At the regular City of Rushford Village Council meeting December 21, the council set the tax levy for 2022 at $485,000, a modest 2% increase over last year. With the purchase of a new Freightliner truck and payroll raises for the new year, the proposed levy had been $495,000, a 3% raise. The council felt the compromise of a 2% raise would be appreciated by city residents. … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson reports financial status at Truth in Taxation meeting
December 20 found the R-P School Board conducting their regular monthly board meeting as well as the required Truth in Taxation meeting. Business manager Toni Oian presented a PowerPoint sharing the district’s financial status; Superintendent Jon Thompson then spoke to share his viewpoint on the district’s financial situation. Oian told the public that the local building … [Read more...]
Clean audit for Houston schools
Luke Gerden, manager of Clifton Larson Allen, an accounting firm from Rochester, appeared via the internet at the December 16 Houston School Board meeting to share the results of the current audit. He reported a clean audit with no compliance issues. Since the school had over $750,000 in federal expenditures this past year, a single audit was required as well. The Coronavirus … [Read more...]
Houston will cover EMT training cost
The Houston City Council decided to pay the training expenses of individuals willing to become trained EMTs at their regular council meeting December 13, 2021. People who train to become EMTs are asked to invest almost 200 hours of their own time for the training. They meet in person once a week during the course and complete the remainder online at their convenience. The … [Read more...]
Houston School’s Truth in Taxation meeting
The required Truth in Taxation meeting for Houston Schools took place December 2, the same night as the regular board meeting with several tax payers present. Gwen Rostad, Houston’s director of finance, presented an informational PowerPoint on Truth in Taxation and the current status of the district. Rostad pointed out that the assessor determines the market value of properties … [Read more...]
Rushford Village renews contract with CEDA
At their regular council meeting December 7, the Rushford Village Council approved the 2022 proposed CEDA (Community Economic Development Associates) contract for $13,790 – up $400 from the previous year. At eight hours every other week, this comes to a rate of approximately $66 per hour. Council member Bob Hart asked exactly what the city gets for that amount. Mayor Dennis … [Read more...]
Houston School accepts bond proposal
Kelly Smith, director in Baker Tilly’s Municipal Advisor Public Education Group, joined the regular Houston School Board meeting November 18 via Zoom to report on the bond sale he helped facilitate for the school earlier that day. According to Smith, interest rates were at near record lows. Robert W. Baird and Co. had the lowest bid of 1.607% on the 15-year bond term. The … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson waits for court results on OHSA ETS
Superintendent Jon Thompson informed the Rushford-Peterson School board at their November 15 meeting that R-P falls under the mandate issued by federal OSHA that calls for employers of over 100 people to require employees to have COVID vaccines or take weekly COVID tests and wear masks. This is supposed to go into effect December 5, 2021. Currently, there are several court … [Read more...]
A quieter Houston City Council meeting
The November 8 regular Houston City Council meeting was much quieter in several ways than previous meetings had been. In part, this was due to the installation of 81 baffles which improved the acoustics of the new community center; in part, it was due to the fact that the OHV trail was not on the agenda, nor was it discussed at all! PWD Randy Thesing shared that more baffles … [Read more...]
Houston Schools live stream ready to go
Want to watch a Houston Schools’ home basketball game? How about a concert? This year you can once again easily watch the events free from the comfort of your own home. Mikayla Simmons, activities and communications director for Houston Schools, informed the school board at their regular November 4 meeting that multiple links have been added to the school’s website so the … [Read more...]
A new bus for Houston Schools
The Houston School Board decided to proceed with the order of a new school bus (at a cost of $92, 943) at their regular meeting October 21. Superintendent Mary Morem informed the board that bus #7 had been in the shop three times since she joined Houston Schools this year and had racked up $11,000 in repair charges. Since the bus was so old, it qualified for a $20,000 grant … [Read more...]
MiEnergy adds 9 MW of solar energy
At a media event called “Here Comes the Sun!” held on October 25, a bright and suitably sunny day, MiEnergy announced it has entered into a power purchase agreement with OneEnergy Renewables to buy up to nine megawatts (MW) of solar energy generated by solar arrays located in Rushford Village, Fountain, Lanesboro, and Stockton. To put it into perspective, 9 MW will power … [Read more...]
CRV pump inspection earns good rating
The City of Rushford Village council received the well pump inspection report at their October 19 meeting. Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Trenton Chiglo informed the council that the inspection of the well pumps by McCarthy Well Company came back with all “good” ratings with the exception of one spot on well #2 which received a “fair.” Council member Mike Ebner suggested … [Read more...]
Five new teachers at Lanesboro school
Tara Cassmann, Jordan Anderson, Hannah Terry, Katie Hansen, and Anna VanRavenswaay joined the Lanesboro School staff at the start of this current school year. First year teacher Anna VanRavenswaay, Lanesboro’s new band teacher, grew up in Montevideo, Minn., and attended college at Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. As a member of a musical family, Anna began … [Read more...]
Students petition Rushford-Peterson to open buildings earlier again
Eleventh grader Christopher Oatman presented a 50-signature petition to the Rushford-Peterson School Board at their regular monthly meeting on October 18. The students asked that the school be opened to students at 7 a.m. once again rather than at 8 a.m. In a well-thought out address, Oatman enumerated the reasoning behind the petition. He listed the upcoming cold and inclement … [Read more...]