head Coach: Karl Urbaniak
Where We Left Off in 2021: M-C went 7-9 in the SEC, 7-13 overall. They lost to R-P 4-1 in a 1A Round of 16 game. Seniors: Jaymeson Tollefsrud (OF), Alex Arneson (OF/IF/P), James Arneson (1B/OF/P), Owen Underbakke (1B/P), Alex Katsavara.
Juniors: Fred Williams (OF/IF/P), Jordan Larson (OF/P).
Other Key Returnees: Cayden Tollefsrud (So. P/IF).
Prognosis: M-C’s sole All-SEC pick from a season ago returns in Cayden Tollefsrud, the team leader in hitting (.391 average, five 3Bs, HR, 17 RBI, 20 runs, 40 IP, 3-7 record). Alex Arneson (.370 average, 13 RBI, 11 runs) and Fred Williams (.349 average, five 2Bs, 13 RBI, 7 runs) also return after hitting above .300. Jaymeson Tollefsrud (.239 average, 9 RBI, 13 runs) and Jordan Larson (.214 average, 9 RBI) also got 40-plus at bats. J-Arneson (18 2/3 IP. 1.88 ERA), A-Arneson (16 2/3 IP), and Owen Underbakke (16 2/3 IP) join C-Tollefsrud, as the Cougars bring back their top four pitchers. It will be Coach Urbaniak’s last year after decades-worth of coaching.
Rushford Peterson Trojans
Head Coach: Jordan Aug
Where We Left Off in 2021: The Trojans went 2-13 in the TRC. R-P went 2-2 in the play-offs, but fell 7-5 to Wabasha-Kellogg in a 1A elimination game. The Trojans finished at 8-16.
Seniors: Justin Ruberg (SS/2B/P), Malachi Bunke (SS/CF), Thomas Ekern (C/OF), Logan Skalet (IF/P), Alex Ronnenberg (IF).
Juniors: Andrew Wilkemeyer (1B/3B), Riley Tesch (IF).
Prognosis: R-P graduated its only All-TRC pick, Evan Loney (SS/3B > .333 average, 9 RBI, 19 runs). But he was one of just three seniors last season. Four freshman who played in 2019 are now seniors in Tommy Ekern (.290 average, eight 2Bs, 11 RBI, 16 runs), Alex Ronnenberg (.227 average, 9 runs), Justin Ruberg (.226 average, 17 runs), and Malachi Bunke (team-high 21 runs). Logan Skalet, Andrew Wilkemeyer, and Riley Tesch also return after getting at bats last year. Wilkemeyer had R-P’s sole home run (.250 average in 24 at bats). Ruberg (39 1/3 IP, 46 Ks, 20 BBs, 4.44 ERA), Bunke (32 IP, 3-1 record, 30 Ks, 9 BBs, 1.97 ERA), and Ronnenberg (30 1/3 IP) were the Trojans top three pitchers a year ago.
Spring Grove Lions
Coach: Chris Strinmoen
Where We Left Off in 2021: The young Lions went 10-12 overall. Their 8-7 SEC record was good for fourth place in the nine-team race, their fourth straight winning league record. SG hosted and won its Section 1A opener versus FC/L. They fell to R-P 14-8 in a loser out game.
Seniors: Jonah Udstuen (2B), Matthew Doering (OF).
Juniors: Caleb Griffin (P/OF/IF), Nathan Solberg (SS), Logan Brumm (IF/C), Ty Cleven (P/IF), Tysen Grinde (OF/P), Hunter Holland (OF), Dane Edgington (1B, OF).
Other Key Returnees: Jaxon Strinmoen (So. 1B/P), Brandon Jahnke (Fr. 3B/P), Ezra Griffin (Fr. C/P), Zach Brumm (Fr. OF/P), Elijah Solum (So. OF/P).
Prognosis: Last year’s youngest, least experienced team in school history (three 8th grade starters) is still young (only two seniors) but now experienced with eight starters returning plus two players who missed almost all season injured. They must replace their MVP, only All-SEC selection and lone senior Isaac Griffin – one of SG’s all-time, standout strikeout pitchers. His brother, HM All-SEC Caleb Griffin led the team in three categories (.344 average, 15 RBI, 17 SBs) and is one of the top two returning pitchers (3.57 ERA) along with Jaxon Strinmoen (P/1B), last year’s Gold Glove Award winner. Nathan Solberg (11 RBI, 18 runs) batted .323 and Brandon Jahnke, as an 8th grader, batted .296, but the Lions need to improve their .256 team batting average.

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